MITS has secured NIRF India Ranking 2024 in the band 201 to 300.
Dr. Nagarajan. G

Qualification : Ph.D. (Bharathidasan University)

Designation : Professor

Details of Educational Qualification:

Course Specialization Group College Name/University Year of Passing
PGDM-AICTE Business Analytics Business Analytics ISBR 2023
M.Com. Commerce Commerce PMP College,Periyar University 2023
LLB Law Law Basavashree College of Law, Bagnalore University 2013
M.Sc. Psychology Psychology KSOU-Mysore 2015
M.Sc. IT IT Periyar University 2007
M.B.A HR M.B.A S.R.N Adarsh College, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences 2005
Ph.D. Banking Banking T.B.M.L College, Bharathidasan University 2002
PGDCA Computer Application Computer Application T.B.M.L College, Bharathidasan University 1999
M.Cop (Cooperative Banking) Cooperative Banking Cooperative Banking T.B.M.L College, Bharathidasan University 1996
Bachelors in Cooperation & Banking Cooperation & Banking Bachelors in Cooperation & Banking Government College, Madras University 1993


List of Publications

S.No Title of the Paper Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date
1 “Analysis on selected anthropometric and physiological variables among university volleyball and basketball men players”  IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences; ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320 7876; Journal Volume 13, Issue 01, 2024; Page No 124-140;
2 “Impact of passenger perception of airline customer loyalty, service quality, trust, commitment factors that influence the customer’s Buying Behavior in airlines” IPE Journal of Management; ISSN2249-9040 with IF 7.138; Volume-14, No: 06, January-June 2024
3 "360-Degree Comparative Performance Analysis By Using 30 Different Financial Ratios Between Public & Private Sector Banks In India" International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.6, Issue 1, Page No pp.771-784, March 2019, Available at :
4 "Human CapitalManagement Towards Organizational Performance with Special Reference to Banking Industry in Bangalore Region" International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.6, Issue 1, Page No pp.670-687, January 2019, Available at :
5 Effectiveness of Human Capital Management towards Organizational Performance in Indian Banking Sector- A Conceptual Study ROOTS-International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches- Special issue 4, March 2018; ISSN 2349-8684, UGC Approved Journal N0.48991
6 Non-Performing Assets Trend Analysis of Selected Public Sector Banks in India ROOTS-International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches-Special issue 4, March 2018; ISSN 2349-8684, UGC Approved Journal N0.48991
7 An Empirical analysis of the relationship between Currency Futures and Currency Exchange Rate, Economical formulas, prediction models and volatility in India with reference to US Dollar, Great Britain Pound and Euro Currency; International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, (IJBARR) peer reviewed and refereed journal, Volume- 3, Issue- 18, April 2017, pp. 169-180."
8 Impact on Information Technology on Public Sector Banks in India with Special Reference to Bangalore, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research; ISSN 0973- 4562; (IJAER) Volume 10, Number 6 (2015), pp. 14115-14148
9 Impact on Customer Buying Behaviour Towards Residential Properties In Bangalore, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research; ISSN 0973-4562; (IJAER)Volume 10, Number 6 (2015), pp. 14149-14174,
10 "Effectiveness of HCM Practices Towards Public & Private Sector Banks In Karnataka Region", International Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts (Ijcrt), Issn:2320-2882, Volume.1, Issue 1, Page No pp.832-845, January 2014, Available at :
11 A Study on Comparison of Buy and Hold Strategy V/S Technical Analysis; International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review; Vol.2, Issue.6 July- Sep, 2014. Page No.144-160
12 Impact on Mutual Funds towards Risk and Returnsin Various Investment Avenues: International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, Vol.1, Issue.2, Aug - 2014. Page No.245-265
13 Constructing an Optimal Portfolio Using Sharpe’s Single Index Model: International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, Vol.1, Issue.5, Nov - 2014. Page No. 204-216.
14 “A Study on Impact of Job Enrichment Practices towards Employee Satisfaction at HDFC Standard Life Insurance” International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences (ISSN 2278 - 6236) Vol-2, Issue-12, Dec 2013, pp. 205-218.
15 “Analysis of Perception of Customers towards Newspapers Publishing Industry with Special Reference to The New Indian Express in Bangalore” International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (ISSN: 2249-0558) Vol-3, Issue- 12, Dec 2013, pp. 124-139.
16 “Non-Performing Assets is a Threat to India Banking Sector - A Comparative study between Priority and Non-Priority Sector Lending in Public sector banks” International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences (ISSN 2278 - 6236) Vol-2, Issue-11, Nov 2013, pp. 29-43.
17 “A Study on Risk & Return Analysis of Indian I.T. Industry” The International Journal of Management Research & Reviews (IJMRR) (ISSN 2249- 7196), Nov 2013, Volume 3, Issue 11, Article No-12, pp. 3790-3800.
18 “Analysis of Employee Perception towards Talent Management practices with special reference to Retail Industry in Bangalore Region” The International Journal of Management Research & Reviews (IJMRR)) (ISSN 2249- 7196), Nov 2013, Volume 3, Issue 11, Article No-5, pp. 3737-3745.
19 “Financial Performance Analysis of State Bank of India and ICICI Bank in India: A Comparative Study” The International Journal of Management Research & Reviews (IJMRR) (ISSN 2249-7196), Oct 2013, Volume 3, Issue 9, ArticleNo-12, pp. 3649- 3657.
20 “A Study on impact of Work Life Stress on Job with Special Reference to BPO Employees in Bangalore” PREVOYANCE - 2013 “Re-engineering of Indian Economy Opportunities & Challenges” National conference, Organized by Shirdi Sai Engineering College on 24th October 2013.
21 “A Study on Customer Awareness towards Loan Products & Services in Bangalore with Special Reference to State Bank of India” PREVOYANCE - 2013 “Re-engineering of Indian Economy Opportunities & Challenges” National conference, Organized by Shirdi Sai Engineering College on 24th October 2013.
22 “Asset & Liability Management of Public sector banks in India" International Conference on Convergence of Science, Engineering & Management in Education and Research– 2013 held at Dayananda Sagar Institutions Campus, Bangalore on 26th & 27th Sept 2013.
23 “A Study on Performance of Unit-Linked Insurance Plans (ULIP) offered by Indian Private Insurance Companies” International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences (ISSN 2278 - 6236), Vol-2, Issue-8, Aug 2013, pp.114-127.
24 “A Study on Employee Engagement towards Organizational Performance at Private Hospitals in Bangalore” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Management – 2013 organized by JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore on July 4-5, 2013
25 “Analysis on the Performance of Non-Performing Assets in India – A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Banks” National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Management – 2013 organized by JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore on July4-5, 2013
26 Production with Reference to Productivity in Arignar Anna Industrial Weavers Co- operatives. "Indian Co-operative Review" National Co-operativeUnion of India, July 1998.
27 Risk Management in Co-operative Banks, "The Tamil Nadu Journal of Co- operation Tamil Nadu Co-operative Union, Vol. 91, No. 8, No. 1999.
28 Financing Non-Farm Sector, Kisan World Vol. 27, No.1, Page No 55 Jan. 2000
29 Need for Sustainable Development in Co-operatives, The Tamil Nadu Journal of Co-operation", Tamil Nadu Co-operative Union Vol. 94, March 2000.
30 An Analysis of NPA, Prudential Norms & Income Recognition for DCCBs in Tamil Nadu, The Tamil Nadu Journal of Co-operation, Tamil Nadu Co- operative Union Vol. 29, April 2000.
31 Towards Organizational Changes and Development in Co-operatives", The Tamil Nadu Journal of Co-operation, TNCU Vol. 95. July 2000.
32 E-Commerce and on-Credit Co-operative Organizations "Kisan World" Vol.27 No. 12 Dec. 2000.
33 Emergence of E-Commerce in Sectoral Co-operative Organizations" . The Tamil Nadu Journal of Co-operation, TNCU, Vol.2, Nov 2001.
34 Control Techniques and Management of Co-operative Organizations" "Kisan World" Vol. No. 13. June 2002.


