Dr. M. Saravanamuthu
Qualification : Ph.D. (Anna University)
Designation : Assoc. Professor
Details of Educational Qualification:
Course | Specialization | Group | College Name/University | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | Computer Science | Computer Science | Sona College of Technology, Anna University | 2016 |
M.Phil. | Computer Science | M.Phil. | Erode Arts College, Bharathiar University | 2004 |
M.C.A. | Computer Applications | M.C.A. | Gobi Arts and Science College, Bharathiar University | 1992 |
B.Sc. | Physics | B.Sc. | Chikkaiah Naickar College, Bharathiar University | 1989 |
My Publications
S.No | Title of the Paper | Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date |
1 | A study on network storage technologies: DAS, NAS and SAN | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, No.9 (2015), pp.21853-21866. Listed in Anna University Annexure-II [ISSN: 0973-4562] (Impact Factor 0.16). |
2 | Performance Improvement in Data Mining Applications Through the Novel Online Data Warehouse Architecture by using Storage Area Networks with Fibre Channel Fabric | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.9, No.24 (2014), pp. 27083-27107, Anna University Anx-II, [ISSN: 0973-4562] (Impact Factor 0.75). |
3 | Construction of a novel online data warehouse architecture using storage area network with fibre channel fabric | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol.69, No.3 (2014), pp. 539-551, Listed in Anna University Annexure-II, [eISSN 1817-3195, ISSN 1992-8645] (Impact Factor 1.352). |
4 | Influences of Statistical Techniques in Data Mining and Warehousing Applications | CiiT International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, International (http://ciitresearch.org/dmkedecember2011.html) Dec’2011 (DOI: DMKE122011006) [ISSN 0974-9578] (Impact Factor 1.797). |
5 | Construction of a New DMQL to Extract Knowledge from a Data Warehouse through EasyMiner (Version 2) | CiiT International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, International (http://ciitresearch.org/dmkemarch 2011.html) Mar’2011 (DOI: DMKE032011018) [ISSN 0974-9578] (Impact Factor 1.797). Publications in International Conference Proceedings (6) |
6 | Maximum Performance with Minimum Cost in Data Mining Applications through the Novel Online Data Warehouse Architecture by using Storage Area Network with Fibre Channel Fabric | IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuit, Power & Computing Technologies, organized by Noorul Islam University, Nagercoil during 19th & 20th Mar’2015 [ISSN 978-1-4799-7075-9] (http:// ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp? arnumber=7159498&filter=AND%28p_Publication_Number:7147630%29 ) |
7 | Cloud Computing Services: Everything as a Business for Entrepreneurs | Proceedings of the International Conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business and Technology for Sustainable Development, by Sri Ganesh School of Business Mgmt.,on 20th Feb’2015. |
8 | Entrepreneurs get ready for a new business revolution with cloud computing technology | Proceedings of the International Conference on Globalization is irreversible: Need for Branding India Inc. & Making MSMEs Competitive, organized by STC during 2nd & 3rd Mar’2012, pp.188-192. [ISBN 978-81-910472-9-5] |
9 | A hybrid approach to enterprise data warehousing: Maximize performance with independent data marting & minimize cost through cloud computing technology | Proceedings of the Second World Conference on International Business & Computer Applications, by Nehru College of Mgmt., during 30th Jun to 2nd Jul’2011. [ISSN 1947-8321] |
10 | Services around us all the way through on demand: You can become entrepreneur with Cloud Computing Technology | Proceedings of the International Seminar on Global Challenges of Emergent India – A Management Perspective, by Vivekanandha Institute of Information & Management Studies, Tiruchengode, during 14th & 15th Feb’2011. |
11 | Knowledge Transfer through Virtual Universities | Proceedings of the International Seminar on Recent trends in Global Business Order: Impact in Asia, by Vivekanandha Institute of Info. & Mgmt. Studies, Tiruchengode, during 30th & 31st Jan’2009. Publications in National Conference Proceedings (5) |
12 | Fibre Channel: A Study on High Performance Storage Area Network Interconnect Architecture for Cloud Computing | Proceedings of the National Conference on Challenges in Computational Research & Applications, organized by Departments of Computer Sciences, STC during 3rd & 4th Dec’2013, pp.134-139. [ISBN:978-93-82570-17-2] |
13 | Global Enterprise Computing: The cost benefits and performance improvements of storage-centric information processing model through SAN technology | Proceedings of the National Conference on Computing and Mission, organized by Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore 18th Oct’2012. |
