MITS has secured NIRF India Ranking 2024 in the band 201 to 300.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - Student Branch

MITS IEEE Student Branch [STB64791]

About IEEE

IEEE stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It is the largest technical professional organization in the world, and is dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE inspires a global community through its publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.

IEEE was formed in 1963 when the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) and the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) merged. The AIEE was established in 1884 to support and aid electrical professionals, and the IRE was founded in 1912 and focused on radio and electronics.

IEEE develops industry standards in a wide range of technologies, and its standards often become national and international standards. IEEE also publishes a number of journals, has many local chapters, and several large societies in special areas, such as the IEEE Computer Society.


IEEE's core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.


IEEE will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions.

The major objectives of the IEEE are:

•    Foster technological innovation
•    Advance the technical and educational aspects of computer engineering, telecommunications, electrical and electronic engineering
•    Inspire the global community through publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities
•    Be essential to the global technical community
•    Be universally recognized for the contributions of technical professionals and technology in improving global conditions


MITS IEEE Student Branch

MITS IEEE Student Branch (STB64791) initiated in the year 2005. The student branch functions as per IEEE constitution-and- bylaw under IEEE Hyderabad Section and IEEE Ananthapurmu Subsection. This is one of the active student branch in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States. The following society are under MITS IEEE SB

S.No Society Name Department
1 Communication Society (ComSoc) ECE
2 Circuit & Systems Society (CAS) ECE
3 Nanotechnology (NaNo) ECE
4 Sensor Council (SEN) ECE
5 Computer Society (CS) CST
6 Educational Society (ES) CST
7 Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) MCA
8 Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) MCA


Many society still under approval by Head Questers of IEEE, like Robotics and Automation Society, Signal Processing Society, Power and Energy Society etc.,



Student Membership :

Year 2024 : 1427+ [Top in Membership Count under Hyderabad Section]
Year 2023 : 54
Year 2005-2022 : 12

Professional Membership :

Year 2024 : 12+
Year 2023 : 8

Senior Membership Elevation

Year 2024 : 2
Year 2023  : 1
Year 2005 - 2022 : 0

Received approval from IEEE CAS (Circuit & Systems Society) Head Quarters to organize Seasonal School “Neuromorphic Computing and Logic In Memory Computing Using Non Volatile Memory Devices” with support fund of 2,173 USD (Rs. 180359 /-)
Rs. 10000 /- Sponsorship received from IEEE ComSoc, Hyderabad Section – Year 2024
Rs. 50000 /- received Sponsorship from IEEE Hyderabad Section – Year 2023
Initiated 8 technical Society/Council under MITS IEEE Student Branch Till April 2024
Each Department organizing more events under MITS IEEE Student Branch in association with IEEE Hyderabad Section and IEEE Ananthapuramu Subsection.

The MITS-IEEE Chapter major focus areas are:

1. Providing training to the students to become "Master in Technology".
2. Encouraging innovation and excellence in students through various means.
4. Promoting better career development opportunities and services for students.
5. Arranging expert lectures.
6. Extending full support for all the national seminars and technical events in the college.
7. Enhancing the self-confidence and self-esteem of students.
8. Conducting various competitions within the college to enhance the competency and presentation skills of students.


MITS IEEE Professional Executive Committee Members 2024


Faculty Incharge Department Role / Responsibility
Dr. Kumar C ECE Student Branch Counsellor
Mr. Mohammad A CSE - Artificial Intelligence Executive Committee Member
Mr. Mohan M CSE Executive Committee Member
Mr. K. Giridhar CST Executive Committee Member
Mr. Karthikram CSE - Cyber Security Executive Committee Member
Mrs.Vidhyashree B CSE – Data Science Executive Committee Member
Mr. Kashiraj V K ECE Executive Committee Member
Mr. Saravanan D EEE Executive Committee Member
Dr. R. Maruthamuthu MCA Executive Committee Member
Dr. I Arun MECH Executive Committee Member



