Dr. Biporjoy Sarkar
Qualification : Ph.D. (IIT, Madras)
Designation : Asst. Professor
Details of Educational Qualification:
Course | Specialization | Group | College Name/University | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | Physics | Physics | Indian Institute of Technology, Madras | 2019 |
M.Sc. | Physics | M.Sc. | Indian Institute of Technology, Madras | 2013 |
B.Sc. | Physics | B.Sc. | Jadavpur University | 2011 |
List of Publications
S.No | Title of the Paper | Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date |
1 | ”High Strength Carbon Fibers Derived from Asphaltenes” | (To be submitted in Carbon) (2024). |
2 | ”Enhancing asphaltene spinnability via polymer blending” | (Accepted for publication in ACS Energy & Fuels) (Impact Factor: 5.3) (2024). 2/5 |
3 | ”Electromagnetic interference shielding in lightweight carbon xerogels” | (Mater. Res. Exp. (Impact Factor: 2.05), 10, 045601, (2023). |
4 | ”Recent progress on Self-healable Conducting Polymers” | (Adv. Mat. (Impact Factor: 32.09), 34 (24), 2108932-2108954 (2022). |
5 | "Lightweight and flexible conducting polymer sponges and hydrogels for electromagnetic shielding” | (J. Mater. Chem. C (Impact Factor: 8.067), 9, 16558-16565, (2021). |
6 | "Uniquely designed stretchable conducting polymer-based kirigami devices” | (To be submitted). (2024). |
7 | ”Composite conducting polymer sponges for ultrahigh electromagnetic interference shield- ing” | (To be submitted), (2024). |
8 | “Nanostructuring mechanical cracks in a flexible conducting polymer thin film for ultra-sensitive vapor sensing” | (Impact Factor: 8.307) 11 (1), 200–210 (2019). |
9 | “Wrinkle and crack-dependent charge transport in a uniaxially strained conducting polymer film on a flexible substrate" | (Impact Factor: 4.046) 13 (32), 5437-5444 (2017). |
10 | “Swelling kinetics and electrical charge transport in PEDOT:PSS thin films exposed to water vapor" | J. Phys. Condens. Matter (Impact Factor: 2.745), 30 (22), 225101 (2018). |
11 | “Anomalous charge transport in reduced graphene oxide films on a uniaxially strained elastic substrate" | J. Phys. Condens. Matter (Impact Factor: 2.745) 29 (23), 235301 (2017). |
12 | “Isotropic charge transport in conducting PEDOT:PSS thin films on pre-strained stretch- able substrates” | AIP Conference Proceedings 1942, 110036 (2018)). |
13 | “Crack engineered polymeric sensor device for vapor sensing and method of preparation thereof” | (Patent Granted, Patent No: 471375) |