MITS has secured NIRF India Ranking 2024 in the band 201 to 300.

Mechanical Engineering

About Us

The Department of Mechanical Engineering was  started at the inception of the  institution in the year 1998. The department is currently offering one UG program (B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering) with an intake of 60. The B.Tech. programme has been continuously accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) since 2013 and, under Tier I in 2019 with a score of 715 out of 1000. The recent NBA accreditation in 2022 was under Tier I. The College Academic Council and the Department Board of Studies strive hard to provide quality education with the most advanced curriculum to make the students industry ready and excel in today’s technologically intensive careers. The alumni of the department have been successfully building the remarkable careers in Mechanical engineering and allied disciplines.

The Department has a thriving research program with externally funded projects worth a total of more than Rs. 1.75 Crore. Faculty are engaged in providing engineering consultancy for industrial entities. The research output from the department, in terms of quality journal publications and patents, has been steadily increasing in recent years. The students of the Department benefit from this thriving R&D culture ,which provides them with an exposure to the state-of-the-art research facilities and cutting-edge technologies.

The Department is endowed with highly qualified and experienced faculty who have obtained their Doctoral degrees from eminent institution in India like IITs, NITs. The department is well equipped with modern industry laboratories which are established with the support of core engineering companies like Siemens and Dassault Systems. The industry related labs strive to improve the employability of the students in core companies.

Since its inception, the department has been striving to take forward the vision and mission of the institution by making specific contributions in promoting education and research in the broad field of Mechanical Engineering. The vision and mission of the Department are as follows:


  1. To maintain a high standard of mechanical engineering education through outstanding teaching innovative curriculum and research training that reflect the changing needs of society.
  2. To attract highly motivated students with enthusiasm, attitude and interest in Mechanical Engineering.
  3. To pursue excellence in research and technology transfer.
  4. To increase the public awareness of departmental activities and the Mechanical Engineering profession.


"To be a Centre of Excellence in the field of Mechanical Engineering to generate quality human resource in mechanical engineering who can contribute constructively to the technological and socio-economic development of the Nation"


"M1: To provide Globally competent Mechanical Engineers through Experienced and Committed Faculty."

"M2: To nurture graduates with Scientific temperament, Rational thinking and Humanistic approach for Excelling in their Career."

"M3: To promote Excellence in teaching and research through collaborative activities."


Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

Board of Studies

Department’s Board of Studies (BoS) is a statutory body which is primarily responsible for compiling the curricula for all the courses offered by the Department and for regularly revising the syllabi for keeping it up to date with the changing trends. In addition, BoS also reviews the progress of the Department in terms of academics and research and suggests strategies for continuous improvement. The BoS comprises of senior faculty of the Department and experts from Industry and Peer Institutions. The external members in the current Bo of the Department are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Dr. S. Baskaran
(BoS - Chairman)
Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department, ME
2 Dr. B. Durga Prasad
(JNTUA University Nominee)
Professor, Mechanical Department, JNTUA CEA, Ananthapuramu.
3 Dr. E. Anil Kumar
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT, Tirupati.
4 Dr. B. Venkatesham
(Subject Expert)
Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad.
5 Mr. Kashinath M Patnasetty
(Industry Expert)
Head, VAS Application Support Ace Designers Limited, Bangalore.
6 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi
Product and Application Engineer CBRE South Asia Pvt. Ltd.,

Industry Alumni Advisory Board

The Department constituted an advisory board with experts from the Industry and department alumni to seek guidance on strategic planning and functioning of the Department especially with regards to academic aspects like curriculum development and teaching and learning processes. The current external members of the IAAB are:

S.No Name of the Member Designation
1 Mr. M. Hari Prasad
(Industry Expert)
Former Scientist, Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
2 Dr. R. Thundil Karuppa Raj
(Academic Expert)
Professor, Automotive Engineering, VIT, Vellore
3 Mr. M. Venkata Satyanarayana MITS Alumni, Principal Engineer – R&D, Sahajanand Medical Technologies, Surat
4 Mr. Anand Swaroop Donepudi MITS Alumni

E-Notice Board

Courses View All Courses

B.Tech - Four year program

Mechanical Engineering

Contact Us

Dr. S. Baskaran

Assoc. Professor & Head of the Department

  • Address :

    Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science
    Post Box No: 14, Kadiri Road,
    Angallu Madanapalle-517325,
    Andhra Pradesh, India

  • Phone : +91-8571-280255; 280706

  • E Mail : [email protected]

Under Graduate

Outcome Based Education

As per the philosophy of OBE, expected outcomes from the students at different stages during their time in the program are articulated ahead of time and all the academic activities are planned and implemented such that they all contribute to the attainment of these outcomes. The curriculum of the program, teaching and learning processes, infrastructural facilities and the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are all planned and organized with the overall objectives in mind. Given below are the Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs), Programme Specific Outcomes (POs) and Programme Outcomes (POs) of the B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering Programme offered by the Department:


The PEOs of Mechanical Engineering programme are:

The graduates, within 4-5 years of completing the course, will

  • PEO1. Build a thriving career in mechanical engineering and allied disciplines.
  • PEO2. Design and produce products by the optimum methods for the benefit of the society while working in a team with ethical values.
  • PEO3. Engage in continuous learning to adapt to the socio-economic-technological developments and pursue higher studies.

The PSOs of Mechanical Engineering programme are:

  • PSO1. Apply concepts and principles from Applied Mechanics to design, develop and evaluate mechanical systems for a specified purpose.
  • PSO2. Employ governing laws of thermodynamics, fluid flow and heat transfer for design and analysis of thermo-fluid systems.
  • PSO3. Utilize the knowledge and learning of materials and manufacturing sciences to design, plan and monitor production operations in an Industry.

The POs, which are prescribed by NBA, to be attained at the time of graduation are as follows:

  • PO1.Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2.Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and Engineering sciences.
  • PO3.Design/Development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO4.Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5.Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6.The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7.Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO8.Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO9.Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10.Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Provided below is the final attainment of the aforementioned outcomes in the graduating batch of UG students of the Department, assessed using an elaborate method which involved data collection, compilation and analysis from various examinations given by students and surveys collected from them at different stages during their time in the Department.

Attainment of POs/PSOs in Recent Academic Years


First Year I Semester - R23
S.No Name of the Subject Theory/Lab Credits
1 Communicative English Theory 2
2 Linear Algebra and Calculus Theory 3
3 Engineering Chemistry Theory 3
4 Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering Theory 3
5 Introduction to Programming Theory 3
6 Communicative English Laboratory Lab 1
7 Engineering Chemistry Laboratory Lab 1
8 Computer Programming Laboratory Lab 1.5
9 Engineering Workshop Lab 1.5
10 Health and Wellness, Yoga and Sports   0.5
First Year II Semester - R23
S.No Name of the Subject Theory/Lab Credits
1 Differential Equations and Vector Calculus Theory 3
2 Engineering Physics Theory 3
3 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Theory 3
4 Engineering Graphics Theory 3
5 Engineering Mechanics Theory 3
6 Engineering Physics Laboratory Lab 1
7 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Workshop Lab 1.5
8 IT Workshop Lab 1
9 Engineering Mechanics Laboratory Lab 1.5
10 NSS / NCC / Scouts and Guides / Community Service   0.5
Second Year I Semester - R23
S.No Name of the Subject Theory/Lab Credits
1 Universal Human Values Theory 3
2 Numerical Methods Theory 3
3 Thermodynamics Theory 3
4 Mechanics of Solids Theory 3
5 Materials Science and Engineering Theory 3
6 Mechanics of Solids and Materials Science Laboratory Lab 1.5
7 Computer Aided Machine Drawing Laboratory Lab 1.5
8 Soft Skills Lab 2
9 Environmental Science Theory 0
Second Year II Semester - R23
S.No Name of the Subject Theory/Lab Credits
1 Economics and Financial Accounting For Engineers Theory 2
2 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Theory 3
3 Innovation and Incubation Courses Theory 2
4 Manufacturing Technology - I Theory 3
5 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Theory 3
6 Theory of Machines Theory 3
7 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Laboratory Lab 1.5
8 Manufacturing Technology - I Laboratory Lab 1.5
9 Python Programming Theory 2
First Year I Semester - R20
S.No Name of the Subject Theory/Lab Credits
1 Professional English Theory 3
2 Engineering Calculus Theory 4
3 Engineering Chemistry Theory 3
4 Engineering Graphics Theory 3
5 Programming for Problem Solving (Python) Theory 3.5
6 Chemistry Laboratory Lab 1.5
7 Workshop Practice Lab 1.5
First Year II Semester - R20
S.No Name of the Subject Theory/Lab Credits
1 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations Theory 3
2 Engineering Physics Theory 4
3 Basic Electrical Engineering Theory 4
4 C Programming and Data Structures Theory 3
5 English for Professional Purposes Laboratory Lab 1
6 Physics Laboratory Lab 1.5
7 Electrical Engineering Laboratory Lab 1.5
8 C Programming and Data Structures Laboratory Lab 1.5
Second Year I Semester - R20
S.No Name of the Subject Theory/Lab Credits
1 Numerical Methods Theory 3
2 Engineering Mechanics Theory 3
3 Basic Thermodynamics Theory 3
4 Materials Science and Engineering Theory 3
5 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery Theory 3
6 Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory Lab 1.5
7 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery Laboratory Lab 1.5
8 3-D Modelling Laboratory Lab 1.5
9 Skill Oriented Course-I Theory 2
9 Skill Oriented Course-I Theory 2
10 Environmental Science Theory 0
Second Year II Semester - R20
S.No Name of the Subject Theory/Lab Credits
1 Economics and Financial Accounting for Engineers Theory 3
2 Probability and Statistics Theory 3
3 Mechanics of Solids Theory 3
4 Theory of Machines Theory 3
5 Manufacturing Technology-I Theory 3
6 Manufacturing Technology-I Laboratory Theory 1.5
7 Mechanics of Solids Laboratory Lab 1.5
8 Dynamics & Electrical Machines Laboratory Lab 1.5
9 Skill Oriented Course – II Lab 2
10 Indian Constitution Theory 0
Third Year I Semester - R20
S.No Name of the Subject Theory/Lab Credits
1 Design of Machine Elements Theory & Lab 3
2 Manufacturing Technology-II Theory 3
3 Heat Transfer Theory 3
4 Open Elective-I Theory 3
5 Professional Elective-I Theory 3
6 Manufacturing Technology-II Laboratory Lab 1.5
7 Thermal Engineering Laboratory Lab 1.5
8 Skill Oriented Course-III Lab 2
9 Disaster Management Lab 0
10 Summer Internship-I* Theory 1.5
Third Year II Semester - R20
S.No Name of the Subject Theory/Lab Credits
1 CAD/ CAM Theory 2
2 Automation and Robotics Theory 3
3 Machine Learning for Mechanical Engineers Theory 3
4 Open Elective-II Theory 3
5 Professional Elective-II Theory 3
6 CAD/ CAM Laboratory Theory 1.5
7 Robotics Laboratory Lab 1.5
8 Engineering Metrology and Measurements Laboratory Lab 1.5
9 Skill Oriented Course-IV Lab 2
10 Universal Human Values Theory 0/3

