MITS has secured NIRF India Ranking 2024 in the band 201 to 300.
Dr. Rasmita Jena

Qualification : Ph.D. (NIT-Rourkela)

Designation : Asst. Professor

Details of Educational Qualification:

Course Specialization Group College Name/University Year of Passing
Ph.D. Physics Physics National Institute of Technology, Rourkela 2023
M.Sc. Physics & Condensed Matter Physics M.Sc. Berhampur University, Odisha 2016
B.Sc. Physics Honours B.Sc. Utkal University, Odisha 2014


List of Publications

S.No Title of the Paper Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date
1 “Enhanced magnetic, magnetodielectric, and field-dependent magnetoimpedance correlation in the Bi5Ti3FeO15/Bi2Fe4O9 composites” J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 580, 170910 (2023);
2 “Investigation of dielectric, impedance, and magnetodielectric behavior in Bi5Ti3FeO15-Bi2Fe4O9 composites prepared by sol-gel modified method” Int. J. Mater. Res. 114, 4-5 (2023);
3 “Enhanced magnetic and magnetodielectric behavior in morphologically distinct BTFO and LSMO composites” J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 562, 169821 (2022);
4 “Role of manganite in enhancing dielectric cum magnetic properties of BTFO- LSMO composites” Appl. Phys. A. 128, 753 (2022);
5 “structural, magnetic, and magnetodielectric correlations in multiferroic Bi5Ti3FeO15” J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. 32, 21379 (2021);
6 “Dielectric relaxation and conduction mechanism in Aurivillius ceramic Bi5Ti3FeO15” Int. J. Miner., Metall. Mater. 28, 1063 (2021);
7 “Magnetic, Magnetodielectric, and Magnetoimpedance correlations in co-substituted (Co, Ho) KBiFe2O5 at room temperature” J. Alloy. Compd. 938, 168432 (2023);
8 “Magnetic, Magnetodielectric, and Magnetoimpedance correlations in co-substituted (Co, Ho) KBiFe2O5 at room temperature” Int. J. Mater. Res. 114, 4-5 (2023);
9 “Substantial enhancement in magnetic and magnetodielectric properties of .07 (Bi2Fe4O9)-0.3(La0.67Sr0.33MnO3) composite” J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 578, 170813 (2023);
10 “Temperature-dependent magnetodielectric, magnetoimpedance, and magnetic field controlled dielectric relaxation response in KBiFe2O5” J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 549, 169047 (2022);
11 “Effect of Holmium substitution on magnetic, dielectric, and magnetodielectric properties of polycrystalline KBiFe2O5, Mater Res. Bull. 155, 111947 (2022);
12 “Evidence of room temperature magnetodielectric and cluster glass behaviour of Sr substituted Y- type Ba2Mg2Fe11.48Mn0.52O22 hexaferrite” J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 552, 169191 (2022);
13 “Enhanced magnetic and magnetodielectric properties of Co-doped brownmillerite KBiFe2O5 at room temperature” J. Alloy. Compd. 886, 161294 (2021);
14 “Effect of Co substitution on the structural, dielectric and optical properties of KBiFe2O5” Int. J. Miner., Metall. Mater. 28, 1861 (2021);
15 “Evidence of room-temperature magnetodielectric effect in brownmillerite KBiFe2O5 through magnetic, complex dielectric, and impedance study” J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. 18, 1 (2020);
16 “Enhanced magnetic and room temperature intrinsic magnetodielectric effect in Mn modified Ba2Mg2Fe12O22 Y-type hexaferrite” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 135701 (2020); 648X/ab5c2b
17 “Doping induced modification in magnetism and magnetoelectric coupling at room temperature in Fe2Te(1-x)NbxO6” Physica B: Condensed Matter 571, 193 (2019);
18 “Magnetic and anomalous dielectric behavior of Mn modified Ba2Mg2Fe12O22 hexaferrite” Physica B: Condensed Matter 568, 70 (2019);
19 “Observation of magnetodielectric properties in BTFO-LSMO composites synthesized via sol-gel precursor hybrid technique” Materials Today: Proceedings, 50, 837 (2022);
20 “Signature of magnetodielectric coupling in (0.8)Bi5Ti3FeO15-(0.2)La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 composites” AIP Conference Proceedings, 2740, 050001 (2023);
21 “Study of variation in physical properties of KBiFe2O5 prepared by different synthesis routes and heat treatments” Materials Today: Proceedings, 50, 812 (2022);
22 “Influence of ho substitution on structure, dielectric, and magnetodielectric properties of KBiFe2O5 brownmillerite” AIP Conference Proceedings, 2740, 050002 (2023);
23 “Evidence of magneto-dielectric coupling at room temperature in polycrystalline KBiFe2O5” AIP Conference Proceedings 2115, 030501 (2019);
24 “Study of Dielectric and Magnetodielectric Properties of Y Type Ba2Mg1.5Ni0.5Fe12O22 Hexaferrite” AIP Conference Proceedings, 2162, 020158 (2019);
25 “The Study of Dielectric and Magnetodielectric Properties of Y Type Ba2Mg1.5Ni0.5Fe12O22 Hexaferrite” AIP Conference Proceedings, 2162, 020158 (2019;
26 “Dielectric relaxation and magnetodielectric responses in Bi5Ti3FeO15/Bi2Fe4O9 composites” AIP Conference Proceedings, {Accepted}.


Book Chapter

  • R. Jena, K. Chandrakanta, and A. K. Singh*, “Structural, Magnetic, and Magnetodielectric Properties of Bi-Based Modified Ceramic Composites”, Intech Open, ISBN: 978-1-80355-865- 3 (2022);


Conferences & Workshops attended

  1. Participated in Conference on “68th DAE-Solid State Symposium (DAE-SSPS 2024)” held at DAE Convention Centre, Anushaktinagar, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India from 18th to 22nd December 2024.