Dr. B. S. Praveen Kumar
Qualification : Ph.D. (Visvesvaraya Technological University)
Designation : Assoc. Professor
Details of Educational Qualification:
Course | Specialization | Group | College Name/University | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi | 2017 |
M.E. | Machine design | Mechanical Engineering | University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering | 2005 |
B.E. | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi | 2002 |
List of Publications
S.No | Title of the Paper | Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date |
1 | “Experimental investigation on Mechanical behaviour of Kevlar and Ramie Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites” | Journal of Nano materials, Volume 2022, PP 1-10. |
2 | “Optimization and wear properties for the composites of metal matrix AA8011/Boron Nitride using Taguchi method” | Journal of Nano materials, Volume 2022,PP 1-10. |
3 | “Development & Characterization of Low Friction Wear & Corrosion Resistant Coating for Automobile Application” | International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Vol 6, Issue 3, March 2021,PP 13-16. |
4 | “Surface Coating: An Overview of Research Work” | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume: 08 Issue: 04| Apr 2021,PP 2235-2237. |
5 | “Evaluation of Fracture toughness of Al 7075 Hybrid MMC by Experimental and FEA methods” | International Journal of Scientific & Engineering, Volume 12, Issue 2, February-202,PP 129-134. |
6 | “Development and Characterization of DC Magnetron sputtered NiCrAlY Substrates” | International Journal of Research in Engineering & Science, August 2019, PP 2572-4274. |
7 | “Optimization of Electrical and Morphological Properties of MCrAlY thin films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering using Taguchi method" | International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology (Inpressco), Vol 8 2018,PP.1554-1557. |
8 | “Optimization of Electrical and Morphological Properties of MCrAlY thin films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering using Taguchi method” | International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Nov 2018,PP. 2347 – 5161. |
9 | “Evaluation of Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Coating Produced by DC Magnetron Sputtering” | International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, August 201,PP.2319-8346. |
10 | “Parametric Study on Wear & Corrosion Rate of Ni-WC Coated on CI Specimens” | International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, July 2017,PP. 2319-8346. |
11 | “Optimization of Electrodeposition Process Parameters on Wear Properties of Ni-WC Coated Ferrous Alloy” | International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Feb 2017, PP. 2347 – 5161. |
12 | “Study of the Effect of Electro-co-deposition on Transmission Gears” | International Journal of Science and research, Feb 2017, PP 2319-7064. |
13 | “Study of Wear, Corrosion and SEM of Ni-Al2O3 Composite Coated Specimens” | International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, July 2016, PP.2321-0163. |
14 | “Study of Wear, Corrosion and SEM of Ni-Al2O3 Composite Coating on MS Sample at 500c” | International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, July 2016, PP.2321-2325. |
15 | “Design and Fabrication of Conveyor System for Kuka Robot (KR5)" | International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development”, July 2015, 2249-6149. |
16 | “Evaluation of mechanical properties of aluminium alloy 7075 reinforced with silicon carbide and red mud composite” | International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, Nov-2014.PP. 2091-2730. |
17 | “Experimental Determination and Analysis of Fracture Toughness of MMC” | International Journal of Science and Research, July 2014, PP.1-6. |