Fourth Year I Semester - R20

S.No Name of the Subject Theory/Lab Credits
1 Professional Elective-III Theory 3
2 Professional Elective-IV Theory 3
3 Professional Elective-V Theory 3
4 Open Elective-III Theory 3
5 Open Elective-IV Theory 3
6 Open Elective-V (Taken from Humanities & Social Science) Theory 3
7 Skill Oriented Course - V Lab 2
8 Summer Internship-2* - 3

Fourth Year II Semester - R20

S.No Name of the Subject Theory/Lab Credits
1 Project Work / Internship - 12


Electric Vehicles
Energy Engineering Stream
Digital Manufacturing
Nano Technology

Remedial Classes

Department provides ample support to the students falling behind in the academics by conducting remedial classes. It is mandatory for the students scoring less than 40% of marks in a course during the sessional exams to attend these remedial classes for that course which are scheduled after the regular hours. In these remedial classes, Teachers revise the topics covered in the class and in analytical subjects, teachers solve number of problems to improve the compression of the students.


Given below is the schedule of remedial classes


Schedule of Remedial Classes

Remedial Classes 2021-22

Remedial Classes 2022-23
Remedial Classes 2021-22
Remedial Classes 2020-21

Feedback Surveys

Department continuously collects feedback from all its stakeholders by way of periodic surveys. Prominent among these surveys are:

  • Graduate Exit Survey
  • Student Survey
  • Faculty Survey
  • Alumni Survey
  • Employer Survey
  • Parents Survey

The responses received from these surveys are duly compiled and analysed to assess the level to which the Department was able to meet the expectations of its stakeholders and to identify the areas in which improvements are called for by them.

Given below is a compilation of analysis reports from Graduate Exit Surveys, followed by the same of surveys conducted for other stakeholders

Report on Analysis of Feedback Survey
Report on Analysis of Surveys collected from Stakeholders
Report on Analysis of Graduate Exit Survey

About the Programme

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in Mechanical Engineering is the flagship program of the Department which was started in the year 1998. This program is designed to lay a strong foundation for students to build a successful career or pursue higher education in the Mechanical Engineering and allied fields. The program is administered strictly according to the tenets of Outcome Based Education (OBE) and it has been continuously accredited by NBA since the year 2013. The program curriculum is regularly updated and evolved considering of the guidelines given by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and the syllabi is also designed in accordance with the syllabi of competitive examinations for Mechanical Engineering like GATE and IES .

The salient features of the programme are:

  1. Industry related labs, established in the Department with help from Siemens and Dassault Systemes, add immense value to the UG programme by aiding targeted employability training for the students.
  2. Students benefit from the experience and expertise of the highly qualified faculty who are all engaged in research and development.
  3. Scholarship programme titled SHARP incentivizes the student participation in faculty research thus their enrichment with valuable work experience while still on campus.
  4. Unique aspects of the programme include emphasis on MOOCS, self-learning, and internships which are all incorporated into the curriculum.
  5. Ample support is provided to the students to ensure their timely academic progress and to facilitate the realization of their potential.
  6. Initiatives like make up classes and remedial classes are in place to assist the students falling behind in their academic performance.
  7. Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are conducted to galvanize the performing students towards higher achievement.

The co-curricular and extra-curricular activities organized by the Department, over and above the trainings and cultural/sports events conducted at college level, for the benefit of the students include:

  1. Employability training in Siemens Lab and Dassault Systemes Lab
  2. Training for competitive exams and core placements
  3. Industry visits
  4. Guest lectures
  5. Seminars
  6. Workshops
  7. Symposium with project expos
  8. Conferences
Post Graduate
  • Dr. C. Yuvaraj

    Professor & Principal
    Ph.D. (Bangalore University)

    View Profile
  • Dr. I. Arun

    Ph.D. (NIT, Tiruchirappalli)

    View Profile
  • Dr. V. Vamsidhar

    Assoc. Professor
    Ph.D. (JNTUA, Anantapur)

    View Profile
  • Dr. S. Baskaran

    Assoc. Professor & Head
    Ph.D. (NIT, Tiruchirappalli)

    View Profile
  • Dr. K. V. Nagesha

    Assoc. Professor
    Ph.D. (NITK, Surathkal)

    View Profile
  • Dr. P. Sivaiah

    Assoc. Professor
    Ph.D. (NIT, Karnataka)

    View Profile
  • Dr. R. Prithivirajan

    Assoc. Professor
    Ph.D. (Anna University)

    View Profile
  • Dr. B. S. Praveen Kumar

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D. (Visvesvaraya Technological University)

    View Profile
  • Dr. Kamlesh Kumar

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D. (NIT, Rourkela)

    View Profile
  • Dr. Anantha Raman L

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D. (Anna University, Chennai)

    View Profile
  • Dr. Arun Kumar.D

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D. (Anna University, Chennai)

    View Profile
  • Dr. Manish Sharma

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D. (SVNIT, Surat)

    View Profile
  • Dr. Dhrubajit Sarma

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D. (NERIST, Nirjuli)

    View Profile
  • Dr. Rupshree Ozah

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D. (NERIST, Nirjuli)

    View Profile
  • Dr. Thota S S Bhaskara Rao

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D. (NIT, Rourkela)

    View Profile
  • Dr. Khan Rehan Wasim

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D. (IIT, Indore)

    View Profile
  • Dr. G. Veeresalingam

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D. (NIT, Rourkela)

    View Profile
  • Dr. Mohammed Dilawar

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D., (NIT Srinagar)

    View Profile
  • Dr. Jagesh Kumar Prusty

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D. (NIT, Rourkela)

    View Profile
  • Dr. Jagannath Pattar

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D. (SSAHE, Tumkur)

    View Profile
  • Dr. Ved Prakash

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D. (NIT, Rourkela)

    View Profile
  • Dr. Gejendhiran. S

    Asst. Professor
    Ph.D. (NIT, Puducherry)

    View Profile
  • Mr. A. Pruthvi Deep

    Asst. Professor
    M.Tech., (Ph.D.) (NIT, Durgapur)

    View Profile
  • Mr. H. Raghavendra

    Asst. Professor
    M.Tech., (Ph.D.) (JNTUA, Ananthapuramu)

    View Profile
  • Mr. Muthu Laxmanan

    Asst. Professor
    M.E., (Ph.D.) (SIMATS University)

    View Profile
  • Mr. S. Manoj Kumar

    Asst. Professor
    M.E., (Ph.D.) (Anna University)

    View Profile
  • Mr. Pujari Rajesh

    Asst. Professor
    M.Tech., (Ph.D.) (NIT, Tiruchirappalli)

    View Profile
  • Mr. G. Kumar

    Asst. Professor
    M.E., (Ph.D.) (VELS, Chennai)

    View Profile
  • Mr. Ajith Gopal Joshi

    Asst. Professor
    M.Sc. Engg., (Ph.D.) (Visveswaraya Technological University)

    View Profile
  • Mr. P. Mohammed Rizwan Ali

    Asst. Professor

    View Profile
  • Mr. Darshan. B.V

    Asst. Professor

    View Profile
  • Mr. D. Aravindhan

    Asst. Professor

    View Profile
  • Mr. Harshit Dixit

    Asst. Professor

    View Profile
  • Mr. N. Siva Balaji

    Asst. Professor

    View Profile
Surveys from Stakeholders



There is provision for research scholars to conduct their doctoral research at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MITS through its Recognized Research Centre under JNTUA, Anantapuramu.  The scholars can benefit from the intellectual wealth of highly qualified and experienced faculty of the Department with the advanced facilities for research. Given below is a list of scholars who are working under the guidance of the Department faculty towards PhD degree from JNTUA.

