A Two-Day National Conference on Wireless
Communication Systems held on 27th – 28th January, 2016 Sponsored
by DST - Science and Engineering Research Board, New Delhi.
here for Details on Event
A Two-Day National Conference on Wireless
Communication Systems held on 27th – 28th January, 2016 Sponsored
by DST - Science and Engineering Research Board, New Delhi.
here for Details on Event
A National Conference on “Advanced
Communication systems & Applications”, held on 25th & 26th
June 2013.
Click here for Conference Proceedings
Title of Programme |
Chief Guest |
Judges |
No. of
Participants |
Dates |
A National Level Conference
"Advanced Communications
Systems and Applications" |
Prof. Pallapa
Venkataram |
Prof. P. Khayum
Prof. P. Sudhakar Reddy |
54 |
26-06-2013 |
Two Day National Conference on Advanced
Communication Systems & Applications was held from 25.6.2013 to
26.6.2013 by the Department of Electronics & Communication
Engineering under the support of TEQIP-II. The inaugural function was
held from 10 AM to 11 AM on 25.6.2013. Prof. Pallapa Venkataram,
Chairman of Center for Continuing Education, IISc Bangalore, was invited
as the Chief Guest and he spoke about the importance of upgrading of the
technology in the inaugural function. Conference proceedings were
released by the Chief Guest and other dignitaries, Prof. P. Khayum, Dr.
K. Sreenivas Reddy, Dr. A. R. Reddy, and Dr. D. Asha Devi on the Dias.
Later the Chief Guest spent one hour interaction with the participants.
He appreciated about the papers published in Conference Proceedings.
Papers were invited in multiple streams from academicians, researchers
and industrialists and we have received several papers, and selected 41
quality papers out of them after peer review and plagiarism check. A
total of 54 participants (43- External and 11- Internal) have attended
the Conference. Each participant is provided with a kit consisting of
Bag, pad, pen and conference proceedings. Paper presentations were
conducted in three parts – Part-A (VLSI Design and applications)
on 25.6.2013 from 12.00 AM to 1.00 PM, and continued after lunch. Part-B
(Signal & Image Processing) and Part-C (Communications, Networks and
others) were conducted on 26.6.2013. Two external judges Prof. P. Khayum
and Prof. P. Sudhakar Reddy, and the two internal judges Dean Dr. Raja
Reddy and Dr. S. A. K. Jilani shortlisted the presentations. The
valedictory was conducted on 26.6.2013 at 4.00 PM and feedback was taken
from the participants and the certificates were distributed to each
Click here for Conference Proceedings
Title of Programme |
Chief Guest |
Judges |
No. of
Participants |
Dates |
A National Level Conference
"Embedded Systems and Applications" |
Dr. Ushaa Eswaran |
Prof. A Siva Sankar |
78 |
20-03-2012 |
One-day National Level Conference on Embedded
Systems and Applications was held on 20 March 2012 at MITS, Madanapalle.
A brochure and poster were sent to more than 225 colleges. We received
140 research papers from various colleges spread across the country. A
total of 48 papers are presented and 78 participants have registered by
paying the registration fee of Rs.100/- per participant. We invited Dr.
Ushaa Eswaran, Principal, SIST, Puttur and Professor A Siva Sankar,
Head, ECE department, GKCE, Sullurpet, to be Chief Guest and Guest of
Honor, respectively. They accepted our invitation and addressed the
students during the inaugural session and conducted the conference
proceedings. Based on their evaluation, prize winners were selected;
First prize: S Sowjanya and T Sowmya Sree, KEC, Kuppam for paper titiled
“ Touchscreen and wireless communication based personal assistant
for dumb and illiterates”, Second prize: A Vedhavathi, Oxford
College, Bangalore for the paper titled “Reconfiguraable 2-bit
adder design using genetic algorithm” , Third Prize: IT Sreehitha
and P Rajitha, SVIST, Madanapalle for paper titled “Advanced
robotic applications cyborgs”. Apart from the paper presentation,
projects were exhibited by ECE students. A total of 34 projects were
exhibited and live demonstration were made. Students made elaborate
arrangements such as charts, electrical power points, and other required
items. During the closing function, Prizes were distributed by Chief
Guest and Certificates were distributed by Chief Guest, Guest of Honor,
Principal, HOD, and Dr SAK Jilani. Feedback was collected from the
participants (oral and written). At the end, Chief Guest and Guest of
Honor were facilitated by Principal by presenting a shawl and memento.
The program closed at 5.00 PM.
Title of Programme |
Chief Guest |
Judges |
No. of
Participants |
Dates |
A National Level Conference
"Electronic Communication systems" |
Dr. A Subbarami Reddy |
Prof. Prabhakar Reddy
Prof. S Nagaraj |
45 |
16-03-2011 |
In response to our Brochure and Poster, we
received a total 165 papers for full length presentation. Among these
papers, 45 papers were short listed for full length presentation and 18
papers for Poster presentation at the National Level Conference on
“Electronic Communication Systems”. The National Conference
was held on 16 March 2011 in ECE department, MITS, Madanapalle. The
program started at 9.00 AM with registration and closed at 5.00 PM with
the distribution certificates. A total of 36 full length papers and 18
Poster session papers were presented by UG and PG students. The
conference was inaugurated by Dr A Subbarami Reddy by lightening lamps.
Dr A Subbarami Reddy, Principal, SKIT, Srikalahasti, is the Chief Guest
for the Conference. He delivered the keynote address on Electronic
Communication Systems. The Souvenir containing the abstracts and CD
containing the full length papers were released in the inaugural
function. Two technical sessions, in two parallel tracks, were started
at 11.00 AM and continued up to 4.00 PM with a lunch break at 1.00 PM.
Apart from the Chief Guest, two external Judges were invited for
chairing the sessions and evaluating the paper presentations. Prof.
Prabhakar Reddy, SVIST, Madanapalle, and Prof S Nagaraj, SVCET, Chittoor
were the two external judges. The paper presentations were also assessed
by three internal judges: Dr. SAK Jilani, Prof. GNK Ramaiah, and Prof.
BDVR Reddy. Eighteen Poster presentations by the PG students was a major
attraction during the Conference. Also, some of full length paper
presentations were made by the PG Students. These presentations have met
the objectives of the conference, i.e., original research paper
presentations by the students. After the completion of presentation,
these five judges have finalized the prize winners for the first, second
and third prizes. The winners were felicitated by the prize money and
Certificate. Each participant was also felicitated by a Certificate.