Mr. R. Sai Venkata Ramana

Qualification : M.Tech.

Designation : Asst. Professor

Details of Educational Qualification:

Course Specialization Group College Name/University Year of Passing
M.Tech. CSE CSE Siddharth Institute of Engineering and Technology, JNTU-Anantapur 2012
B.Tech. CSE CSE Siddharth Institute of Engineering and Technology, JNTU, Hyderabad 2008


List of Publications

S.No Title of the Paper Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date
1 Charismatic of Malware diffusion in distributed peer to peer networks International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering and Technology (IJARCET) Volume1, Issue6, August-2012, IJARCET paper ISSN: 2278–132 Aug 2012
2 Income Accrual for Assertive Enlargement of Geo Distributed Data Centers 9th International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering” held on 24th March 2019
3 Securing Hypervisors through Big Data Analytics in Cloud 9th International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering” held on 24th March 2019
4 Comparative analysis of Stock Market Prediction Algorithms based on Twitter Data International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887) Volume 174-No.29, April 2021