Full-Time Research Scholars Details 2014-2015 Batch

S.No Scholar Name Guide Name Co-Guide from JNTUA College of
Engineering, Anantapur
Date of Admission Area of Research
1 V. Chengal Reddy Dr. G. Harinath Gowd Prof. MLS. Deva Kumar
Professor,Dept. of ME
JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapuramu
21-04-2015 Laser Beam Machining


Full-Time Research Scholars Details 2015-2016 Batch

S.No Scholar Name Guide Name Co-Guide from JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapur Date of Admission Area of Research
1 T. Siva Prasad Dr. C. Yuvaraj Dr. K. Prahlada Rao
JNTUA College of Engineering, Ananthapuramu
2015-16 Composite Materials
2 H. Raghavendra Dr. P. Suryanarayana Raju Dr. K. Hemachandra Reddy
Professor, Dept. of ME,
JNTUA College of Engineering, Ananthapuramu
2015-16 Renewable Energy
3 Bazani Shaik Dr. G. Harinath Gowd Prof. B. Durga Prasad
Professor, Dept. of ME,
JNTUA College of Engineering, Ananthapuramu
2015-16 Friction Stir process



Events and Activities at the Department

Department values the contribution of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to the holistic development of the students and to their overall employability. Faculty makes coordinated efforts to provide the students with a wide choice of activities to engage in for their all-round training, in-line with their professional aspirations. Department also conducts activities to bring in the participation of parents and alumni in molding the students for success in their professional pursuits.
In addition, the Department also believes in continuous training and development of the faculty and accordingly arranges activities for faculty development as well. The major types of activities that are conducted/supported by the department faculty are:

  1. Student Symposium with Project Expo.
  2. Faculty Development Program on emerging topics.
  3. Workshop on in-demand employability skills.
  4. Guest Lecture by Industry/Academic experts.
  5. Seminar on research topics.
  6. Alumni Meets
  7. Alumni Interactions
  8. Parents Meets
  9. Conference on Innovations in Mechanical Engineering.
  10. Technical Club activities like national and international design & development competitions.

Given below is a bird’s eye view of the professional development activities conducted in the Department in recent years.

S. No Academic Year No. of Programs Guest Lectures Workshops Seminar FDPs Symposium Conference Events
1 2024-2025 (Till Date) 11 7 1 2 1 0 0 Events 2024-2025 (Till October 2024)
2 2023-2024 29 10 3 7 5 4 0 Events 2023-2024
3 2022-2023 7 0 3 2 1 1 0 Events 2022-2023
4 2021-2022 13 4 2 4 1 1 1 Events 2021-2022
5 2020-2021 - - - - - - - Events 2020-2021
6 2019-2020 1 1 0 0 0 0   Events 2019-2020
7 2018-2019 16 5 8 1 1 1   Events 2018-2019
8 2017-2018 13 5 4 2 1 1    
9 2016-2017 18 11 1 3 1 2    
Alumni Meets

Alumni Interactions

Alumni interactions with students are conducted when Department alumni visit the campus either individually or in small groups. In these interactions alumni,drawing form their experiences, share with the students, their thoughts on topics likes:

  • Employability skills
  • Getting the first job
  • What to expect at the place of employment
  • Learning on job
  • In-demand skills to get trained in
  • Importance of attitude in getting and retaining a job
  • Importance of communication skills
  • Outlook of employment opportunities
  • Outlook of higher education opportunities in India and abroad
  • Benefits of higher education in India and abroad
  • Getting admitted into good institutions for higher education

Followed by a talk by the alumni, students are encouraged to interact with the alumni to get any further clarifications regarding the topic covered in the session. These interaction have especially help in building a rapport between the students and alumni. Many alumni share their contact information with the students who wanted to seek further assistance with regard to the topic covered in the interaction.



Parents Meeting

Parents Meeting is conducted at the Department every Semester. At these meetings parents are briefed, by the Department faculty and the respective mentors of their wards, about:

  • The policies and procedures in the institutions pertaining to the students and academics
  • The facilities available in the institution for the benefit of the students
  • Various activities and skills trainings conducted by the Department for overall development of the students
  • Industry expectations from the graduates and requirements for smooth transition to a career or higher education
  • The focus areas and plans of the Department to achieve placement of the students in good companies
  • The academic progress of their ward and any possible issues or concerns

Parents are encouraged to convey their expectations with regard to services provided by the Department and the performance of their wards. They also provide their feedback on the facilities, teaching and learning, and other initiatives of the Department.



Mechonance is an annual national level student symposium for the mechanical engineering students that is being conducted by the Department since the year 2006. Students from several colleges as well as students from other Departments of MITS participate in this event along with the Department students and compete in various events including paper presentations, project expo, and quiz. A distinguished professional with mechanical engineering background is invited as chief guest at this event who delivers a keynote lecture to inspire and motivate the students towards higher achievement through hard-work and dedication. The event also offers workshops on latest buzz technologies like additive manufacturing, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machining, Non-conventional Machining, and MATLAB Programming.

  • A One Day National Level Technical Symposium Mechonance-2k24 was organized by Department of Mechanical in association with IIC and IEEE Chapter on 1st May 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 

  • A One Day National Level Technical Symposium Mechonance-2k23 was organized by Department of Mechanical on 21st April 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event

National Conference on Innovations in Mechanical Engineering (NCIME)

NCIME is a annual national level conference conducted by the Department. The objective of the conference is to disseminate the emerging trends in the field of Mechanical Engineering by providing a common platform for academicians, industrialists, research scholars and students of the country to share and exchange their technical knowledge, expertise and experience by interacting with their peers and experts in the field. NCIME especially focuses on latest technical & societal challenges and emphasizes on addressing the same. Keynote lectures and invited talks by eminent experts and researchers are arranged in the conference to explore novel areas of research, introduce new avenues for participants to explicate research philosophy. This conference provides a supportive and encouraging platform for the delegates to exchange their research findings, to extend the future scopes and to establish collaborative relationships among research community across the nation

Intellectual Meet

The Department of Mechanical Engineering has initiated a new periodic event to facilitate constructive dialog between the Department faculty on their research activities. This series of seminars, dubbed “Intellectual Meet,” takes place on alternate Saturdays wherein each time one faculty presents his recent research findings to the faculty and interested students. These gatherings have raised the awareness among the faculty and the students about the current research endeavors being undertaken in the Department and exchange of ideas and insights between the faculty. The heightened level of technical interactions among the faculty, achieved through the “Intellectual Meet,” are expected to sprout new collaborations within the Department and thus have a positive impact on the research output of the Department in terms of peer reviewed publications, external project grants, and consultancy assignments.

Industrial visits

The students of the Departments are regularly taken to various industries with support from faculty. There are typically 5 or 6 visits every year to industries in different manufacturing fields. This co-curricular activity enables students to observe, firsthand, the practical applications of concepts learned in their coursework and helps them consolidate their classroom learning with a strong appreciation of real-world relevance. The specific outcomes that are addressed by the industry visits are that the students should be able to:

  1. Explain the functioning of the industry
  2. Describe the organizational structures of the industry
  3. Express insights on working culture in the industry
  4. Set career goals based on information gathered by visiting industries
  5. Enhance interpersonal skills, learning and communication skills
  6. List the do’s and don'ts in an Industry
  7. Discuss Safety, health and environment factors
Feedback Link:


Given below is a list of Industrial Visits arranged for the students during recent academic years

