MITS has secured NIRF India Ranking 2024 in the band 201 to 300.      National IP Yatra Workshop on 21st & 22nd March 2025.
Dr. K. Chandrakanta

Qualification : Ph.D. (NIT-Rourkela)

Designation : Asst. Professor

Details of Educational Qualification:

Course Specialization Group College Name/University Year of Passing
Ph.D. Physics Physics National Institute of Technology, Rourkela 2023
M.Sc. Physics Physics Berhampur University, Odisha 2015
B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Berhampur University, Odisha 2013



My Publications

S.No Title of the Paper Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date
1 Temperature-dependent magnetodielectric, magnetoimpedance, and magnetic field controlled dielectric relaxation response in KBiFe2O5 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 549, 169047 (2022).
2 Effect of Holmium substitution on magnetic, dielectric, and magnetodielectric properties of polycrystalline KBiFe2O5 Mater. Res. Bull. 155, 111947 (2022).
3 Evidence of room temperature magnetodielectric and cluster glass behaviour of Sr substituted Y-type Ba2Mg2Fe11.48Mn0.52O22 hexaferrite J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 552, 169191 (2022).
4 Enhanced magnetic and magnetodielectric behavior in morphological distinct BTFO and LSMO composites J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 562, 169821 (2022).
5 Study of variation in physical properties of KBiFe2O5 prepared by different synthesis routes and heat treatments Materials Today: Proceedings, 50, 812 (2022).
6 Observation of magnetodielectric properties in BTFO-LSMO composites synthesized via sol-gel precursor hybrid technique Materials Today: Proceedings, 50, 837 (2022).
7 Temperature and magnetic field controlled dielectric relaxation and magnetodielectric response in KBiFe1.9Co0.1O5 polycrystalline Int. J. Mater. Res. {accepted}.
8 Magnetic, Magnetodielectric, and Magnetoimpedance correlations in co-substituted (Co, Ho) KBiFe2O5 at room temperature J. Alloy. Compd. {under review}.
9 Influence of Ho Substitution on Structural, Dielectric, and Magnetodielectric Properties of KBiFe2O5 Brownmillerite AIP Conference Proceedings, (under review).
10 Intrinsic magnetodielectric coupling in co-substituted KBiFe2O5 AIP Conference Proceedings (Submitted).
11 Enhanced magnetic and magnetodielectric properties of Co-Substituted brownmillerite KBiFe2O5 at room temperature J. Alloys. Compd. 886, 161294 (2021).
12 Effect of Co substitution on the structural, dielectric and optical properties of KBiFe2O5 Int. J. Miner., Metall. Mater. 28, 1861 (2021).
13 "Structural, magnetic, and magnetodielectric correlations in multiferroic Bi5Ti3FeO15 J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. 32, 21379 (2021).
14 Dielectric relaxation and conduction mechanism in Aurivillius ceramic Bi5Ti3FeO15 Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater. 28, 1063 (2021).
15 Evidence of room-temperature magnetodielectric effect in brownmillerite KBiFe2O5 through magnetic, complex dielectric, and impedance study J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. 18, 1 (2020).
16 Enhanced magnetic and room temperature intrinsic magnetodielectric effect in Mn modified Ba2Mg2Fe12O22 Y-type hexaferrite J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 135701 (2020).
17 Evidence of magneto-dielectric coupling at room temperature in polycrystalline KBiFe2O5 AIP Conference Proceedings 2115, 030501 (2019).
18 Doping induced modification in magnetism and magnetoelectric coupling at room temperature in Fe2Te(1-x)NbxO6 Physica B: Condens. Matter 571, 193 (2019).
19 Magnetic and anomalous dielectric behavior of Mn modified Ba2Mg2Fe12O22 hexaferrite Physica B: Condens. Matter 568, 70 (2019).
20 Study of Dielectric and Magnetodielectric Properties of Y Type Ba2Mg1.5Ni0.5Fe12O22 Hexaferrite AIP Conference Proceedings, 2162, 020158 (2019).
21 The Study of Dielectric and Magnetodielectric Properties of Y Type Ba2Mg1.5Ni0.5Fe12O22 Hexaferrite AIP Conference Proceedings, 2162, 020158 (2019).
22 Dielectric anomalies and robust magnetodielectricity in Y-type Ba2Mg2Fe12O22 hexaferrite Mater. Res. Express 5, 11 (2018).


Book Chapter

  • R. Jena, K. Chandrakanta, and A. K. Singh, Structural, Magnetic, and Magnetodielectric Properties of Bi-Based Modified Ceramic Composites, Intech Open, ISBN: 978-1-80355-865-3 (2022).


Conferences & Workshops attended

  • Participated in the Conference on “68th DAE-Solid State Symposium (DAE-SSPS 2024)” held at DAE Convention Centre, Anushaktinagar, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India from 18th to 22nd December 2024.