MITS has constituted the SDG cell to match its
academic activities with the United Nations 2030 agenda for sustainable
This agenda consists of 3 broad elements a. economic growth, b. social inclusion, c.
environmental protection which
are elaborated into 17 objectives (or goals).
Attainment of SDGs will sensitize all stakeholders of MITS Including its
Students, and Staff towards various aspects required in the Community for the
overall Development of the Society.

No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well Being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequalities
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life below Water
Life on Land
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Partnership for the Goals
Dr. Raghavendran
Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science
Address :
Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science
Post Box No: 14, Kadiri Road,
Angallu Madanapalle-517325,
Andhra Pradesh, India -
Phone : +91-8571-280255 (Extn: 168)
E Mail : [email protected]
(AAA & R) References
- AICTE - Examination Reforms (Nov 2018)
- AICTE - Model Question Paper
- NAAC (1st Cycle) - Self Study Report (SSR)
- NAAC Autonomous College Benchmarks December 2022
- NAAC Autonomous College SOP December 2022
- NAAC Autonomous College Manual 2023
- NAAC- Quality Management System in Higher Education
- NAAC (Best Practices) - Internal Quality Assurance Mechanism: Good Practices of Partner Institutions from Europe and India
- Comparison of NAAC Criteria and ISO 21001:2018 EOMS Clauses
- NBA Guidelines for Faculty 2023
- NBA UG Engg Tier I Manual
- NIRF 2023 Methodology - Engineering
- NIRF 2023 Methodology - Management
- NIRF 2023 Methodology - Overall
The IQAC shall have the following functions:
The IQAC shall have the following functions:
The IQAC shall have the following functions:
- B.Tech - Civil Engineering
- B.Tech - Computer Science & Engineering
- B.Tech - Computer Science & Technology
- B.Tech - Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
- B.Tech - Computer Science & Engineering (Data Science)
- B.Tech - Computer Science & Engineering (Cyber Security)
- B.Tech - Computer Science & Engineering (Networks)
- B.Tech - Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
- B.Tech - Electronics & Communication Engineering
- B.Tech - Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- B.Tech - Mechanical Engineering
The IQAC shall have the following functions:
The IQAC shall have the following functions:
The IQAC shall have the following functions:
- Quality Mandate for Higher Education Institutions in India
- Deeksharambh - Student Induction Programme (SIP)
- LOCF -Learing Outcomes-Based Curriculum Framework
- Jeevan Kaushal -Curriculum for Life Skills
- Social and Industry Connect - Fostering Social Responsibility & Community Engagement
- CARE - Consortium for Academic Research and Ethics
- STRIDE - Scheme for Trans-disciplinary Research for India’s Developing Economy
- SATAT - Framework for Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Campus Development
- MULYA PRAVAH - Guidelines for Inculcation of Human Values and Professional Ethics
- GURU DAKSHTA - Faculty Induction Programme (FIP) for newly appointed faculty members
- PARAMARSH - Scheme For Mentoring NAAC Accrediation Aspirant Institutions to Promote Quality Assurance in Higher Education
- IQAC Guidelines for University (XII PLAN GUIDELINES)
- IQAC Guidelines for Colleges (XII PLAN GUIDELINES)
- Evaluation Reforms in HEls - Guidelines for reforms in evaluation & assessment Systems
- Guidelines for Innovative Pedagogical Approaches & Evaluation Reforms
- National Higher Education Qualifications Framework (NHEQF)
- National Credit Framework (NCrF)
- Curriculum and Credit Framework for Undergraduate Programmes
- Guidelines for Establishment of Research & Development Cell In Higher Education Institutions
- UTSAH (Undertaking Transformative Strategies and Actions in Higher Education)
- National Educational Policy (NEP) 2020
- NEP SAARTHI - Student Ambassador for Academic Reforms in Transforming Higher Education in India
- NEP 2020 - Guidelines for Multiple Entry and Exit in Academic Programmes
- Initiatives undertaken by UGC for implementation of NEP - 2020
The IQAC shall have the following functions:
The IQAC shall have the following functions:
- Admin Audit Format
- Department Audit Format
- Faculty Audit Format
- NAAC AQAR’S Support Documents
- NAAC Supporting Document Manual - Quantitative Inputs For AQAR
- NAAC Benchmarks and SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)
- NAAC AQAR Benchmarks & SOP
- Comparison of NAAC Criteria and ISO 210012018 EOMS Clauses
- NIRF Department Data Template
- NIRF Financial Data Template
The IQAC shall have the following functions:
Sustainability Details
Dr. Raghavendran
Coordinator- SDG Cell
Address :
Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science
Post Box No: 14, Kadiri Road,
Angallu Madanapalle-517325,
Andhra Pradesh, India -
Phone : +91-8571-280255 (Extn: 168)
E Mail : [email protected]
AQAR 2022-23
AQAR 2021-22
AQAR 2020-21
AQAR 2019-20
AQAR 2018-19
AQAR 2017-18