Date Place of visit Visited Students Coordinators for the Visits
19.07.2023 Solar Power Plant 35 students Dr K V Nagesh
22.04.2022 DIESEL LOCO SHED,South Central Railway Gooty 30 students Dr.S.Baskaran, Dr.R.Prithvirajan
19.04.2022 Sibar Auto Parts Private Limited, Tirupati 51 students Dr Ram Krishna, Mr.JagannathPattar, Mr.Raghavendra H
20.03.2021 Greentech Industries (India) Pvt. Ltd 24 students Dr. Pawan Kumar Chauhan, Dr. Ankit Saxena & Dr. Shanmukhasundaram
2.03.2019 Mangal Industries Ltd 50 students Dr. Aniket Dutt and Dr. Shankernath
2.03.2019 Amara Raja Batteries Limited, Tirupati 50 students Dr. Sampath Kumar and Dr. Srijan Sengupta
03.01.2019 Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota 94 – III B.Tech Mr. Pawan Kumar
03.11.2018 Industrial Visit to Rayalaseema Thermal Power Project. 45 - III B.Tech Dr. Balaraju, Dr. Baskaran
15.11.2018 Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bangaluru 50 students Dr. Naresh, Dr. Prithvirajan
15.11.2018 Bangalore Integrated System Solutions Bangalore Integrated System Solutions 50 students Dr. Naresh, Dr. Prithvirajan
16.03.2018 CMTI, Bangalore 11 M. Tech Students Dr. K. V. Nagesha
03.02.2018 HMT Ltd., Bangalore 110- III B.Tech students Mr. Senthil Kumar J S, Dr. T. Vishnuvardhan, Dr. A. Balaraju, Mr. P. V. Ramana
14.10.2017 Rayalaseema Thermal Power Project, Muddanur, Kadapa 50 - 3rd B.Tech students Mr. Rayudu Peyyala, Mr. Venkata Ramana, Mr. Sreenivasulu Bejawada
21.10.2017, APSRTC Depot, Madanapalle 50 - 3rd B.Tech students Mr. Rayudu Peyyala
16.09.2017 Cold Storage 45 students- IV B.Tech Mr. Rayudu Peyyala and Mr. P V Ramana
7.10.2016 Mangal Industries Ltd., Subsidiary of Amara Raja Batteries, Chittoor II B. Tech ME –A & ME - B, 80 No’s Mr. Rayudu Peyyala, Mr. V. Ajay, Mr. G. Guru Mahesh, P.V Ramana
16.07.2016 APSRTC Garage, Madanapalle IV B. Tech A/s&B/s, 60 No’s Mr.P. Rayudu, Mr.P. VenkataRamana
29.03.2016 Sharon Cold Storage, Chittoor Dist. III B. Tech, ME- A, B, C, 190 No’s Mr. Rayudu. P, Dr. P.S.N. Raju, Mr.CH. S. Rao, Mr. P. VenkataRamana
28.03.2016 Atmika Paper Mills, Molakalacheruvu, Chittoor Dist. II B. Tech, ME- A, B, C, D, 120 No’s Mr.P. Rayudu, Mr.P. VenkataRamana, Mr.V. Ajay
28.03.2016 KNM Cold Storage, Angallu, Chittoor Dist. II B. Tech, ME- A, B, C, D, 120 No’s Mr.P. Rayudu, Mr.P. VenkataRamana, Mr.V. Ajay
19.09.2015 Atmika Paper Mills, Molakalacheruvu, Chittoor Dist. III B.Tech, ME –A & ME - B, 120 No’s Mr. P. Rayudu, Mr. G. Sadasiva Prasad, Mr. Ch. Sreenivasa Rao,
1.05.2015 Mangal Industries Ltd. , Subsidiary of Amara Raja Batteries, Chittoor II B. Tech ME –A & ME - B, 110No’s Rayudu Peyyala, V. Ajay, Guru Mahesh, P.V Ramana
4.04.2015 APSRTC Garage, Madanapalle 60 II B. Tech, ME - C, No’s Rayudu Peyyala, V. Ajay
19.03.2015 APSRTC Garage, , Madanapalle IV B. Tech ME-A & B, 60 No’s Rayudu Peyyala, V. Ajay,
5.03.2015 Mangal Industries Ltd. , Subsidiary of Amara Raja Batteries, Chittoor III B. Tech ME –A & ME - B, 120 No’s Rayudu Peyyala, V. Ajay, Guru Mahesh, P.VenkataRamana
4.04.2015 APSRTC Garage, Madanapalle II B.Tech ME-C, 60 No’s Rayudu Peyyala
7.02.2015 APSRTC Garage, Madanapalle III B. Tech ME –A & ME - B, 120 No’s Mr.P. Rayudu , Mr. P. Venkata Ramana Mr.V. Ajay
21.02.2015 APSRTC Garage, Madanapalle IV B.Tech, ME-A, 60 No’s Rayudu Peyyala, V. Ajay
Student Clubs

Student Technical Clubs

Among the student clubs at MITS, the following are specifically suitable for the students, both from the Mechanical Engineering Department and from the other departments, interested in the craft of mechanical engineering, and accordingly mechanical engineering students and faculty play a major role in these clubs.

SAE India Collegiate Club of MITS

SAE Club at MITS was initiated in 2017 to provide a platform for the students interested in Automotive Technologies to team up and engage in practical learning through participation in motor sport events and competitions like SAE SUPRA, SAE BAJA, SAE E-Bike and ISIE HVC. Members of this club have won accolades at several major national and international events for their outstanding design, fabrication and operation of avant-grade automotives.

Aeromechatronics Collegiate Club of MITS

The vision of the Aero Mechatronics collegiate club is to unearth the hidden beyond-classroom talents of the technologically inclined students and channel their enthusiasm and efforts to create unique projects in the areas of aeronautics and mechatronics. The activities of the club include arranging workshops and trainings in aero-mechatronics, and bringing together student teams for participation in design competitions. The club has already made an good impact on campus and a team from the club has performed very well at a recent event - SAE Aero Design Challenge 2020.

Faculty Industrial Visits

Faculty of the department regularly  visit the industries to maintain the close contacts with the companies. The objectives of this industry interaction are to arrange internship for students, explore scope providing consultancy and identify avenues for collaborative research.

S.No. Date Names of the Faculty Name of the Industry
01 23-24th Nov 2017 Dr. Senthil Kumaar J S CII - Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre Bangalore
02 23- 24th Aug 2017 Dr. Senthil Kumaar J S CII Southern Region at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai
03 15th Dec 2017 Dr. S. Thamizhmanii M/s Murugappa Group and M/s Rane (Madras) Chennai
04 16th Dec 2017 Dr. S. Thamizhmanii TI Metal Forming Ltd, Tirunindravur, Chennai TIDC India Ltd, Ambattur, Chennai-53
05 3rd Nov 2018 Dr. A. Balaraju Rayalaseema Thermal Power Project
06 3rd Feb 2018 Dr. A. Balaraju HMT Limited Bangalore
07 15th Nov 2018 Dr. R. Prithivi Rajan Bangalore Integrated System Solutions (BISS) & Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI), Bangalore
08 3rd Nov 2018 Dr. K. V. Nagesha Rayalaseema Thermal Power Project
09 15th Nov 2018 Dr. P. Naresh Bangalore Integrated System Solutions (BISS) & Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI), Bangalore
10 2nd Mar 2019 Dr. Aniket Kumar Dutt Mangalam Industries
11 2nd Mar 2019 Dr. Shanker Nath Mangalam Industries
12 6th Dec 2018 Dr. Srijan Sengupta KIADB Hoskote Industrial Area, Bangalore
Faculty and Staff Development Programs

To produce industry ready engineering graduates, it is imperative that the teachers in the Department stay abreast with the latest tools and techniques employed by practicing engineers in the industry. The faculty and staff are thus provided with multiple opportunities to enhance and upgrade their skills in pace with the technological developments. In addition to sponsoring participation of faculty and staff in external training and development programs, Department also arranges Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) and Staff Development Programs (SDPs) in  campus .The topics for these programs include in-demand employability skills as well as pedagogical best practices.



Eminent scholars from Industry and Academia are regularly invited to the Department to deliver a seminar on an advanced technological developments or to motivate students by explicating the current trends and expectations of the industry.

Guest Lectures

Some of the topics with fall within the curriculum are covered by practicing engineers from Industry or academicians with strong research credentials in these events titled 'Guest Lectures' which provide students with deep insights about the concepts and their applications in real life.


Workshops are conducted to train students in specific skills that are relevant to Mechanical Engineering and are in-demand in the Industry. The resource persons for the workshops are usually professional skills trainers or experts from industry with demonstrated experience in the skill.