Book Publications

  • Management & Organizational Behavior; Jayvee International Publications I Edition; Bengaluru, ISBN No. 9788194100218
  • Human Resource Management: Jayvee International Publications I Edition; Bengaluru, ISBN No.9788193740347
  • Accounting for Management: Jayvee International Publications I Edition; Bengaluru, ISBN No. 9788193740348
  • Accounting for Managers: Jayvee International Publications; ISBN No: 978819374034
  • Strategic Management: Jayvee International Publications I Edition; Bengaluru, ISBN No.9788193740385
  • Entrepreneurship Development; Jayvee International Publications I Edition;Bengaluru, ISBN No.9788193740378
  • Legal and Business Environment; Jayvee International Publications I Edition; Bengaluru, ISBN No.9788193740354
  • Written a book for IVth Semester MBA (VTU) – Work Place Ethics & Value Systems – Thakur Publishers at New Delhi with ISBN:978-93-5163-892-6
  • Written a book for IVth Semester MBA (VTU) – Principles & Practices of Banking – Thakur Publishers at New Delhi with ISBN:978-93-5163-629-8
  • Written a book for IIIrd Semester MBA (VTU) – Principles & Practices of Banking – Thakur Publishers at New Delhi with ISBN:978-93-83130-95-5
  • Written a book for IInd Semester MBA (VTU) – Entrepreneurial Development – Thakur Publishers at New Delhi with ISBN:978-93-5163-423-2
  • Written a book for IIIrd Semester MBA (VTU) – Strategic Management –Thakur Publishers at New Delhi with ISBN:978-93-83130-86-3
  • Written a book for 1st Semester MBA (VTU) – Managerial Economics for Managers – Thakur Publishers at New Delhi with ISBN:978-93-83130-86-3
  • Written a book for IIrd Semester MBA (VTU) – Strategic Management –Thakur Publishers at New Delhi with ISBN:978-93-5163-425-6
  • Written a book for Ist Semester MCA (VTU) – Fundamentals of Computers –Thakur Publishers at Bangalore with ISBN:978-93-83130-86-5
  • Written a book for III Semester MBA (Mysore University) – Business Environment –AMP Publishers at Bangalore
  • Written a book for Ist Semester MBA (Mysore University) – Management Information System – AMP Publishers at Bangalore
  • Written a Book for Ist Semester MBA (Mysore University)- Managerial Economics- AMP Publishers, Bangalore.