Dr. Prem Knowles
Qualification : Ph.D. (Annamalai University)
Designation : Asst. Professor
Details of Educational Qualification:
Course | Specialization | Group | College Name/University | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | HRM | Management Studies | Annamalai University | 2021 |
M.B.A. | Human Resource & Marketing | Management Studies | Vins Christian College of Engineering, Anna University | 2010 |
B.A. | English Literature | B.A. | Nesamony Memorial Christian College, MS University | 2008 |
S.No | Title of the Paper | Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date |
1 | A Study on the Impact of Emotional Intelligence Factors for the Enhancement of Workplace Happiness With Reference To the Teaching Faculty in Bangalore | AIP journal, Scopus indexed, : AIP Conference Proceedings 2393, 020025 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0074909 ,19 May 2022, pg. 20025-1 to 11 |
2 | Executive coaching for leadership in organizations and its benefits for managerial performance-a conceptual study | International journal of research and analytical reviews; Volume 8, Issue 4,2021; Page no. 376-381 (UGC listed) |
3 | An Empirical Study on Teaching faculty’s rating on Work-life | GIS Science Journal; ISSN: 1869-9391,Volume 7, Issue 11, 2020;Page No. 836-847 (UGC Care Listed) |
4 | An Empirical Study on Teaching faculty’s rating on Organizational Culture | NOVYI MIR Research Journal; ISSN:0130-7673; Volume 5, Issue 11, 2020;Page No.83-93 (UGC Care Listed) |
5 | Work Life Balance(WLB) Level Among The Women Employees In Information Technology Industry- A Pilot Study | TEST Engineering & Management, Volume 83 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 14130 – 14143 (Scopus Indexed,UGC Care Listed) |
6 | Recent Studies On Work-Life Balance:A Literature Review | JES Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol 11, Issue 4 ,P.1208-1213(Scopus Indexed,UGC Care Listed) |
7 | A Study On Brand Preference Towards Hyundai Cars In Southern Districts Of Tamilnadu | Our Heritage(Journal), Vol.68,Issue :61, P.183-190,2020 (UGC Care Listed) |
8 | ‘Modern Development Of Education System And Implementation Of National Education Policy (2020) | International Journal of Current research in education, culture and society,ISSN: Vol:6,Issue:1,pg:263-267 |
9 | 'Happiness Department'-An Emerging Ideology to Improve Employee Effectiveness & Job Satisfaction | IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Volume 21, Issue 12. Series. I (December. 2019), PP 58-61 ,DOI:10.9790/487X-2112015861.(International Journal) |
10 | Influence of E-learning in Training & Development system and Organizational study | Journal of Research in Business and Management,Volume 7 ,Issue 2 (2019) pp: 49- 55,ISSN:2347-3002 (International Journal) |
11 | Impact and Need of Laughing Medicine for Sound Mind and Body- An Analysis Study | Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X,p-ISSN: 2319- 7668.Volume 20,Issue 5. Ver. VIII. (May. 2018), PP 49-53 ; DOI: 10.9790/487X- 2005084953 (International Journal) |
12 | Pullulating & Irreparable Harm of Stress among Students | IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 21, Issue 3. Ser. II (March. 2019), PP 01-03; DOI: 10.9790/487X-2103020103 (International Journal) |
13 | A Study on the impact of Emotional Intelligence factors for the enhancement of workplace happiness with reference to the teaching faculty in Bangalore | International Conference, Recent trends in Science and Engineering Organized by REST Society for Research International, 27th & 28th March 2021 |
14 | Historical Development and Modern Trends of Operation Management | Paper Presented Inabsentia-Tenth International conference on Operations and Quantitative Management ,Symbosis Institute of Operation Management,Nashik;2011 |
15 | Recent trends and Innovations in Human Resource | Paper Presented, National conference on Managerial Excellence,Velammal College of Engineering, Madurai;2011 |
16 | Management Education and Practices for Making Leaders | Paper Presented, International Conference on Management and Technology Leading to Social Development ;published in ISBN,Annamalai University; ICLBH,2011 |
Book Publication & Book Chapters
- “Knowledge Management & Innovation”, IERF Publishing house, ISBN: 978-93-5635-892-8, June 2022
- ‘Pullulating and irreparable harm of stress among Students’; Recent Research Trends in Business Administration,Empyreal Publishing House, ISBN : 978-81-939070-7-8, Pg:90-93 (Chapter)
- ‘Schemes for Women Empowerment by Ministry of Women and Child development (MWCD), Government of India’;Gender Equality: A step towards Women empowerment; Eoro World Publication, ISBN: 978-93-94460-05-8; Pg:259-265 (Chapter)
- ‘Digital Era giant ‘Facebook’ from 2004 to META 2021’, Multidisciplinary Exploratory Research in Advanced Technologies,IOTA publishers, ISBN: 978-93-93622-21-1; Pages 72-81 (Chapter)
- A study on the impact of emotional intelligence factors for the enhancement of workplace happiness with reference to the teaching faculty in Bangalore, AIP Conference Proceedings 2393, 020025 (2022); AIP Publishing, ISBN : 978-0-7354-4198-9 https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0074909 (Scopus Chapter)
- ‘Knowledge Management & innovation’, ( text book,syllabus of Bengaluru City University, writing in progress)