  • A Two Day Hands-on Workshop “Recent Trends in Industrial Automation” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with ISTE Student Chapter & Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from 10th & 11th February 2025.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Workshop on "Emerging trends in Drone Technology" was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 28th January 2025.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • An Alumni Guest Lecture on “Opportunities in Java Backend Software for Mechanical Engineers” was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering 16th January 2025.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • An Alumni Guest Lecture on “Application and Importance of Data Science in Mechanical Engineering” was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with MITS Alumni Welfare Association Cell
    on 27th November 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Guest Lecture on “An awareness program on Empowering students with OBE” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 27th November 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • An Alumni Guest Lecture on "Real-World Problem-Solving Approaches in Mechanical Engineering Industries" was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with MITS Alumni Welfare Association on 22nd November 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Guest Lecture on “From Aspirant to Achiever: GATE and PSU Career Guidance” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with ISTE Student Chapter, MITS on 19th November 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • An Industrial Visit to "Diesel Loco Shed, South Central Railway, Gooty" was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 16th November 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • A Webinar on “Journey from a Tinkerer to an Entrepreneur” was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with IIC on 12th November 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • A Two Days Workshop on "Computer Aided Machining (CAM) using NX" was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with ISTE Student chapter on 19th & 20th October 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • A "Parents Meeting" was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 19th October 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • A One Day Workshop on “Being Career-ready in the New AI-Driven World” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering In Association With IIIC, MITS on 17th October 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • An Alumni Guest Lecture Session "Building a Scalable Business Model" was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with Alumni Welfare & IIIC on 07th October 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • An Online Guest Lecture on “Fundamentals & Applications of Additive Manufacturing” was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with ISTE, MITS on 01st October 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • A 2nd International 5-Days Faculty Development Programme on “Sustainability and Research in Mechanical Engineering” was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering from 23rd to 27th September 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • A Startup Mentoring Activity & Trademark Session on "Trademark Registration" was Organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 23rd September 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • An Alumni Guest Lecture on “Opportunities for Mechanical Engineers in the Design Stream” was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 13th September 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • An Expert talk on “The 8th Habit of successful Entrepreneurs” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in Association with IIC & ED Cell, MITS on 12th Sepemtember 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • A Workshop on “Hands-on 3DP Workshop on Design Optimization and Part Printing” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with ISTE student chapter on 12th September 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • An Online Guest Lecture on “Pathway to Success: Career Development & GATE Cracking Strategies for NIT, IIT, IISc, and Global Opportunities” was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 23rd August 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • A One-Day Expert Talk on “Research and Innovation” was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 22nd August 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • An Expert talk on "A Talk on Journey towards Entrepreneurship" was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with IIC and ED Cell, MITS on 21st August 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • An Online Panel Discussion on "Innovation & Start-up Ecosystem in Higher Education Institutions and Role of Enablers" was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 07th August 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • An Awareness Session on "Nasscom Future Skills Prime” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering  on 15th June, 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • MITS Prototype Challenge 2.0 & Inauguration of Startup Cell organised by IIC Cell & NISP Cell, MITS in association with Department of Mechanical Engineering & Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering on 07th May, 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • A One Day National Level Technical Symposium Mechonance-2k24 was organized by Department of Mechanical in association with IIC and IEEE Chapter on 1st May 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 
  • A Webinar on “Emerging Trends in Automobile Engineering” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering  In Association with IIIC-MITS on 30th April 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A One Day Industrial Visit to Rayalaseema Thermal Power Project (RTPP) Muddanur, Kadapa, A.P was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 31st March 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Parents Meeting was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 28th March 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • An Alumni student interaction on "Career Development Interaction” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering In association with  ISTE Student Chapter on 26th March 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A One day Industrial Visit to Kirloskar Ferrous Industries Limited-Koppal Plant Karnataka, India was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 21st March 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • An Alumni interaction on "Merits of Java Tools in Design Engineering" was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with ISTE Student Chapter on 18th March 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • An "Inno-Tech Spark 2024" was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with Institution Innovation Council on 16th March 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • An Alumni interaction on “Importance of Power Platform and Automation Anywhere” was organised By Department of Mechanical Engineering on 04th March 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • Online FDP on "Global Conversations in Mechanical Engineering: Bridging Innovation and Sustainability" was organized by Department of Mechanical from 19th to 23rd February 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • One Day visit to HMT Machine Tools Ltd., Bengaluru was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 09th February 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Webinar on “Challenges and Career Opportunities for Mechanical Engineering Students” was organised By Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with Institution Innovation Council 30th January 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • An Alumni Guest Lecture on "Opportunities for Mechanical Engineers in Software Industries" was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 25th January 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Six Day Faculty Development Program (FDP) “Sustainable Machining Tomorrow: Machine Learning Based Approach” was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering from 11th to 16th December 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Workshop on  “Research Proposal Writing” was organized  by Department of Mechanical Engineering at on 14th December, 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Madanapalle Institute of Technology and Science organized a Faculty Interaction Programme on 13th December, 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Guest Lecture on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering was organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering 11th December 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Madanapalle Institute of Technology and Science organized a thought-provoking guest lecture on "Industry 4.0" on 11th December, 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • The Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with Entrepreneurship Development Cell organized an online current affairs quiz competition for all the management and Engineering students on 29th November 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • The Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with Entrepreneurship Development Cell organized an online current affairs quiz competition for all the management and Engineering students on 23rd November 2023. 
  • A Six Day Faculty Development Programme on "Sustainable Machining for Tomorrow: Machine Learning Based Approach" organized by Department of machanical Engineering from 11th to 16th December 2023 Sponsored by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy AICTE, New Delhi, India.
    Click here for Details on Event
  • Ideathon 2023 was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with IIC on 23rd November, 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Webinar on “Machine Learning for Mechanical Engineers” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 15th November 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Online Current Affairs Quiz Competition for all the Management and Engineering students was organised by Entrepreneurship Development Cell in association with Department of Mechanical Engineering on 16th November 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Online Current Affairs Quiz Competition for all the Management and Engineering students was organised by Entrepreneurship Development Cell in association with Department of Mechanical Engineering on 08th November 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Parents Meeting was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 31st October 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • An Awareness Programme on “Road Safety” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 20th October 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A One Day National Level Student Workshop on “Industrial Project ideas on Emerging Technologies of 3D Printing, CNC Machining & Robotics for Engineering Applications” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 18th October 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • An Industrial Visit to  “Rayalaseema Thermal Power Project (RTPP)”  Muddanur, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 08th October 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Webinar on “An Overview of Anaerobic Digestion Process for Biogas Production” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 12th October 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Guest Lecture on “Career by Choice or Chance” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 26th September 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Five Day FDP on "Parametric and Non-Parametric Modelling Using Solid Edge Software" was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering from 01st to 5th of August 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • MITS & JNTUA jointly organized a Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on "Contemporary Progressions, Challenges and Issues in Metal 3D Printing Technology" from 19 to 23 June 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Five Day National Workshop on Defence Sector Trends and Opportunities organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with SERB from 24th to 28th May 2023.
    Click here for Event Details
  • A Three Day Hands on workshop on Drone Making and Piloting was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering 19th January to 21st January 2023.
    Click here for Event Details
  • A Webinar on "Machine Learning For Mechanical Engineering" was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 04th November 2022.
    Click here for Event Details
  • A Webinar on "Entrepreneurship, Innovation And Career Opportunity" was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with MITS Institution's Innovation Council on 21st October 2022.
    Click here for Event Details
  • A Two Day National Level Workshop “Machine Learning for Mechanical Engineering” was organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering on September 21st & 22nd, 2022. (Virtual Mode)
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Guest Lecture on "Career Development Program For Enhancing The Dimension Of Personality" on 5 thmay 2022
    Click here for Report on Event
  • Guest Lectures Carrer Guidelines Talk : "Application of Drones in Agriculture Technology" Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, ISTE MITS Chapter & IIIC-MITS 7 thmay 2022
    Click here for Report on Event
  • Guest Lecture on “Skill Upgradation for Rural Empowerment” By SURE TRUST (Social Service Initiative) on 2nd may 2022
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A webinar on Webinar on "Gate Awareness for CIVIL & MECHANICAL” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 19th April 2022.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A webinar on "Career guidelines talk: " Resume, profile building and professional career aspects in data science” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, ISTE MITS Chapter & IIIC-MITS on 30th March 2022.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • Industrial Visit to NPTI Bangalore and NDS Eco Motors Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore was organized by Departments of Electrical & Electronics Engineering & Mechanical Engineering on 04th April 2022.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Guest Lecture on Introduction to 3D Printing was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering ISTE MITS Chapter & IIIC-MITS on 23rd March 2022
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Webinar on "Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) for Industrial Automation" was jointly organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Electrical & Electronics Engineering in association with the ISTE Student Chapter on 11th March 2022.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A Online Workshop On Data Science: Statistical Approach was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering In association with Industry Institute Interaction Cell (IIIC), MITS on 3rd March 2022.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • A webinar report on “Practical Applications of CFD in Industries” was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 26th February 2022.
    Click here for Report on Event
Alumni Testimonials
Student Placements

Students of the Department are placed in renowned companies both in core sector companies like:MITS

  • Hyundai R & D Hyderabad
  • L&T Technologies
  • KIA Motors
  • NDS Eco Motors
  • Stulz
  • Suprathek
  • Turbo Engineering services
  • Pro SIM R & D Pvt Ltd
  • Advanced Bolting Solutions Pvt. Ltd
  • Surya Tech
  • Cyient Technologies
  • Amara Raja Batteries

And also in IT sector companies like:

  • TCS
  • CTS
  • Infosys
  • Tech Mahindra

Students are given continuous training in aptitude, soft skills and computer programming, starting in second year, which ensures that students are well prepared for the placement drives in their final year. Following are placement statistics for the UG students of the Department.

Year No of Eligible Students Total No of Students Placed
2021-2022 211 132
2020-2021 267 174
2019-2020 235 123
2018-2019 308 138 (89 on campus)
2017-2018 250 218 (130 on campus)
2016-2017 198 156
2015-2016 70 53

Student Internships in Industry and Research Organizations

Department of Mechanical Engineering encourages and supports the students to pursue internships in industry, premier academic institutions and reputed research organizations both in India and abroad. The support provided by the Department in  pursuing  the internships includes:

  • Faculty mentors with industry and research credentials advise the students on  achieving the career goals by helping them to choose appropriate companies or universities for internships.
  • Mentors with  professional networksliaise with the companies across India to create internship opportunities for the students.
  • Faculty with international work experience counsel the students on selecting the appropriate avenues for foreign internships based on the interests and aptitude of the students.
  • MOUs with prestigious organizations to facilitate good number of internship opportunities for the students.
  • Financial support towards air fare for foreign internships.
  • Self-study option is introduced for final semester students who can spend a full semester on their full-time internships.
  • Faculty also offer their technical expertise to the students, often through personal visits to the place of internship, for successful completion of the internships.