14 | RFID: Opportunities and Challenges in India | Proceedings of the National Conference on Computing and Mission, organized by Department of MCA, Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore on 18th Oct’2012. |
15 | Performance Improvement in Data Warehousing through Independent Data Marting | Proceedings of the National Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies, organized by Departments of Computer Sciences, STC during 2nd & 3rd Dec’2011, pp.167-170. [ISBN 978-81-8424-734-3] |
16 | Influences of Statistical Techniques in Data Mining and Warehousing Applications | Proceedings of the National Conference On Advances in Mathematical Analysis and Applications, organized by K. S. R. College of Arts and Science, Tiruchengode, Periyar University, Salem during 12th & 13th Aug’2011, pp.28. Papers presented in International Conferences (8) |
17 | A study on personal financial management software tools | International Conference on Emerging Trends in Personal Financial Management, organized by STC during 2nd and 3rd Feb’2016. |
18 | Entrepreneurs get ready for a new business revolution with cloud computing technology | International Conference on Globalization is irreversible: Need for Branding India Inc. & Making MSMEs Competitive, organized by STC during 2nd and 3rd Mar’2012. |
19 | A hybrid approach to enterprise data warehousing: Maximize performance with independent data marting and minimize cost through cloud computing technology, | Second Annual World Conference on International Business & Computer Applications, organized by Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore, during 30th Jun to 2nd Jul’2011. |
20 | Services around us all the way through on demand: You can become entrepreneur with Cloud Computing Technology, | International Seminar on Global Challenges of Emergent India – A Management Perspective, organized by Vivekanandha Institute of Information and Management Studies, Tiruchengode, during 14th & 15th Feb 2011. |
21 | Construction of a new DMQL to extract knowledge from a data warehouse through EasyMiner (Version 2) | International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, organized by Sri Shakthi Institute of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore, during 11th & 12th Jan’2011. |
22 | Construction of a new DMQL to extract knowledge from a data warehouse through EasyMiner, | International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology, organized by Park College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore, during 12-14 Aug 2010. |
23 | The great Indian mothers: The impact of family with savings system in India, | International Conference on Rebooting Strategies for Global Recession, organized by Tirupur Kumaran College for Women, Tirupur, on 20th Aug’2009. |
24 | Knowledge Transfer through Virtual Universities, | International Seminar on Recent trends in Global Business Order – Impact in Asia, organized by Vivekanandha Institute of Information and Management Studies, Tiruchengode, during 30th & 31st Jan’2009. Papers presented in National Conferences (8) |
25 | Fibre Channel: High Performance Storage Area Network Interconnect Architecture for Cloud Computing, | National Conference on Challenges in Computational Research & Applications, organized by STC during 3rd & 4th Dec’2013. |
26 | Global Enterprise Computing: The cost benefits and performance improvements of storage-centric information processing model through SAN technology | National Conference on Computing and Mission, Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore on 18th Oct’2012. |
27 | RFID: Opportunities and Challenges in India, | National Conference on Computing and Mission, organized by Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore on 18th Oct’2012. |
28 | Performance Improvement in Data Warehousing through Independent Data Marting, | National Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (NCACCT-2011), organized by STC during 2nd & 3rd Dec’2011. |
29 | Influences of Statistical Techniques in Data Mining and Warehousing Applications | National Conference on Advances in Mathematical Analysis and Applications, organized by K. S. Rangasamy College of Arts and Science, Tiruchengode, during 12th and 13th Aug’2011. |
30 | Knowledge Management: Developing a new business intelligence solution for modern business through data mining & warehousing techniques, | National Conference on Emerging Trends in Contemporary Mgmt. Research, by Centre for Research & Dept. of Mgmt.Studies, on 18th Sep’2010. |
31 | INDIA VISION 2020: An implementable approach to educate and improve the technical skills of village people through technical institutions, | 12th ISTE Staff Level Annual Convention organized by VMV Engg. College, on 27th Nov’2009. |
32 | Construction of a new Data Mining Query Language for data mining by using SQL, | National Conference on Computer Technology, by Velammal College of Mgmt.& C.Studies on 28th Jan 2009. |