Dr. S. V. Rasajna
Qualification : Ph.D. (Andhra University)
Designation : Asst. Professor
Details of Educational Qualification:
Course | Specialization | Group | College Name/University | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | English | English | Andhra University | 2023 |
M.Phil. | English | English | Andhra University | 2003 |
M.A. | English | English | Andhra University | 1996 |
B.A. | English | English | Andhra University | 1994 |
List of Publications
S.No | Title of the Paper | Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date |
1 | “Being Black In A White Environment: A Significant Study Of The Literary Exposition Of Joan Riley” | Multi-Disciplinary National Seminar On Travails Of Uprootment: A Tribute To Refugees, Exiles And Diasporic Communities (sponsored by UGC) and conducted by M S M COLLEGE, KAYAMKULAM (Aided institution affiliated to the University of Kerala) from July 29 – 31, 2015. |
2 | “Narrative and Narratology: Traditions & Innovations in Story-telling Patterns” | International Conference held in India on the 5th and 6th February 2016, in Garden City College, Bengaluru organized by the “Department of Languages, Garden City College”, and presented the topic: Storytelling: A Powerful, Influential and Sublime Driving Force Reflected in the Writings of the Black Women. |
3 | “Storytelling: As A Powerful, Influential And Sublime Driving Force Reflected In The Writings Of The Black Women, With Deep Rooted Impressions From The Indigenous Culture” | International Journal Of English Language And Literature & Humanities (IJELLH) with IMPACT FACTOR:4.287-VOLUME IV ISSUE II, FEBRUARY, 2016 and ISSN 2321-7065. |
4 | “A Bird’S View Of The Caribbean And Black-British Writing Depicting The Identity Crisis Of The Emigrants Caught In The Web Of Rootlessness, In-Between Spaces, Homelessness, Acculturalization And Dislocation” | Research Journal Of English Language And Literature (RJELAL) with IMPACT FACTOR:5.002-VOLUME IV ISSUE IV, OCT. DEC., 2016 and ISSN 2395-2636 (print) Page No.: 244-254: 2321-3108 (online). |
5 | “(His) story, Her-story and ‘Other’ Narratives: Revisions and Re-interpretations in Story-telling” | International Conference held in India on the 3rd and 4th February 2017, in Reva University, Bengaluru organized by the School of Arts & Humanities, and presented paper the topic: Innovative and Rhetoric Story-Telling Strategies Pertaining to the Portrayal of Women in the Writings of Buchi Emecheta. |
6 | "Ergodic Literature and the Aesthetics of Hypertext : A Significant Shift in the Traditional Perceptive of Conventional Literature. | 62nd All India English Teachers Conference OUCIP, OU Campus, Hyderabad-500 007, TS Organized by Osmania University Centre for International Programmes under the Aegis of The Association for English Studies of India (AESI) on Globalization: Emerging Trends in English Language and Literature on 18th, 19th and 20th January 2018 |
7 | “Understanding Ergodic Literature Through the Aesthetics of Hypertext” | International Journal Of English Language and Literature & Humanities (IJELLH) with Impact Factor:4.287-VOLUME VII ISSUE III, MARCH, 2019. |