The students are encouraged to pursue an internship at an industry for a period of 12 to 14 weeks in the fourth year second semester. Companies provide internship for the students in varied fields like design, tooling, production, quality checks and product testing. The internships also often include a real-time project given to the students, by the host company, so that they can understand the application of the engineering knowledge in solving problems encountered in Industry. The companies also appoint internal project guide for the student teams. At the end of the internship, students required to submit a project report which includes a brief history of the company and its organizational structure in addition to the the details of activities carried out during the internship like product drawings, brief production processes, inspection methods, and the approach used for project tasks.

Through these concerted efforts, the Department was able to realize significant number of student internships. Following is partial list of student internships.

Student International internships:

  • Five students from final year Mechanical Engineering program are selected for research internship in Innopolis University - Russia from 12-01-2020 to 10-04-2020.
  • Two students from final year Mechanical Engineering program did research internship at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, in AY 2018-19.
  • One student from final year Mechanical Engineering program did research internship at Nanyang Techological University, Singapore, in AY 2018-19.



Student Internships in Industry

S.No Name of the Student Company
1 JAYAPRAKASH. N Royal Enfield, Chennai
2 DINESH. A NRK Technologies, Hyderabad
3 BHARATH. N NRK Technologies, Hyderabad
4 JAGADEESH. B Tata Lochhead Martin Aerostructures Limited, Hyderabad
5 KUMAR. M Aadhini Elbit Advanced Systems India, Hyderabad
6 MAHESH. M SD Pro Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
7 KARTHEEK. G SD Pro Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
8 KALADHAR. V SD Pro Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
9 MALLIKARJUNA. G SD Pro Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
11 ADIL HUSSAIN. R A TEXEL Engineers Pvt Ltd
12 MOHAMMED ALI. S TEXEL Engineers Pvt Ltd
13 ASHOK KUMAR. M NRK Technologies, Hyderabad
14 REDDY SIVA REDDY. A NDS Eco motors,Bangalore
15 VINAY KUMAR. K NDS Eco motors,Bangalore
16 YASWANTH. M NDS Eco motors,Bangalore
17 SIVABALI REDDY. Y Bharathi Cements,Kadapa
18 SASIDHAR NAIDU. D Bharathi Cements,Kadapa
19 ROHITH. B Bharathi Cements,Kadapa
20 SAI CHARAN. R Bharathi Cements,Kadapa
21 SAI JASWANTH KUMAR. D Bharathi Cements,Kadapa
22 KIRAN BABU. M Kaashiv Info Tech, Chennai
23 PRUDVI. G Kaashiv Info Tech, Chennai
24 VASEEM KHAN. P Kaashiv Info Tech, Chennai
25 SHAIK.SHAJAHAN Kaashiv Info Tech, Chennai
26 PAVAN KUMAR. K Kaashiv Info Tech, Chennai
27 MD. YOUSUFF MUSTHANEER AHMED KHAN. D Kaashiv Info Tech, Chennai
28 PAVAN KUMAR. P Supratheek Turbo Services, Hyderabad
31 SAI KUMAR. J S STULZ India,Bangalore
32 SELVA KUMAR. M STULZ India,Bangalore
33 SRAVAN KUMAR. P STULZ India,Bangalore
34 SHANMUKHA. P PROSIM Solutions, Bangalore
35 VENKATA SAIPRAKASH. K PROSIM Solutions, Bangalore
36 YUSUF. S PROSIM Solutions, Bangalore
37 SATISH REDDY. S PROSIM Solutions, Bangalore
38 JAYAKRISHNA. A PROSIM Solutions, Bangalore
39 HARI BABU. G Vizag Steel Plant,Vizag
S.No Name of the Student Company
1 L. Suresh Reddy, U. Maniratnam Tirumala Automobiles
2 Y. Bhanu Prakash L&T Construction
3 Vishnu Vardhan Reddy In-finite Solutions
4 P. C. Sreenath Reddy, Y V Partha Saradhi, Vijaya Kumar Reddy Bharathi Cement, Kadapa
5 Shaik Ayaj, Barakathulla Khan Mayana, P. Dilip Kumar, T. Harsha Vardhan, SJP Industry, Bengaluru
6 S Praveen Kumar, A Chaitanya Reddy, P Syed Hussain, E Obulesu, M Vani Prasanna TATA Advanced Materials, Bangalore
7 C Sreekar Reddy BVL Power Systems Pvt. Ltd.
8 G Pavan Kumar Crish Metal Works
9 Yogananda Reddy TGV SRAAC Ltd.
10 Md. Harris, Md. Muzahid, R. Vishwanath Lumens Aircon Pvt.Ltd.
11 S Veneeth Reddy Aurobindo Pharma Ltd.
12 Sai Teja Tube Products India
13 M Uday Kumar, M Harish Jain farm fresh food Ltd.
14 Mohinth Royal Army baseworkshop
15 K Fayaz, A K Guruswamy DRDO
16 Sandhya M, Ramya Sree, Pallavi Y, G Reddy, V Manikanta TIDC India Ltd
17 Shaik Rizauddin ISRO
S.No Name of the Student Company
1 S Rupendra, K Sai Likith, M N Shasank, G Purushottam Reddy, M. Venkata Ramudu, S Venkatesh, D Subash Yadav, Santosh Kumar, Vamsi Krisna Bhavani Industries, Bangalore
2 Sai Teru Jay Ushin Limited
3 Jyothi Swaroop. B,Rajesh Gajula KBD Sugars
4 Charan G, Harish Naidu Kancharla, Nageswar Reddy Amara Raja Batteries
5 Manideep. P, Nishith. M, Prahallad. M. K, Prince. P, Srikanth. B, Prudvi. K, Raj Kumar. A. S, Prahallad. M. K, Praveen. E Indo Mim Pvt.Ltd.
6 Ganeswar Reddy. R, Chennakrishna. M, Rammohan Reddy. B, Pavan Tendulkar Gundlapalli Modine Thermal System
7 Gireesh. K, Ananda Vardhan. V, Sai Prathap. G, Sujendra Kumar. A Tube Products India
8 E Sai Guru, B M Rohan, M Yeshwanth, S Babji, L Konda Reddy Tube Investments of India
9 Mahesh. B, Mubarak Basha. S, Ranganath. V,Sanjay Hemanth Reddy. G, Sathish Kumar. S Kun Aerospace Pvt. Ltd
10 Sateesh Kumar, Y Murali, T Md. Sahil, C Ramakrishna, T Fahad Honda
11 Nanda Kiran. N, Prasanth Sankar. C, Pramod. K Win Fiber Tech
12 Shaik Md. Khalid, C Sai Praneeth Aliens Group
13 Rehana Thasleem Media Mint
14 G Charan Mechanical Engineering
15 B Balaji Naik Maruti Suzuki
16 Chinna Obenna, S Manikanta, Vishnu Kumar, T S Gouse Basha Farmator
17 Sai Prakash. S, Niharika. Gudhiti Tata Technologies
18 G Purushotham, P Kishore Kumar Reddy, P. Jagadeesh, B Dinesh Naidu, A Sreekanth, B Praveen Kun Aerospace Pvt. Ltd.
19 A Venu Ekadhanta precision tech.
20 Harish Kumar Reddy GGS Engineering services
21 P Manideep, M Nishith, E Praveen Cummins Machine Line
22 M K Prahlad, P Prince, Raj Kumar Indo Mim Pvt.Ltd.
23 Ranjith. C, Naresh. K, Sai Kumar,Suneel Kumar Reddy Magcore Lamination India Pvt.Ltd
24 Rohith Reddy. M Dassault Systems
Higher Education

Inspired by the academic and research excellence in the Department an increasing number of the graduates have been choosing higher education both in India and abroad over the last few years.

S.No R.No Name of the Student Higher Education college Name Year of Graduation
1 15691A03D8 Sai Charan. K Guericke Universität Magdeburg 2019
2 15691A03E1 Sai Kumar. P Nanyang technological university 2019
3 15691A0374 Madhavi Reddy. G.V SVU 2019
4 15691A03G4 ShaikSamohani. K JNTUA 2019
5 15691A03C8 Ranga Reddy. N RVR & J C Engineering college 2019
6 16695A0324 Praveen Kumar. B JNTUA 2019
7 14691A03C6 RanjithChakka Sapienza University of Roma 2018
8 15695A0324 Vinod Kumar Kadavakuduru Sapienza University of Roma 2018
9 14691A03E2 Sai RohithMummadi Sapienza University of Roma 2018
10 14691A03F9 Sri Vishnu N Sapienza University of Roma 2018
11 14691A0385 Mohammed Shareef. Shaik Demontfort University Leicester 2018
12 14691A0376 Manoj. K Sapienza University of Roma 2018
13 15695A0323 Vijaya Kanth Simham JNTUA 2018
14 14691A03G7 Tharun Kumar. Balam Osmania University 2018
15 15691A03I1 Vamsi Krishna. K JNTUP 2018
16 14695A0308 Lokesh L JNTUA 2017
17 14695A0312 Revantha Kumar M MITS 2017
18 14695A0309 Mahesh Kumar Reddy A JNTUA 2017
19 12691A0343 Mahendra Naik .B MITS 2016
20 12691A0306 Arun kumar. A JNTUA 2016
21 12691A0313 Bhavana. K JNTUA 2016
22 12691A0327 Hanif. N JNTUA 2016
23 12691A0345 Manjunath K JNTUA 2016
24 12695A0307 Hareendranath.M JNTUA 2016
25 12691A0359 Narendra. S JNTUA 2016


Research in the Department

Research plays a significant role in the success of any academic institution. Sustained research in academia is imperative not only for continuous learning and development of the faculty, in tune with the evolving technology, but also for producing quality graduates who benefit from the culture of exploration and innovation in a research intensive institution. Further, research and innovation are essential corner stones for upliftment of a nation and all institutions of higher education should play an instrumental role in promoting research on their campus, both among faculty and students.

