MITS has secured NIRF India Ranking 2024 in the band 201 to 300.
Dr. Nakkeeran G

Qualification : Ph.D. (SRM Institute of Science and Technology)

Designation : Asst. Professor

Details of Educational Qualification:

Course Specialization Group College Name/University Year of Passing
Ph.D. Construction Engineering and Management Civil Engineering SRM Institute of Science and Technology 2024
M.E. Quality Engineering and Management Civil Engineering College of Engineering, Anna University 2018
B.E. Civil Engineering Civil Engineering GKM College Of Engineering and Technology 2015


List of Publications

S.No Title of the Paper Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date
1 Machine learning-based destructive and non-destructive testing of paver block using fly ash and polyvinyl chloride into sustainable pedestrians. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 10(4), 1-17.
2 Optimization of waste plastic fiber concrete with recycled coarse aggregate using RSM and ANN. Scientific Reports, 15(1), 7798.
3 Evaluation of SCBA-replaced cement for carbon credits and reduction in CO2 emissions. Discov Appl Sci 7, 114 (2025).
4 Thermal distribution of paver block with machine learning optimized design with alternative eco-friendly materials. Innov. Infrastruct. Solut. 10, 24 (2025).
5 Enhancing the mechanical properties’ performances coconut fiber and CDW composite in paver block: multiple AI techniques with a Performance analysis. Sci Rep 14, 31886 (2024).
6 Evaluating the use of recycled fine aggregates in 3D printing: a systematic review. Discover Appl Sci 6, 630 (2024). (ESCI)
7 Innovative approaches to sustainable construction: a detailed study of rice husk ash as an eco-friendly substitute in cement production. Discover Appl Sci 6, 597 (2024).
8 Optimization and prediction of paver block properties with ceramic waste as fine aggregate using response surface methodology. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 23416. (SCI-4.9)-Q1
9 Recycling glass waste into concrete aggregates: enhancing mechanical properties and sustainability. Asian J Civ Eng (2024). (Scopus)
10 Mechanical properties optimization and cost analysis of agricultural waste as an alternative in brick production. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 24075. (SCI-4.9)-Q1
11 Investigating the potential of waste glass in paver block production using RSM. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 21508. (SCI-4.9)-Q1
12 “Soft computing techniques for predicting the compressive strength properties of fly ash geopolymer concrete using regression-based machine learning approaches” Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation 2024, (Scopus)
13 Optimization and Performance Analysis of Residential Building for Sustainable Energy Design Through BIM. Journal of Engineering Research (SCIE 1.6)-Q2
14 Evaluation and optimization of lean waste in construction industry. Asian J Civ Eng 23, 741–752 (2022). (Scopus)-Q3
15 A Scientometric Analysis Review on Agricultural Wastes Used as Building Materials. Buildings 2023, Vol. 13, Page 426, 13(2), 426. (SCIE 3.2)-Q2
16 Prediction of cement mortar strength by replacement of hydrated lime using RSM and ANN. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 1, 1– 10.
17 Developing lightweight concrete bricks by replacing fine aggregate with vermiculite: a regression analysis prediction approach. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 2023, 1, 1–9. - (Scopus)-Q3
18 Experimental Investigation And Optimization Of Lightweight Bricks Developed With Vermiculite. Frontiers in Materials 2023, (SCI 3.9)-Q1
19 Machine learning application to predict the Mechanical properties of Glass Fiber mortar. Advances in Engineering Software, 180, 103454. (SCI 4.8)-Q1
20 Synergistic effect of Alliance Contract and Lean Methodology on project performance measures in the construction industry: SEM Analysis Technological Forecasting and Social Change. (SCI 12)-Q1
21 Predicting an Energy Use Intensity and Cost of Residential Energy Efficient Buildings Using Various Parameters: ANN Analysis Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 2023, 1, 1–17. (Scopus)-Q3
22 Comparative Study on Net-zero Masonry Walls Made of Clay and Fly Ash Bricks and Grouts/Mortars/Stuccos with The Effect of Super Fine Fly Ash Blended Cement – Low Carbon Cement International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, Volume 18, 2023, Pages 1008– 1014,
23 Machine learning optimization and prediction of waste glass used as partial replacement of coarse aggregate in concrete. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering 2023, 1, 1–11.
24 Numerical Analysis and Parametric Study on Multiple Degrees-of-Freedom Frames. Civil Engineering Journal 9, 1709–1736. doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-07-012. (ESCI 4.1)-Q1
25 Soft Computing Techniques for Predicting the Properties of Raw Rice Husk Concrete Bricks Using Regression- Based Machine Learning Approaches Scientific Reports 2023, (SCI-4.9)-Q1
26 Review on electronic waste used as construction materials-a scientometric analysis Cogent Engineering 10, no. 2 (2023): 2283307. (ESCI)-Q3
27 Machine learning optimization of bio-sandcrete brick modelling using response surface methodology Scientific Reports 2024 (SCI-4.9)-Q1
28 Evaluation of Failure Mode Analysis and Strength Behavior of Fly Ash Brick Masonry Prisms. 107–121. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer, Singapore (Scopus)-Q3
29 Scientometric Analysis of Building Energy Analysis in the Construction During 2005–2022 Sustainable Innovations in Construction Management. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 388. Springer, Singapore. (Scopus)-Q3
30 An Ergonomic Risk Evaluation of the Construction Industry Based on Specific Factors Sustainable Innovations in Construction Management. ICC IDEA 2023. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 388. Springer, Singapore. (Scopus)-Q3
31 Prediction Of Mechanical Properties Of The Cement Brick With Bio-Aggregate Lecture notes in civil engineering- Recent Advances in Civil Engineering. Accepted (Scopus)-Q3
32 Identification Of The Lean Tools Used In The Tamil Nadu Construction Industry Lecture notes in civil engineering- Recent Advances in Civil Engineering. Accepted (Scopus)-Q3
33 Ergonomic Risk Assessment in Construction Industry 11th ISDSI International Conference to be held at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Tiruchirappalli on 28/12/2017.
34 Evaluation Of Failure Mode Analysis And Strength Behavior Of Fly Ash Brick Masonry Prisms 1st International Conference on "Advances in Construction Materials and Management (ACMM 2021) in SRM Institute of Science and Technology on 2022.
35 Effects Of Nano Silica On Characteristics Of Energetically Modified Fly Ash Cement Paste 1st International Conference on "Advances in Construction Materials and Management (ACMM 2021) in SRM Institute of Science and Technology on 2022.
36 Comparative Study On Clay Brick And Fly Ash Brick Masonry Prism With The Effect Of Super Fine Fly Ash Blended Cement Mortar 1st International Conference on "Advances in Construction Materials and Management (ACMM 2021) in SRM Institute of Science and Technology on 2022.
37 Predicting and Forecasting Building Energy Performance Using RSM “National Conference on Materials and Sustainability in Civil Engineering (MSCE - 2022)” on 01st and 02nd July 2022, in the Department of Civil Engineering at SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST), Kattankulathur, Chennai, India.
38 Optimization Using Regression-Based An Experimental Examination Of Lightweight Bricks Developed With Vermiculite “National Conference on Materials and Sustainability in Civil Engineering (MSCE - 2022)” on 01st and 02nd July 2022, in the Department of Civil Engineering at SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST), Kattankulathur, Chennai, India
39 Scientometric Analysis Of Building Energy Analysis In The Construction During 2005:2022 “National Conference on Materials and Sustainability in Civil Engineering (MSCE - 2022)” on 01st and 02nd July 2022, in the Department of Civil Engineering at SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST), Kattankulathur, Chennai, India
40 Prediction Of Mechanical Properties Of The Cement Brick With Bio-Aggregate “International Conference on Civil Engineering Innovative development in Engineering Advances (ICC IDEA-2023)” on march 9 to 11th March 2023 in Department of Civil Engineering at SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST), Kattankulathur, Chennai, India



