MITS has secured NIRF India Ranking 2024 in the band 201 to 300.




Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science (MITS) follows the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) framework, which ensures that students achieve specific learning outcomes by the end of their academic journey. OBE focuses on clearly defined outcomes that guide the teaching, learning, and assessment processes. These outcomes include the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students should acquire during their studies.

At MITS, OBE is implemented systematically through the following key components.

MITS Vision, Mission and EOMS Policy

MITS Madanapalle has formulated its Vision, Mission, and Quality Policy to establish a clear institutional direction, foster continuous improvement, and create a structured framework for academic excellence, research, and societal impact.


To become a globally recognized research and academic institution and thereby contribute to technological and socio-economic development of the nation.


To foster a culture of excellence in research, innovation, entrepreneurship, rational thinking and civility by providing necessary resources for generation, dissemination and utilization of knowledge and in the process create an ambience for practice-based learning to the youth for success in their careers.

EOMS Quality Policy

Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science is committed to bring out and nurture the talents and skills of youth in the fields of Engineering and Management to cater to the challenging needs of society and industry by

  • Contributing to the academic standards and overall knowledge development of the students
  • Providing excellent infrastructure and conducive learning environment.
  • Enhancing the competence of faculty and promoting R & D Programs
  • Collaborating with institutions and industries.
  • Ensuring continual improvement of Quality Management System.

We identify, understand and consider the needs & expectation of all the stakeholders and are committed to fulfill all applicable statutory requirements. We are also conscious and committed towards our social responsibility and towards securing the intellectual property.

Programs Vision and Mission

Each Program vision and Mission are aligned with the MITS vision and Mission and can be accessed through the respective department webpage.

•    Department of Civil Engineering
•    Department of Computer Science & Engineering
•    Department of Computer Science & Technology
•    Department of Computer Science & Engineering-Artificial Intelligence
•    Department of Computer Science & Engineering-Cyber Security
•    Department of Computer Science & Engineering-Data Science
•    Department of Computer Science & Engineering-AI & ML
•    Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
•    Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
•    Department of Mechanical Engineering
•    Department of Management Studies
•    Department of Computer Applications


Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) describe the professional and career achievements that graduates are expected to attain within 3 to 5 years after completing their programs. These objectives align with the institution's vision and mission and are formulated based on inputs from key stakeholders, including industry, academia, alumni, and society.

The PEOs for each program are carefully reviewed and updated periodically to ensure they remain relevant to industry trends and societal needs and can be accessed through the respective department webpage.


Programme Outcomes (POs)

Programme Outcomes (POs) specify the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students should develop by the time they graduate. The POs at MITS are categorised into three domains:

Cognitive Domain (Knowledge): Understanding core concepts and applying them to solve real-world problems.

Psychomotor Domain (Skills): Developing technical and practical skills necessary for professional growth.

Affective Domain (Attitudes and Behaviour): Cultivating ethical values, teamwork, and a commitment to lifelong learning.

The POs at MITS are aligned with the Graduate Attributes (GAs) defined by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and the Washington Accord, ensuring that graduates meet national and international quality standards.

Details of POs for each program can be accessed through the respective department webpage.


Course Outcomes (COs)

Course Outcomes (COs) define the specific knowledge, technical expertise, and soft skills that students should acquire after completing a course. Each CO is carefully designed to contribute to the attainment of relevant POs.

COs at MITS are framed using Bloom’s Taxonomy to cover different levels of learning, such as:

Remembering and Understanding: Grasping concepts and recalling information.

 Applying and Analysing: Using knowledge in practical situations and analysing outcomes.

Evaluating and Creating: Developing innovative solutions and making informed decisions.

COs are reviewed periodically and refined based on COs/POs/PSOs attainment, feedback from faculty, students, and industry experts to maintain relevance and effectiveness.


Co-Po Mapping and Attainment Analysis

MITS has implemented a structured CO-PO mapping and attainment analysis system to ensure that all learning outcomes are met. The mapping process ensures that each course contributes to the relevant POs. Attainment is measured through:

Direct Assessments: Mid- semester Examinations, Laboratory examination, assignments, and semester-end exams.

 Indirect Assessments: Feedback from course exit surveys, alumni, employers, and project evaluations.

Regular analysis of CO-PO attainment helps identify gaps, and corrective actions are implemented to improve the learning process.

Monitoring and Continuous Improvement in OBE

To maintain high academic standards, MITS regularly monitors the implementation of OBE through:

Curriculum Review and Revision: Periodic review of curriculum through inputs from the Department Advisory Board (DAB), Internal Academic Audit Board (IAAB), Board of Studies (BoS), and Program Assessment Committees (PAC).

Stakeholder Feedback: Incorporating suggestions from students, alumni, faculty, and industry to keep the curriculum up-to-date.

Corrective Measures: Identifying gaps through attainment analysis and taking necessary corrective actions to ensure continuous improvement.


Commitment to Quality Education

MITS is dedicated to delivering quality education by adhering to the principles of OBE. The institution ensures that graduates are well-equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values required to excel in their careers and contribute positively to society.