The vision and mission statements of Department of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, as well as those of the institution, give much emphasis research promotion and accordingly the department, over the last decade, has strived to build a brand for its research. Through these efforts, the Department was able to rapidly enhance its research output in terms of metrics like funded research, consultancy, publications, and patents.


Funded Projects


Details of Funded Research Projects in the Department

The Department received its first externally funded project in the year 2013-14 and since then the research funding to the department has steadily grown to Rs 1,42,61,290/- as on today. Given below is a list of funded research projects carried out in the Department in recent years.


Academic Year 2019-20

Funding Agency : DST ; Scheme-CRG

S.No Name of the Principal Investigator Department Sanctioned Letter Number with date Project Title Duration of the Project Total Sanctioned Amount Status of the Projects
1 P.I Dr.Srijan Sengupta
Co PI Dr.PBN Prasad
Co PI Dr.Harikrishna
File Number: CRG/2019/001440 dated:14.12.2019 Novel in-situ volume contractible metal halide negative electrodes for high performance lithium-ion batteries 3 years Rs.32,00,000/- Approved
Total Amount Rs.32,00,000/-


Academic Year 2016-17

Funding Agency : DST-SERB

S.No Name of the Principal Investigator Sanctioned Letter Number with date Project Title Duration of the Project Total Sanctioned Amount Status of the Projects
1 Dr.I.Arun & Dr.C.Yuvaraj File No.ECR/2016/000470, dated:08.09.2016 Investigation and Characterization of Electrical Discharge Coated (EDC) Alloys for Mitigation of Biological Fouling on Maritime Structures. 3 years Rs.38,37,690/- Ongoing
Total Amount Rs.38,37,690/-


Institute of Engineers, Kolkatta

S.No Name of the Principal Investigator Sanctioned Letter Number with date Project Title Duration of the Project Total Sanctioned Amount Status of the Projects
1 Dr. C. Yuvaraj & Mr. Bathina Sreenivasulu File No. R.4/2/UG/16-17/UG2017049, dated:12.04.2017 Development of High Strength Material for Micro Air Vehicle Structures 1 year Rs.25,000/- Completed
Total Amount Rs.25,000/-


Institute Funded

S.No Name of the Principal Investigator Sanctioned Letter Number with date Project Title Duration of the Project Total Sanctioned Amount Status of the Projects
1 Dr. C. Yuvaraj TEQIP-II/Seed Grant/MITS/Dec 2016 Design and Development of mixing equipment for producing SS 3161 – CNT composites by Metal injection molding process 6 months Rs.50,000/- Completed
2 Dr John Baruch TEQIP-II/Seed Grant/MITS/Dec 2016 Studies on Wear Behavior of H20 Steel parts produced by Additive Manufacturing 6 months Rs.60,000/- Completed
3 Dr. K. V. P. Chakradhar TEQIP-II/Seed Grant/MITS/Dec 2016 Development of Aluminium-Diamond composite for Heat Sink 6 months Rs.50,000/- Completed
4 Dr. A. Bala Raju TEQIP-II/Seed Grant/MITS/Dec 2016 Stores for smart cities(ATR) 6 months Rs.50,000/- Completed
5 Dr.T.Vishnu Vardhan TEQIP-II/Seed Grant/MITS/Dec 2016 Experimental investigations & Optimization of process parameters on various drilling techniques to reduce the delamination of GFRP composites 6 months Rs.55,000/- Completed
6 Mr. M. Vamsi Krishna TEQIP-II/Seed Grant/MITS/Dec 2016 Enhancement of Tar Cracking Efficiency using Nano Catalyst for Biomass Gasification 6 months Rs.50,000/- Completed
7 Dr. S. Bhaskaran TEQIP-II/Seed Grant/MITS/Dec 2016 Investigation on Wear resistance of high strength aluminum alloy under cryogenic treatment 6 months Rs.50,000/- Completed
8 Dr. G. Sayiram TEQIP-II/Seed Grant/MITS/Dec 2016 Development of Laser Peening of Gas Tungsten Arc Welding for Inconel 800H and Stainless steel AISI 321 Dissimilar Metals 6 months Rs.50,000/- Completed
Total Amount Rs.4,15,000/-


Academic Year 2015-16

Funding Agency: DST-SERB

S.No Name of the Principal Investigator Sanctioned Letter Number with date Project Title Duration of the Project Total Sanctioned Amount Status of the Projects
1 Dr.P.Suryanarayana raju File No. YSS/2014/000894, dated:18.09.2015 Simulation and Analysis of Fire Accidents in Passenger Train Cars 3 years 25,79,600 Ongoing
2 Dr. G. Harinath gowd File No. SB/FTP/ETA-0178/2014, dated:20.07.2015 Experimental Investigations and Hybrid Approach for Modelling and Multi Objective Optimization of Pulsed Laser Milling of Micro-Channels 3 years 34,39,000 Completed
Total Amount Rs.60,18,600/-


Academic Year 2014-15


S.No Name of the Principal Investigator Sanctioned Letter Number with date Project Title Duration of the Project Total Sanctioned Amount Status of the Projects
1 Mr Gunasekhar Reddy M File No. MRP-6098/15(SERO/UGC), dated:01.01.2015 Design and Development of Hybrid Vehicle for Physically Challenged Persons 2 years Rs.3,30,000/- completed
2 Mr Bathina Sreenivasullu File No. MRP-6099/15(SERO/UGC), dated:01.01.2015 Analysis and Optimization of Tube Hydroforming Process Parameters for Corrosion Resistance Material 2 years Rs.3,85,000/- completed
Total Amount Rs.7,15,000/-


Academic Year 2013-14

Funding Agency: Institute of Engineers,Kolkatta

S.No Name of the Principal Investigator Sanctioned Letter Number with date Project Title Duration of the Project Total Sanctioned Amount Status of the Projects
1 Dr. C. Yuvaraj & Mr. Bathina Sreenivasulu File No. R.4/2/UG/13-14(IE), dated:23.10.2013 Design and Fabrication of Multi-Crop Smashing Combination Thresher 1 year Rs.50,000/- Completed
Total Amount Rs.50,000/-



The Department has a dedicated library for the students which houses the following facilities

  • Personal computers: 03
  • Number of Volumes: 476
  • Project reports: 449
  • Lab manuals: 25
  • Magazines: 03


Class Rooms


Department Infrastructure

To facilitate effectual teaching and learning activities, the department has excellent infrastructure, which includes:


  • Air-conditioned seminar hall
  • State-of-the-art digital classroom
  • All IT enabled classrooms
  • Classrooms with sound systems
  • Well-equipped laboratories
  • Continuously upgraded computer facilities
  • Well-stocked Department library
  • Research Labs

The department has ample labs, even beyond curriculum requirements, which are used by students from all years of study. The labs are allotted to the students for every week as per the timetable. Apart from the regular labs, research lab is also available for faculties and students to carry out their research and project work.The maintenance of infrastructure and facilities at the Department is carried out in a timely and thorough manner to ensure maximum availability and minimum downtime of the equipment and services. All the lab facilities and services are made available to the students even in the after-hours and holidays to enable their maximum utilization and benefit to the students.


Lab Facilities for Academics

The Department of Mechanical Engineering features more than adequate and well-equipped laboratories for running the UG as well as PG programs offered in the Department. The list of the laboratories along with the details of major equipment in each of them is provided below.


Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Lab

Major Equipment in this lab include:

  • Hydraulic turbines - Pelton Wheel, Kaplan Turbine and Francis Turbine
  • Multistage and single stage hydraulic pumps
  • Fluid mechanics experimental setups
  • Hydraulic ram
  • Accessories like stopwatches tachometers etc.,
  • Closed Circuits Combined Venture & orifice meter test rig
  • Closed Circuit Turbine flow meter test rig
  • Closed Circuit sudden head losses in varying cross section pipe line test rig.


