MITS has secured NIRF India Ranking 2024 in the band 201 to 300.
Dr. M. Saravanamuthu

Qualification : Ph.D. (Anna University)

Designation : Assoc. Professor


Details of Educational Qualification:

Course Specialization Group College Name/University Year of Passing
Ph.D. Computer Science Computer Science Sona College of Technology, Anna University 2016
M.Phil. Computer Science M.Phil. Erode Arts College, Bharathiar University 2004
M.C.A. Computer Applications M.C.A. Gobi Arts and Science College, Bharathiar University 1992
B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Chikkaiah Naickar College, Bharathiar University 1989


My Publications

S.No Title of the Paper Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date
1 A study on network storage technologies: DAS, NAS and SAN International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.10, No.9 (2015), pp.21853-21866. Listed in Anna University Annexure-II [ISSN: 0973-4562] (Impact Factor 0.16).
2 Performance Improvement in Data Mining Applications Through the Novel Online Data Warehouse Architecture by using Storage Area Networks with Fibre Channel Fabric International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.9, No.24 (2014), pp. 27083-27107, Anna University Anx-II, [ISSN: 0973-4562] (Impact Factor 0.75).
3 Construction of a novel online data warehouse architecture using storage area network with fibre channel fabric Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol.69, No.3 (2014), pp. 539-551, Listed in Anna University Annexure-II, [eISSN 1817-3195, ISSN 1992-8645] (Impact Factor 1.352).
4 Influences of Statistical Techniques in Data Mining and Warehousing Applications CiiT International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, International ( Dec’2011 (DOI: DMKE122011006) [ISSN 0974-9578] (Impact Factor 1.797).
5 Construction of a New DMQL to Extract Knowledge from a Data Warehouse through EasyMiner (Version 2) CiiT International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, International ( 2011.html) Mar’2011 (DOI: DMKE032011018) [ISSN 0974-9578] (Impact Factor 1.797). Publications in International Conference Proceedings (6)
6 Maximum Performance with Minimum Cost in Data Mining Applications through the Novel Online Data Warehouse Architecture by using Storage Area Network with Fibre Channel Fabric IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuit, Power & Computing Technologies, organized by Noorul Islam University, Nagercoil during 19th & 20th Mar’2015 [ISSN 978-1-4799-7075-9] (http:// arnumber=7159498&filter=AND%28p_Publication_Number:7147630%29 )
7 Cloud Computing Services: Everything as a Business for Entrepreneurs Proceedings of the International Conference on Competency Building Strategies in Business and Technology for Sustainable Development, by Sri Ganesh School of Business Mgmt.,on 20th Feb’2015.
8 Entrepreneurs get ready for a new business revolution with cloud computing technology Proceedings of the International Conference on Globalization is irreversible: Need for Branding India Inc. & Making MSMEs Competitive, organized by STC during 2nd & 3rd Mar’2012, pp.188-192. [ISBN 978-81-910472-9-5]
9 A hybrid approach to enterprise data warehousing: Maximize performance with independent data marting & minimize cost through cloud computing technology Proceedings of the Second World Conference on International Business & Computer Applications, by Nehru College of Mgmt., during 30th Jun to 2nd Jul’2011. [ISSN 1947-8321]
10 Services around us all the way through on demand: You can become entrepreneur with Cloud Computing Technology Proceedings of the International Seminar on Global Challenges of Emergent India – A Management Perspective, by Vivekanandha Institute of Information & Management Studies, Tiruchengode, during 14th & 15th Feb’2011.
11 Knowledge Transfer through Virtual Universities Proceedings of the International Seminar on Recent trends in Global Business Order: Impact in Asia, by Vivekanandha Institute of Info. & Mgmt. Studies, Tiruchengode, during 30th & 31st Jan’2009. Publications in National Conference Proceedings (5)
12 Fibre Channel: A Study on High Performance Storage Area Network Interconnect Architecture for Cloud Computing Proceedings of the National Conference on Challenges in Computational Research & Applications, organized by Departments of Computer Sciences, STC during 3rd & 4th Dec’2013, pp.134-139. [ISBN:978-93-82570-17-2]
13 Global Enterprise Computing: The cost benefits and performance improvements of storage-centric information processing model through SAN technology Proceedings of the National Conference on Computing and Mission, organized by Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore 18th Oct’2012.
