About Universal Human Values Cell
MITS Universal Human Values Cell is constituted, with the following members, to ensure proper infrastructure and structure for UHV Cell as per guidelines of AICTE, to articulate, refine & share vision and educational goals, particularly those that are related to Universal Human Values and to define indicators or measures related to Universal Human Values goals & activities.
MITS UHV Cell undertakes events for the stakeholders to realize their full human potential and there by assist in Social and Emotional Learning. It also helps the students and faculty to live with feeling of relationship, harmony and co-existence.
This Cell will conduct / organize programmes to create awareness among the students and faculty about Universal values and ethics which would be beneficial for their self-exploration towards harmony in individual, prosperity in family, fearlessness in society and co-existence in nature with right understanding.
UHV Cell Activities
- A Five Day FDP on Introductory UHV was held at International Delhi Public School (IDPS), Madanapalle, A. P. from 7th June to 12th June 2023.
Click here for Report on Event - Dr. B. Jagadeesh Babu, UHV cell coordinator Participated as a Volunteer (Education Panel) in the 9th International Conference on Human Values in Higher Education (ICHVHE 2024) from 22/11/2024 to 24/11/2024 (Worldwide).
Click here for Report on Event - Dr. B. Jagadeesh Babu, UHV cell coordinator participated as a co-facilitator at AICTE Approved Three Days FDP on Introductory UHV held at SITAMS, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh from 18.10.2024 to 20.10.2024.
Click here for Report on Event - Dr. B. Jagadeesh Babu, UHV cell coordinator participated as a co-facilitator at AICTE Approved Five Days FDP on Universal Human Values-II held at GITAM University, Visakhapatnam from 15.05.2024 to 19.05.2024
Click here for Report on Event - Dr. B. Jagadeesh Babu, UHV cell coordinator attended AICTE Supported Eight Days FDP on Universal Human Values-III held at SRMIST, SRM University, Chennai from 01.05.2024 to 08.05.2024.
Click here for Report on Event - International Day of Happiness - 2024 was organized by Wellness Club and UHV Cell, MITS, on 20th March 2024.
Click here for Report on Event - Dr. B. Jagadeesh Babu, UHV cell coordinator attended five-day residential FDP on UHV-II as a co-facilitator sponsored by AICTE and organized by JNTUA College of Engineering, Kalikiri, Annamayya Dist. A. P. from 16th to 20th August 2022.
Click here for Report on Event - Dr. B. Jagadeesh Babu, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics participated in 1st Southern, South-Central and South-Western Regional Conference for UHV Volunteers, Organized by AICTE at RV College of Engineering, Bangalore, during 28th to 30th April 2022.
Click here for Report on Event - A Three-Day Self-funded online Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Introductory Universal Human Values (UHV) was organized by UHV Cell, in association with NCC-IP, AICTE from 05th to 07th October 2023.