Thermal Engineering Lab

Major Equipment in this lab include:

  • Two stroke, four stroke diesel, petrol engines
  • Variable compression ratio engine
  • Two stage air compressor
  • Refrigeration test rig
  • Accessories like stopwatches and tachometers
  • Electrical and mechanical dynamometers
  • Cut section models of 2 stroke and four stroke engines


Mechanics of Solids Lab

Major Equipment in this lab include:

  • Universal Testing Machine of 40 Tons capacity
  • Torsion testing machine
  • Spring testing machine
  • Impact testing
  • Hardness testing machines
  • simply supported beams


Machine Tools & Metrology Lab

Major Equipment in this lab include:

  • 11 Lathes
  • Milling machine
  • Shaping machines
  • Drilling machine
  • Grinding machines
  • Inside outside calipers
  • Vernier calipers
  • Dial gauge, slip gauges
  • Tool makers microscope
  • Portable surface roughness tester


Manufacturing Technology Lab

Major Equipment in this lab include:

  • Arc welding machine
  • Gas welding
  • Resistance spot machine
  • Drilling machine
  • Grinding machines
  • Sand testing machine
  • Blow moulding machine
  • Hydraulic Press
  • Injection moulding machine
  • Mechanical Press



Major Equipment in this lab include:

  • Equipped with 75 PCs with core i5 processors, 5GB RAM and 4 GB Graphics Card
  • Licensed version of Auto CAD software
  • Licensed version of Catia Software
  • Licensed versions of Ansys Software
  • Licensed versions of Robot simulation software
  • CNC Lathe Machine
  • 3D Printer


Heat Transfer Lab

Major Equipment in this lab include:

  • Critical heat flux apparatus
  • Gray body emissivity measurement
  • Stefan Boltzmann constant
  • Heat transfer through Pin-Fin
  • Heat transfer through forced convection
  • Heat transfer through natural convection
  • Boiling heat transfer apparatus
  • Heat flow through lagged pipe
  • Overall heat transfer coefficient for composite wall
  • Thermal conductivity of metal bar
  • Thermal conductivity of insulating powder
  • Parallel and counter flow heat exchanger
  • Drop and film wise condensation Apparatus
  • Heat pipe demonstrator


Instrumentation & Control Systems Lab

Major Equipment in this lab include:

  • LVDT Transducer
  • J type thermocouple transducer
  • K type thermocouple transducer
  • Strain gauge transducer
  • Capacitive transducer
  • Study of anemometer apparatus
  • Magnetic pickup tachometer
  • Photo electric pickup tachometer
  • Rotameter
  • Vibration analyzer
  • Dead weight pressure gauge
  • Resistance temperature detector


Machine Dynamics Lab

Major Equipment in this lab include:

  • Static and Dynamic Balancing machine
  • Motorized gyroscope
  • Cam analysis machine
  • Universal governer
  • whirling of shaft machine
  • Universal vibration analysis apparatus


Work Shop

Major Equipment in this lab include:

  • Carpentry section (including all Tools)
  • Fitting Section (including all Tools)
  • Sheet metal section (including all Tools)
  • Electrical Wiring section(( including all Tools)
  • Capacitive transducer
  • Welding Section( including all Tools)
  • Foundry section (including all Tools)
  • Black smithy( including all Tools)
  • Plastic fabrication section
  • Power tools


Research Labs

Research Labs in the Department

For students who take up projects, both as part of the curriculum or as a co-curricular activity, support is provided by the Department in terms of provision of facilities. Based on the type of research and project work (i.e. Design or Manufacturing or Thermal or Simulation or Modeling) department provides the facilities for students (Under Graduate, Post Graduate, and Ph.D) as well as for faculty research with well-equipped laboratories, analytical instruments and space.

We recognize that the quality and accuracy of student project results are of the highest significance in research. We therefore strive to ensure that all the equipments in our laboratory are in fine shape always and they are calibrated periodically by using traceable standards. Students utilize the facilities for their mini projects as well as major projects. These facilities are also used by other branch of engineering students from our institute as well by other institutions. We also network with other department laboratories to enhance the quality of the project.

Centre for Advanced Material Processing
Student projects completed:
  • Investigation on optimization, mechanical, metallurgical and tribological characteristics of titanium using electric discharge coating toward dental implement
  • An exploration on coating through compacted and semi sintered nickel tungsten electrode for wear resistance
  • Experimental investigation on tribological behavior of high Mn steel
  • Thermal and wear characteristics of nano filled composite
  • Investigations on wear resistance of AA5083 aluminium alloy under cryogenic condition
  • Analysis of surface morphology and material removal rate of high Mn steel machined by EDM
  • Effect of Double aging heat treatment on Electrical Discharge Machining characteristics of AA7075-TiC composites
  • EDM metal matrix composite coating on duplex stainless steel and wear behavior under different environmental conditions
  • Mechanical and tribological behavior of LLDPE/Nano clay composites
  • Fabrication and mechanical properties of Al-SiC metal matrix composites by powder metallurgy route
  • Fabrication and mechanical properties of Al-Al2O3 metal matrix composites powder metallurgy route
Electrical Discharge Machining

Sparkonix ZNC 50A
Power supply: 3 phase AC, 415 V, 50Hz
Connected load 5kVA
Double door work tank
Work tank: 800x500x325 mm

Salt spray corrosion tester
Presto KORROX-III corrosion chamber
Tank capacity 60 lit
Temp. Range: Ambient to 45°C
Size: 1000x700x750 mm


Pin-on-disc Tribometer
Tribometer TR20LE -PHM400 - CHM600
Load Range: Up to 200 N
Rotational Speed: 200 to 2000 rpm
Frictional Force Measurement: 0 to 200 N
Compound Wear Measurement: 0 to 1200 µm


Metallurgical Microscope
Vertical stage movement: 25 mm
Optical system: UIS2
Min adjustment gradations 1 µm
Servo stabilizer 7.5 kVA
Illuminator 12 V, 100 W halogen bulb


Digital Weighing Machine
Shimadzu ATY 224
Capacity: 0.22kg
Accuracy: 0.1gm


Hot Mounting Press
Master mounting press SSA
Size: 410x575x650 mm
Mould assembly 1.5”x2.5”
Heating Unit 1500W


Belt Grinder
Chennai Metro
Table Top Model
Speed 1440 rpm



Industry Labs


Industry Related Labs


Students in the Department benefit from the following industry connected labs established in the institution with support from Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) in association with SIEMENS and Dassault Systemes.


APSSDC Dassault Systems Centre of Excellence

This Centre of Excellence is established in September 2018. The broader goal of this Centre is to improve the core placements for engineering graduates. Training is being offered to students in the Dassault 3DS, a leading software suite for complete Product Life-Cycle Management (PLM) activities. Students are trained in each individual tool in the suite in a sequential manner starting from the basic design software and working up to more sophisticated analysis tools. This entire training program is designed by experts from Dassault Systems and their training partners.



This cluster of labs collectively known as SIEMENS Technical Skill Development Institute (TSDI) comprises of the following labs:

  1. Design - Computer Based Training (CBT) Lab
  2. Manufacturing - Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Lab
  3. Manufacturing - Welding Lab
  4. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (R&AC) Lab
  5. Electrical - home Lab


Skills training is being continuously provided in these labs to students in employability skills like design and modeling using CAD software, CNC programming, Welding technologies, R & AC, and electrical technologies. The content and delivery of these training is designed and monitored by SIEMENS and their partnering industrial entities. The summary of activities is given below.


Computer Based Training (CBT) Lab
Equipment Available
  • 84 Workstation Lenovo P310 (Win10-Pro64,Intel core i5-6400, 8GB, 500GB, 2GB graphic card, 18.5” monitor, Headphones with microphone)
Software installed:
  • Siemens NX
  • Solid Edge: Siemens PLM Software
  • Basic Training Tutorials
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Lab
Equipment Available:
  • JV 55 Vertical Machining Centre - 1
  • Smarturn CNC Lathe – 1
  • NC controllers
  • SinuTrain software
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (R&AC) Lab
Equipment Available:

conditioning Units (A)
  • Scroll Chiller (Air-cooled) – 10TON
  • VRF IV Plus system – 8HP
  • Ducted split unit – 5.5 TR
  • Cassette unit – 1.5 TR
  • High wall split (2 star) – 1TR
  • Window unit (2 star) – 1 TR

Supply of Refrigeration Units (B)
  • Deep Freezer Hard Top – 100 Ltr
  • Bottle Cooler Hard Top – 300 Ltr
  • Water cooler – 20/20 Ltr
  • Bottle Water Dispenser
  • Cold room 6000 BTU/Hr
Welding Lab
Equipment Available:
  • MMA/SMAW unit -3
  • OXY-Acetylene gas welding unit - 1
  • Gas cutting unit - 1
  • TIG/GTAW unit - 2
  • MIG/MAG/GMAW unit - 2
  • PPE unit – 1
  • Grinding unit -1
Electrical - home Lab(CNC) Lab
Equipment Available:
  • 3-phase AC motor – 2
  • Variable frequency drive – 1
  • Removable and constructional small transformers – 5
  • Megger – 1
  • Motor star delta circuit equipment
  • Automatic motor control equipment
  • Motor DOL starter circuit equipment
Seminar Hall


Seminar Hall


For technical, co-curricular and extracurricular activities and also cultural programs, students are free to use air-conditioned seminar hall which is fully equipped with projectors and sound system. Students utilize this facility regularly to conduct events as per their academic as well as non-academic needs.


Advance your knowledge and transform the lives

With revolutionized education, multidisciplinary research and by facilitating diligent collaboration and broadening perspectives, MITS creates a conductive environment for the students, who come with sparkling ideas and transform them into truly thoughtful, effective global leaders to nurture an impacted society by revitalizing the lives.

To another century of expanding minds and leading the world forward.