14 RFID: Opportunities and Challenges in India Proceedings of the National Conference on Computing and Mission, organized by Department of MCA, Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore on 18th Oct’2012.
15 Performance Improvement in Data Warehousing through Independent Data Marting Proceedings of the National Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies, organized by Departments of Computer Sciences, STC during 2nd & 3rd Dec’2011, pp.167-170. [ISBN 978-81-8424-734-3]
16 Influences of Statistical Techniques in Data Mining and Warehousing Applications Proceedings of the National Conference On Advances in Mathematical Analysis and Applications, organized by K. S. R. College of Arts and Science, Tiruchengode, Periyar University, Salem during 12th & 13th Aug’2011, pp.28. Papers presented in International Conferences (8)
17 A study on personal financial management software tools International Conference on Emerging Trends in Personal Financial Management, organized by STC during 2nd and 3rd Feb’2016.
18 Entrepreneurs get ready for a new business revolution with cloud computing technology International Conference on Globalization is irreversible: Need for Branding India Inc. & Making MSMEs Competitive, organized by STC during 2nd and 3rd Mar’2012.
19 A hybrid approach to enterprise data warehousing: Maximize performance with independent data marting and minimize cost through cloud computing technology, Second Annual World Conference on International Business & Computer Applications, organized by Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore, during 30th Jun to 2nd Jul’2011.
20 Services around us all the way through on demand: You can become entrepreneur with Cloud Computing Technology, International Seminar on Global Challenges of Emergent India – A Management Perspective, organized by Vivekanandha Institute of Information and Management Studies, Tiruchengode, during 14th & 15th Feb 2011.
21 Construction of a new DMQL to extract knowledge from a data warehouse through EasyMiner (Version 2) International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, organized by Sri Shakthi Institute of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore, during 11th & 12th Jan’2011.
22 Construction of a new DMQL to extract knowledge from a data warehouse through EasyMiner, International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology, organized by Park College of Engg. & Tech. Coimbatore, during 12-14 Aug 2010.
23 The great Indian mothers: The impact of family with savings system in India, International Conference on Rebooting Strategies for Global Recession, organized by Tirupur Kumaran College for Women, Tirupur, on 20th Aug’2009.
24 Knowledge Transfer through Virtual Universities, International Seminar on Recent trends in Global Business Order – Impact in Asia, organized by Vivekanandha Institute of Information and Management Studies, Tiruchengode, during 30th & 31st Jan’2009. Papers presented in National Conferences (8)
25 Fibre Channel: High Performance Storage Area Network Interconnect Architecture for Cloud Computing, National Conference on Challenges in Computational Research & Applications, organized by STC during 3rd & 4th Dec’2013.
26 Global Enterprise Computing: The cost benefits and performance improvements of storage-centric information processing model through SAN technology National Conference on Computing and Mission, Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore on 18th Oct’2012.
27 RFID: Opportunities and Challenges in India, National Conference on Computing and Mission, organized by Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore on 18th Oct’2012.
28 Performance Improvement in Data Warehousing through Independent Data Marting, National Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (NCACCT-2011), organized by STC during 2nd & 3rd Dec’2011.
29 Influences of Statistical Techniques in Data Mining and Warehousing Applications National Conference on Advances in Mathematical Analysis and Applications, organized by K. S. Rangasamy College of Arts and Science, Tiruchengode, during 12th and 13th Aug’2011.
30 Knowledge Management: Developing a new business intelligence solution for modern business through data mining & warehousing techniques, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Contemporary Mgmt. Research, by Centre for Research & Dept. of Mgmt.Studies, on 18th Sep’2010.
31 INDIA VISION 2020: An implementable approach to educate and improve the technical skills of village people through technical institutions, 12th ISTE Staff Level Annual Convention organized by VMV Engg. College, on 27th Nov’2009.
32 Construction of a new Data Mining Query Language for data mining by using SQL, National Conference on Computer Technology, by Velammal College of Mgmt.& C.Studies on 28th Jan 2009.