MITS IEEE Student Branch Events List

Archive Events organized

  • A Guest Lecture on “Solar PV Integration: Hardware Design and Development” was organized by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering in association with MITS IEEE Student Chapter on 20th September 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • An Alumni Guest Lecture on "Top Tips for Excelling in Campus Placements" was organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering in association with MITS Alumni Welfare Association and IEEE on 17th September 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • An “Inauguration of IEEE Student Chapter” was organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering In Association with IEEE on 12th Sepemtember 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • An Alumni Guest lecture on “Building Your Professional Career: Strategic for Successful Placement” was organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering in association with IEEE on 04th September 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • An Alumni Guest Lecture "Carrer Guidance on Software Industry" was organised by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering in association with MITS Alumni Welfare Association and MITS IEEE Student Chapter on 29th August 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • A "Departmental Level Hackathon" was organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering in association with Institution’s Innovation Council,  IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Student Branch Chapter on 28th August 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • An Inauguration of "IEEE Reliability Society under MITS IEEE Student Branch" was organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Data Science on 20th August 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • A Guest Lecture on "Career Development Skills for Employability" was organised by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering in association with MITS Alumni Welfare Association and MITS IEEE Student Branch on 30th August 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • An Online Guest Lecture on “Deep Learning Techniques for Data Mining, Predictive Maintenance” was organised by Department of Computer Science & Technology In association with IEEE, IIIC, IIC-MITS on 03rd August 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • A Five Day National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on “Leveraging AI: Human Factors in Cyber Security” was organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Cyber Security in Association with IEEE Student Branch from 08th to 12th July 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • A One Day National Level Technical Symposium Mechonance-2k24 was organized by Department of Mechanical in association with IIC and IEEE Chapter on 1st May 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event 

  • An Interactive Session on Opportunities in Japan was organised by Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Artificial Intelligence in Association with IRO, IIC & IEEE - MITS on 2nd April 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • A Webinar on "Power BI End to End Project for Beginners" was organised by Department of Computer Science & Engineering - Artificial Intelligence in Association with IEEE & IIIC - MITS on 01st March 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • One Day Expert Talk on “Intellectual Property Rights: Concept, Importance, and Its Role in Economic Growth” was organised by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering In Association with IIC and IEEE Chapter, MITS on 29th February 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • A One-Day Guest Lecture on “The Evolution of Cyber Threats: Navigating Emerging Trends” was organized by Department of Computer Science & Technology in association with Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), on 26th February 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • A 5 Days International Level Online FDP on “Unveiling Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Data Renaissance” was organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) in association with MITS - IEEE Student Branch, Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) and MITS IIC during 19th to 23 February 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • An Industrial Visit to “Sathanur Hydro-Electric Power Station” was organised by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering In Association with IIIC, IEEE and ISTE Chapter for II Year students on 23rd February 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event
  • One-Day Expert Talk on “Beyond Boundaries:Design Thinking as the Catalyst for Innovation” organized by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering In Association with Institution Innovation Council (IIC) & IEEE-Student Chapter on 17th February 2024.
    Click here for Event Details

  • A Workshop on "Social Information Network - Data Analysis and Visualization" was organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering in association with Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) on 06th January 2024.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • 1st International Conference on Optimization Techniques for Learning (ICOTL 2023) organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering in Association with IEEE on 7th & 8th December 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • A Guest Lecture on "Challenges in Developing Mobile Apps" was organised by Department of Computer Science & Engineering in Association with IEEE on 22nd November 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • IEEE Day Celebration 2023 was organized by MITS IEEE Student Branch Jointly together with All the Departments In Association with MITS IEEE Communication Society & MITS IEEE Circuit and Systems Society, MITS IEEE Computer Society, MITS IEEE Sensor Council, MITS IEEE Nanotechnology Council on 31st October 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • An Alumni Guest Lecture on “Pathway Towards Software Opportunities” was organised by the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering on 5th August 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • A Guest Lecture on "Benefits of IEEE Membership" an awareness programme for the students by Dr. Basabi Chakraborty on 1st February 2023.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • A One Week Online Faculty Induction Workshop on Thrust Areas Programme was conducted from 10-10-2022 to 15-10-2022 in virtual mode was being organized by Department of Computer Science and Computer Science and Engineering in association with IEEE.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • IEEE Day 2022 "Levereging Technology for Better Tomorrow" was organized by IEEE MITS Student Branch on 14th October 2022.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • A Guest Lecture on "Intelligent Controller for Smart Integrated Wind and Solar based Hybrid Power Generation Scheme” was organised by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering on the occasion of Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Day Celebrations held on 14th October 2022.
    Click here Report on Event

  • IEEE MITS Student Branch Congress and Celebration of IEEE-Day was Jointly Organized by Department of Electronics and communication Engineering & Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 5th October 2021.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • One Day International webinar on "Blockchain technology and its applications” was organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering in Association with IEEE- MITS Student Chapter on 02nd July 2021.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • One Day Workshop on "Electrical Substation design" was organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with IEEE through Microsoft Teams on 25th June 2021.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • A Webinar on "Electric Vehicle - Design Overview" was conducted by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in association with IEEE MITS Student Chapter through Microsoft Teams on 11th June 2021.
    Click here for Report on Event

  • IEEE MITS Student Branch Congress and Celebration of IEEE Day was Organized by Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering on 06th October 2020.
    Click here for Report

  • IEEE MITS Student Branch Congress and Celebration of IEEE Day was Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering on 06th October 2020.
    Click here for Report

  • IEEE MITS Student Branch Congress organized by Departments of ECE & MITS IEEE SB on the theme of UN Sustainable Development Goal 2030 on 1st October 2019.

