The library operations such as circulation section, cataloguing section are fully automated using SOUL 2.0 ILMS software developed by INFLIBINET, Ahmedabad. The reading materials are classified under the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme (23rd edition). The students, teaching faculty and staff are issued a single barcode membership cum library identity card. The user of the Library can use the same identity card for borrowing books.
The library started its operations in 1998. It is centrally located in the institution with an area of 1626 sq. mts. It can accommodate more than 500 students/users at a time. The library has a vast collection of 62,545 volumes of books with 10,151 titles. There are 1500 Back Volumes, 3382 CDs and DVDs in the library. MITS subscribed to 113 Print Journals for all the disciplines. The visitors can access to 15,410 online Journals and 2,000 E-Books in the library.
The institution has developed a state-of-the-art digital Library with Wi-Fi Connectivity. It has automated all its services through web-based Library Information Management System Software SOUL 2.0. The library provides several services such as open access, lending of books, reference service, WEB OPAC etc. It also provides facilities like SC-ST book bank facility, reprographic facility, inter library loan facilities. The librarian gives user orientation to users every year for the new batch of students. The library is equipped with 31 computers. All these computers are connected to internet with 84 mbps speed in order to provide various digital mode library services.
- Name of the ILMS Software : Soul (Software for University Libraries)
- Nature of Automation (fully or partially) : Fully
- Version :
- Year of Automation : 2013
- Name of the Digital Library Software : GDLC
- Remote Access : KNIMBUS
- Anti-Plagiarism : TURNITIN
- National Digital Library : Yes
- Swayam : Yes
- Circulation Service
- Document Delivery Service
- Reprographic Service
- Reference Service
- Inter-Library Loan Service – (ILL – DELNET)
- Online Public Access Catalogue – OPAC
- E-Resources access, Internet Service & SMS Alert Service
The collection of the library comprises of the following :
S.No | Library Collection | Total Number |
1 | Number of Volumes | 63,443 |
2 | Number of Titles | 10,370 |
3 | National Journals Print | 128 |
4 | International (On-line) | 5,300+ |
5 | On Line Data Bases | 4 |
6 | E-Books | 2,000+ |
7 | CD Collection | 2,876 |
8 | Special Collection | 850 |
9 | Back Volumes | 834 |
10 | Daily News Papers | 11 |
- IEEE : All Society Periodicals Package - 206
- NPTEL : National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (Open source online video lectures) 390 Videos
- E-Books : 2000+
- SPRINGER : 776
- EBSCO : 1510 (Management Collections)
Reading Hours
- All Working Days : 8 am – 8 pm
- All Working Days (During Examinations) : 8 am – 9 pm
- Public Holidays : 9 am – 5 pm
- All Working Days : 8:30 am – 6:00 pm
Category | Books Allowed | Duration | Penalty |
Faculty | 6 | Semester | Nil |
Under Graduates | 4 | 14 Days | Rs.01/- after due date |
Post Graduates | 4 | 14 Days | Rs.01/- after due date |
PLINTH AREA : 1626 Sq.mts
Reprography facility is available for Library purposes at a subsidized rate (0.60np per page).
Library is part of the “DEVELOPING LIBRARY NETWORK (DELNET)”. Whenever a book is not available in the library, the document is obtained from DELNET through Inter Library Loan (ILL).
Book Bank accounts for a seizable number of books. The S.C. and S.T. students are eligible to borrow from this collection. This extra facility has been found to be of immense value.
Besides the central library, each department maintains a small collection consisting of frequently used materials by staff and students.
Dr. C.Srinivasa Raju, Librarian presented a paper in National conference on Recent Technology Innovation towards Best practices of Libraries in Knowledge Society organized by Central Library, Alagappa University at Karaikudi during 12th and 13th April 2023.
Dr. P. Rama Murthy Librarian I/c & Mr. G. Sudheer Babu attended One Day Workshop on Consortium of Library Resources and DELNET Services organized by Directorate of Faculty Development & IQAC, JNTUA, Ananthapur on 8th May, 2019.
- Mr. L. Husman & Mr. J. Bharat Kumar attended One-Day National Workshop on “DELNET: Resources, Services & Facilities” organised by JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore on 7th May 2013.
- Mr. L. Husman & Mr. J. Bharat Kumar attended Participated in TWO DAY NATIONAL LEVEL WORKSHOP ON “LIBRARY & AUTOMATION " Organized by Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College, Sree Sainath Nagar, Tirupathi - 517102, A. P. on 19th - 20th January 2013.
- A One-Day User Awareness Programme on IEEE and EBSCO, E-Journals
Accesses was organised by Department of Library
on 8th May 2024.
Click here for Report on Event
Dr. P. Rama Murthy
Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science
Post Box No: 14, Kadiri Road,
Angallu Madanapalle-517325,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone:+91-8571-280255; 280706
Email:[email protected]
Dr. C. Srinivasa Raju
Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science
Post Box No: 14, Kadiri Road,
Angallu Madanapalle-517325,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone:+91-8571-280255; 280706
Email:[email protected]