  • Arekanti Raju, Dipankar Roy, Nakkeeran G. “ZIP LOCK INTERLOCKING BRICK” Patent No. 437599-001.- 17/11/2024.
  • Nakkeeran G., Dipankar Roy., “INTERLOCKED HEXAGONAL HOLLOW BLOCK” Patent No. 428578-001.- 13/12/2024.
  • K. Anitha., Nakkeeran G., Dipankar Roy., .Vyshnavi A. “GRIP-TITE INTERLOCKING BRICKS” Patent No. 428580-001.- 09/12/2024.
  • Golla Uday Kiran., Nakkeeran G., Dipankar Roy., Govardhan Naik B., “C-SHAPE INTERLOCKING PAVER BLOCK” Patent No. 427507-001.- 20/08/2024.
  • Indumathi M., Nakkeeran G., Dipankar Roy., “H-SHAPED INTERLOCKING PAVER BLOCK” Patent No. 429097-001.- 02/09/2024.
  • Govardhan Naik B., Nakkeeran G., Dipankar Roy., Golla Uday Kiran., “HEAD-FOOT INTERLOCKING PAVER BLOCK” Patent No. 427544-001.- 20/08/2024.
  • EDITOR: Editor Tean in Scientific Report (SCIE-3.9)-Q1 Journal