  • A Workshop on "Recent Trends in Cyber Security" was sponsored by TEQIP-II and IEEE-MITS Student Branch on 17th November 2018.
    Click here for Report

  • A Guest Lecture on IEEE Student Membership by resource person Dr. Ramalatha Marimuthu, organized by MITS-IEEE Chapter at MITS on 23 January 2017 under TEQIP-II.
    Click here for Report

Events Participated

  • Mrs. Komala Anamalamudi, attended 3rd Conference Organizers Workshop at TCS, Madhapur, Hyderabad conducted by IEEE India Council and IEEE Hyderabad section on 25th April 2015.
  • Mr. G. Sambasiva Rao & Mr. L. Ashok participated in a Two Day IEEE International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology-(ICAET 2014) on 2 & 3 May 2014 and presented the paper entitled“ A 0.6V Low-power FGMOS Current Reference with Subtraction Technique” organized by the department of ECE, EGS Pillai Engineering College, Nagapattinam.
  • Mr. M. Jagadeesh Babu, Member of IEEE, Branch counselor & Associate professor and two IEEE student members Mr. E.Santhosh, III ECE (11691A0495), Mr. A. M. Sivakrishna, III IT (11691A1240) of attended one day workshop on “Technology Enhanced Learning through IEEE for imparting Higher Quality Education” Organized by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Ananthpuramu on 19th APRIL 2014.
  • Mr. D. Chinna Kullay Reddy and Mr. G.Ravi Prakash, Assistant Professors, EEE Department participated in two day National Symposium and Technical Exhibition 2013 on “Micro Grids: Laboratory to Real Markets” at Danube Auditorium in TechMahindra Satyam Campus, Hyderabad February 22-23, 2013 organised by the IEEE PES/IAS/PELS Joint chapter, Hyderabad section.
  • Mr. K. Bhanu Kiran, Mr. K.Vasu, Mr. Y.Vasudeva Reddy & Mr. N.Sudhakar attended workshop on “ELECTRICAL FIRE AND SAFETY”, organized by IEEE and FSAI, was conducted from 8th to 10th November, 2012 in Novotel at Hyderabad.
  • Dr. E. Madhusudhana Reddy and Mr. S. Mohammad Ghouse presented a Paper titled “A novel on Transductive Decision Tree” in the Book Titled Advances in Engineering and Technology Series, Year: 2013 ,Paper Type : Book Series,Digital Object Identifier: 03.AETS.2013.2.57 Page(s):274 - 278 ,Volume No: 2 .Two Papers published in IEEE conference Book .
  • Mr. S. M. FAROOQ has attended a two day National Workshop on “Notable Trends in Current Computer Science and Engineering” Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Hyderabad Section & IEEE Computer Society Chapter, Hyderabad Section on 30-31 January 2013, Venue seminar hall, Muffakam jah college of engg and Technology, Hyderabad Organized By Department of Information Technology, Muffakam jah college of Engg and Technology
  • Dr. M. Suresh Babu and K.Chandra Sekhar attended one day workshop on “ Mobile Security “ was conducted by CDAC, Hyderabad in Association wirh SIT, JNTUH and IEEE Hyderabad Section on 2nd February 2013.
  • Mr. Mahesh, Associate Professor, ECE Department presented a paper titled “Automatic Image Mosaic system Using Steerable Harris corner Detector” in an International Conference on Machine Vision and image Processing (MVIP12), Organized by the Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, PSG College of Technology Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE ,Coimbatore-6411004, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Mr. M. Jagadeesh Babu (ECE) attended one Day IEEE Conference organizers workshop (13 October,2012) organised by IEEE Hyderabad Section and Cosponsored by IEEE Vizag Bay Subsection.
  • Mr. D.Chinna kullay Reddy (EEE) attended one Day IEEE Conference organizers workshop (13 October,2012) organised by IEEE Hyderabad Section and Cosponsored by IEEE Vizag Bay Subsection.
  • Mr. K. Vasu Attended IEEE National Level Conference on Control Systems Aug-2009 NIT, Calicut IEEE National Level Conference on Power Systems Jan-2010 NIT, Calicut . Building an Education and Research Program in Power and Energy systems international 5 Days workshop 27 to 1-june- 2011 MITS, Madanapalli.


  • The IEEE student branch at MITS, under IEEE Hyderabad section was inaugurated in 2nd February 2006 with a membership of 20 students, three faculty advisors and branch counselor.


Dr. C. Kumar

IEEE Coordinator

Assistant Professor
Department of ECE
Chair, Communication Society
Hyderabad Section

  • Address :

    Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science
    Post Box No: 14, Kadiri Road,
    Angallu Madanapalle-517325,
    Andhra Pradesh, India