Click here for Report on Event
UHV Cell Useful Links
- https://fdp-si.aicte-india.org/index.php
(AICTE website for Student Induction Program and UHV related content) - https://fdp-si.aicte-india.org/verifiedProgramDetailsList.php
(UHV FDP registration link) - https://uhv.org.in/
All UHV related courses) - https://www.youtube.com/@UniversalHumanValues/playlists
(YouTube channel for UHV)
Student Induction Program (SIP) 2024-25
Student Induction Program (SIP) 2023-24
Student Induction Program (SIP) 2022-23
Office Order 3 - Universal Human Values Cell - 16.04.2024
- Office Order 2 - Universal Human Values Cell - 22.07.2022
- Office Order 1 - Universal Human Values Cell - 23.11.2020
- Circular - Universal Human Values Cell
- A Vision for Universal Human Education
Members of Universal Human Values Cell Committee
Sl.No. | Name of the Committee Member | Designation | Department | Role in UHV committee | E-mail ID |
1 | Prof. C. Yuvaraj | Principal & Professor | Mechanical | Chairperson | principal@mits.ac.in |
2 | Dr. P. Ramanathan | Professor & Vice-Principal-Academics | ECE | Convener | viceprincipalacademics@mits.ac.in |
3 | Dr. Jagadeesh Babu Bellam | Asst. Professor | Physics | Coordinator | jagadeeshbabub@mits.ac.in |
4 | Dr. K. Chandra Mohan | Assocaite Professor | Chemistry | Co-Coordinator | drkchandramohan@mits.ac.in |
5 | Dr. Swapneel S. Jaiswal | Sr. Asst. Professor | Civil | Faculty Representative | jaiswalss@mits.ac.in |
6 | Mr. C. Srinivas | Asst. Professor | EEE | Faculty Representative | srinivasc@mits.ac.in |
7 | Dr. R. Sri Ganesh | Asst. Professor | English | Faculty Representative | sriganeshr@mits.ac.in |
8 | Dr. P. Ramesh Reddy | Asst. Professor & HoD | Mathematics | Faculty Representative | rameshreddyp@mits.ac.in |
9 | Dr. C. Damodharan | Asst. Professor | Humanities | Faculty Representative | drdamodharanc@mits.ac.in |
10 | Mr. G. Muthugurunathan | Asst. Professor | CSE | Faculty Representative | muthugurunathang@mits.ac.in |
11 | Mr. B. Subbarayudu | Asst. Professor | ECE | Faculty Representative | subbarayudub@mits.ac.in |
12 | Mr. V. Naveen | Asst. Professor | CST | Faculty Representative | naveenv@mits.ac.in |
13 | Mr. Pujari Rajesh | Asst. Professor | Mechanical | Faculty Representative | rajeshp@mits.ac.in |
14 | Mr. M. Mutharasu | Asst. Professor | Cyber Security | Faculty Representative | mutharasum@mits.ac.in |
15 | Mr. K. Durga Charan | Asst. Professor | Data Science | Faculty Representative | durgacharank@mits.ac.in |
16 | Mr. P. Shahad | Asst. Professor | Artificial Intelligence | Faculty Representative | shahadp@mits.ac.in |
17 | Dr. C. Sivaraj | Asst. Professor | MCA | Faculty Representative | drsivarajc@mits.ac.in |
18 | Mr. B. Roja Kiran | Asst. Professor | MBA | Faculty Representative | rojakiranb@mits.ac.in |
19 | Mrs. U. Vijaya Lakshmi | Coordinator, International & Counselor | International Relations | Staff Representative | vijayalakshmiu@mits.ac.in |
20 | Mr. D. M. Abhinay | Asst. Professor | CSE | Staff Representative | abhinaykanthdm@mits.ac.in |
21 | Mr. K. Manju Vikram | Assistant P.D. | Department of Physical | Staff Representative | manjuvikramk@mits.ac.in |
22 | Ms. S. Dedeepya | Student | CSE | Student Representative | 22691A0546@mits.ac.in |
23 | Ms. A. Sathya Priya | Student | ECE | Student Representative | 21691A04L3@mits.ac.in |
24 | Ms. M. Deekshitha | Student | CSC | Student Representative | 22691A3709@mits.ac.in |
25 | Ms. T. Chaitanya Lakshmi | Student | EEE | Student Representative | 22691A0205@mits.ac.in |
26 | Ms. N. Siri | Student | CSE | Student Representative | 23691A05K5@mits.ac.in |
27 | Ms. R. Thapasvi | Student | CAI | Student Representative | 23691A31H7@mits.ac.in |
28 | Mr. V. Jagadeesh | Student | CSD | Student Representative | 23691A3247@mits.ac.in |
Dr. Jagadeesh Babu Bellam
Coordinator of UHV Cell
Address :
Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science
Post Box No: 14, Kadiri Road,
Angallu Madanapalle-517325,
Andhra Pradesh, India -
Phone : +91-9100973266; 8571-280255, 280706
E Mail : jagadeeshbabub@mits.ac.in