Dr. Ravi Shankar Nanduri
Qualification : Ph.D. (JNTUH, Hyderabad)
Designation : Professor
Details of Educational Qualification:
Course | Specialization | Group | College Name/University | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | CSE | CSE | JNTUH, Hyderabad | 2011 |
M.Tech. | CSE | CSE | M.I.T., Manipal University | 2000 |
B.Tech. | Civil Engineering | Civil Engineering | K.L.C.E., Acharya Nagarjuna University | 1988 |
List of Publications
S.No | Title of the Paper | Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date |
1 | "A Novel Block Cipher with the Blending of the Hill Cipher and the Playfair Cipher" | Journal of Xidian University (scopus), 16(1):207-217. https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu16.1/021, 2022 |
2 | "A Large Block Cipher with the Blending of the Hill Cipher and the Playfair" | Journal of Xidian University (scopus), 16(1):232-242. https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu16.1/023, 2022 |
3 | "Smart Algorithms To Secure Web Based Applications From Sql Injection Attacks" | Journal of Xidian University (scopus), 16(2):298- 304. https://doi.org/10.37896/jxu16.2/026, 2022. |
4 | "Surgical Striking Sql Injection Attacks Using LSTM" | Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) (scopus), 13(1):208-220. DOI : 10.21817/indjcse/2022/v13i1/221301182, 2022 |
5 | "Building Security Barriers By Modified Algorithms In Blockchain To Prevent Sql Injection and XSS" | Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) (scopus), 13(2):477- 488. DOI : 10.21817/indjcse/2022/v13i2/221302144, 2022 |
6 | "Defensive Walls for Detecting and Preventing SQL Injection and XSS attacks in Dynamic Content Delivery Network Web Applications" | Design Engineering (scopus), 2021(7):10019- 10039, 2021 |
7 | "Getting Down to Brass Tacks of Prevention Mechanism of Sql Injection in Php based Web Application" | International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, 8(6):324-328, 2017 |
8 | “Diversify Based On the Context of the Word Queries for Xml Data” | International Journal of Research IJR Volume 03 Issue 14 October 2016. |
9 | “P2P Sharing Cluster Proximity Interest-Aware File System” | IJR International Journal of Research Volume 03 Issue 14, 2016. |
10 | “Flexible and Secure Key Exchange Mechanism for Network File Systems” | International Journal of Research in Information Technology(IJRIT), Volume4, Issue 10, October 2016, pp.55-65. |
11 | “Enhanced QoS Based Collaborative Filtering for Web Service Recommender System" | International Journal of Research in Information Technology(IJRIT), Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2016, pp. 66-76. |
12 | “The Strong Confidence: The Process of Computational Dynamic Trust Model for Secure Communication in Multi-Agent Systems” | International Journal of Research Volume 03 Issue 14 October 2016. |
13 | “Cloud Privilege of Access to Data and Anonymity with the Unknown Entirely Based Encryption to Control Characteristics” | International Journal of Research Volume 03 Issue 14 October 2016. |
14 | "A Large Block Cipher Involving Key Dependent Permutation, Interlacing and Iteration" | Cybernetics and Information Technologies (ESCI), vol.13, no.3, 2013, pp.50-63. https://doi.org/10.2478/cait-2013-0025 |
15 | “A Blending of A Generalized Playfair Cipher and A Modified Hill Cipher” | International Journal of Networks and Mobile Technologies, 2(1): pp 35-43, January, 2011. |
16 | “A Generalized Playfair Cipher involving Intertwining, interweaving and Iteration” | International Journal of Networks and Mobile Technology, 1(2): 45-53, November, 2010. |
17 | “A Modified Hill Cipher involving Interweaving and Iteration” | International Journal of Network Security (scopus), 11(2): 51-56, September 2010. |
18 | “A Modified Playfair Cipher Involving Interweaving and Iteration” | International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (UGC CARE), 1(5): 594-598, December, 2009. |
19 | “A Modified Playfair Cipher for a Large Block of Plaintext” | International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (UGC CARE), 1(5): 590-594, December, 2009. |
20 | “Modified Hill Cipher for a large block of plaintext with Interlacing and Iteration” | Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications (scopus), 4(1):15-20, 2008. |
21 | “Modified Hill Cipher with Interlacing and Iteration” | Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications (scopus), 3(11):854-859, 2007. |
22 | “A Large Block Cipher involving Interweaving and Iteration” | proceedings of the International Conference on Advances and Emerging Trends in Computing Technologies (ICAET10)” June 21-24, 2010, Chennai pp: 328-333. |
23 | “An Improved and Scalable Digital Image Encryption Method Based on One-Dimensional Random Scrambling” | “International Conference on Diversifying trends in Technology and Management”, April 6-7, 2013, NewDelhi pp:13-17. |
24 | Cryptanalysis of Modified Caesar Cipher using Rectangular Method for Enhanced Security - A Chosen Plaintext Attack | Proceedings of International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, 2017. |
25 | "Cryptanalysis of A New Cryptosystem of Color Image Using a Dynamic-Chaos Hill Cipher Algorithm: A Chosen Ciphertext Attack" | Progress in Computing, Analytics and Networking (Proceedings of ICCAN 2019),Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Springer, Volume: 1119, pp: 475-482. |
26 | "Cryptanalysis of Modification in Hill Cipher for Cryptographic Application" | (Advances in Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence 2020), Algorithms for Intelligent Systems Springer, Volume:16171, pp: 659-666. |
27 | "Enhanced Scrambled Prime Key Encryption Using Chaos Theory and Steganography", "Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things (ICICI 2019)" | Springer Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Volume: 38, pp: 104-113. |
28 | stream Cipher of alphabet using linear congruences | National Conference, SNIST, Hyderabad, Nov 21-22, 2005. |
29 | “A Modified Playfair Cipher with Multiple Key Dependent Substitution Boxes and Chained Substitution” | National Conference NCIS 2010 held on 23rd & 24th April 2010 at Manipal Center for Information Science, Manipal University, Manipal |