MITS has secured NIRF India Ranking 2024 in the band 201 to 300.


Top Rated Journals

Academic Year: 2023-24

Name Department Publication details IF and Publisher
Vijayakumar Natesan et al. CE “Numerical investigation of cold formed steel sleeve connection for channel sections subjected to combined bending and shear”. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 217, p.108588. 4 (Elsevier)
Damodhar, T.B et al. EEE “A mutual certificate-based data privacy scheme for ubiquitous and sustainable computing system users”. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 58, p.103356. 7.1 (Elsevier)
S. Baskaran et al. MECH “Identification of tool wear and surface morphology measurements in sustainable milling of Al 6082 hybrid metal matrix composite”. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 27, pp.7570-7581. 6.2 (Elsevier)
Rakesh Nath Tiwari et al. ECE “Dual-Band MIMO Antenna Data Telemetry for Dual- Chamber Leadless Cardiac Pacing on Internet of Things Environment”. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 8.2 (IEEE)
Mohan M et al. CSE “Hybrid deep learning enabled breast cancer detection using mammogram images”. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 95, p.106310. 4.9 (Elsevier)
Manikandan Rajagopal et al. CST “An Integration of Digital Twin and 6G Edge Computing Approach to Secure Cyber Physical Systems”. Wireless Personal Communications, pp.1-17. 1.9 (Springer)
K. V. Narasimha Murthy et al. MATHS “Characterization and prediction of southwest monsoon rainfall patterns in Central India as a linear state space modeling”. Natural Hazards, 120(3), pp.2553-2569. 3.3 (Springer)
Chandrasekar Perumalveeramalaiet al. PHYSICS “Monolithically grown CSPbBr3 by chemical vapor deposition for Self-Powered photodetector”. Chemical Engineering Journal, 492, p.152213. 13.3 (Elsevier)
Chikkili Venkateswara Raju et al. CHEMISTRY “Simultaneous electrochemical detection of dopamine and uric acid based on tri-composite of poly-pyrrole and α-Fe2O3 embedded MoS2 sheets modified electrode”. Microchemical Journal, 198, p.110189. 4.9 (Elsevier)

Academic Year: 2022-23

Name Department Publication details IF and Publisher
Roy D et al. CIVIL “Impact of temperature and precipitation lapse rate on hydrological modelling over Himalayan Gandak River Basin”. Journal of Mountain Science, 19(12), pp.3487- 3502. 2.3 (Springer)
K Lakshmikhandan et al. EEE “A hybrid technique for grid-connected solar–wind hybrid system with electric vehicles”. Energy & Environment, 35(5), pp.2753-2789. 4.0 (SAGE)
Satyajit Pattanayak et al. MECH “Optimizing pyrolysis process parameters of plastic grocery bag, with mass–energy assessment and characterization of oil at optimal condition”. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 24(6), pp.1927- 1944. 4.2 (Springer)
M. Velumani et al. ECE “A bilayer SnO2/MoS2-coated evanescent wave fiber optic sensor for acetone detection—an experimental study”. Biosensors, 12(9), p.734. 4.9 (MDPI)
P. V. Venkateswara Rao et al. CSE “Secure authentication and key management protocol for deployment of internet of vehicles (IoV) concerning intelligent transport systems”. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(12), pp.24698-24713. 7.9 (IEEE)
U. Padmavathi et al. CSE-AI “AE-LEACH: an incremental clustering approach for reducing the energy consumption in WSN”. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 93, p.104602. 1.9 (Elsevier)
Rajakumar Ramalingam et al. CST “Routing protocol for MANET based on QoS-aware service composition with dynamic secured broker selection”. Electronics, 11(17), p.2637. 2.6 (MDPI)
Ahsan Mahboob et al. Mathematics “On new filters in ordered semigroups”. Symmetry, 14(8), p.1564. 2.7 (MDPI)
V.K. Verma et al. PHYSICS “Effect of Cr-substitution on vanadium dioxide thin films studied by soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism”. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 918, p.165515. 5.8 (Elsevier)
Sumanta Sahoo et al. CHEMISTRY “Animal-and human-inspired nanostructures as supercapacitor electrode materials: a review”. Nano-Micro Lett. 14, 199 (2022) [online] 31.6 (Springer)
K. Chokkanathan et al. MCA “Hybridization of mean shift clustering and deep packet inspected classification for network traffic analysis”. Wireless Personal Communications, pp.1-17. 1.9 (Springer)