Dr. Janmoni Borah
Qualification : Ph.D. (NERIST, Arunachal Pradesh)
Designation : Asst. Professor
Details of Educational Qualification:
Course | Specialization | Group | College Name/University | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Electronics and Communication Engineering | NERIST, Arunachal Pradesh | 2021 |
M.Tech. | Mobile Communication and Computing | Electronics and Communication Engineering | NIT Arunachal Pradesh | 2015 |
B.Tech. | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Electronics and Communication Engineering | CIT Kokrajhar, Gauhati University | 2013 |
List of Publications
S.No | Title of the Paper | Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date |
1 | “Cell-Free Massive MIMO for Future Generation Wireless Networks,” | Wireless Personal Communications (SPRINGER), Under Review |
2 | “Energy-Efficiency Improvement in Mobility-Based 5G HetCN with Dynamic Cell Sleeping Mechanism,” | Wireless Personal Communications (SPRINGER), Under Review |
3 | “Energy-Efficient ICI Mitigation with Dynamic and Location-Based Power Allocation in Mobility-Based 5G HetCN,” | Wireless Personal Communications (SPRINGER), Vol.117, No.2, pp.1441-1457, 2021. IF: 1.671 (DOI:10.1007/s11277-020-07930-x) |
4 | “Dynamic and location-based power allocation mechanism for inter-cell interference mitigation in 5G heterogeneous cellular network,” | International Journal of Communication Systems (WILEY), Vol.33, No.15, pp.e4548, 2020. IF: 2.047 (DOI: 10.1002/dac.4548) |
5 | “Dynamic and Energy-efficient ICI Mitigation Techniques for Mobility based 5G HetCN,” | IET Communications (IET), Vol.14, No.9, pp.1397-1403, 2020. IF: 1.779 (DOI: 10.1049/iet-com.2019.0898) |
6 | “ICI effects on user mobility with different FR-schemes in a multi-cell cellular network,” | IET Communications (IET), Vol.14, No.1, pp.84-88, 2020. IF: 1.779 (DOI: 10.1049/iet-com.2019.0397) |
7 | “Effect of intercell interference on cell boundary users in three-cell and seven-cell HetCN,” | International Journal of Communication Systems (WILEY), Vol.33, No.5, pp. e4257, 2019. IF: 2.047 (DOI:10.1002/dac.4257) |
8 | “Small-cell intensities for cellular network affected by cell-edge and hotspot,” | International Journal of Communication Systems (WILEY), Vol.31, No.15, pp.e3788, 2018. IF: 2.047 (DOI: 10.1002/dac.3788) |
9 | “Traditional Macro-tower to Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: A Survey,” | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (SERSC), Vol.109, No.2017, pp.13-22, Dec. 2017. (DOI: 10.14257/ijast.2017.109.02) |
10 | “Miniaturization of a CPW-fed Dual-Band Antenna for GSM 1800/1900 and WLAN 5 GHz Applications,” | Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials (SPRINGER), Vol.18, No.2, pp.119-123, April 2017. (DOI: 10.4313/TEEM.2017.18.2.119) |
11 | “Compact CPW-fed Tri-band Antenna with a Defected Ground Structure for GSM, WLAN and WiMAX Applications,” | Radioelectronics and Communications Systems (SPRINGER), Vol.59, No.7, pp.319-324, July 2016. (DOI: 10.3103/S0735272716070050) |
12 | “Design of Compact Bandpass Filter for WiMAX and UWB Application using Asymmetric SIRs and DGS,” | Radioelectronics and Communications Systems (SPRINGER), Vol.59, No.6, pp.269-273, June 2016. (DOI: 10.3103/S0735272716060066) |
13 | “Effect on energy efficiency with small cell deployment in heterogeneous cellular networks,” | Internet Technology Letters (WILEY), Vol.2, No.3, pp.e97, 2019. (DOI: 10.1002/itl2.97) |
14 | “Effects of Modified Ground Structure on a CPW-fed patch Antenna,” | International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking (SERSC), Vol.8, No.2, pp.205-212, April 2015. (DOI: 10.14257/ijfgcn.2015.8.2.15) |
15 | “Power Saving Strategies in Green Cloud Computing Systems,” | International Journal of Grid Distribution Computing (SERSC), Vol.8, No.1, pp.299-306, Feb. 2015. (DOI: 10.14257/ijgdc.2015.8.1.28) |
16 | “A New Compact UWB Microstrip BPF for Wireless Communication Using DGS”, | International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management, Vol.2, No.7, pp.168-171, 2017. (DOI: 10.24999/IJOAEM/02070038) |
17 | “Miniaturized Tri-Band BPF using Asymmetric SIRs and DGS,” | International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (SERSC), Vol.8, No.2, pp.337-346, Feb. 2015. (DOI: 10.14257/ijsip.2015.8.2.32) |
18 | “Novel approach of Microstrip Tri-Band Bandpass Filter for GSM, WiMAX and UWB Application,” | International Journal of Microwave Engineering, Vol.1, No.1, pp.47-54, July 2015. |
19 | “A Study of Small CPW-fed Dual-band Antenna using Different Dielectrics,” | International Journal of Advanced Electronics and Communication Systems, Vol.4, No.1, Mar-Apr 2015. (CSIR- NISCAIR Approved) |
20 | “TiO2 thin film coated with Silver (Ag) nano-particles for Solar cell application,” | International Journal of Advanced Electronics and Communication Systems, Vol.3, No.5, Oct-Nov 2014. (CSIR-NISCAIR Approved) |
21 | “Design and Development of a Patch Antenna for Dual Band Applications,” | International Journal on Current Science & Technology, Vol.2, No.2, pp.306-309, July-December 2014. |
22 | “A Comparative study on scaling of Nano and Pico-scale MOSFET,” | International Journal of Advanced Electronics and Communication Systems, Vol.3, No.5, Oct-Nov 2014. (CSIR- NISCAIR Approved) |
23 | “Cellular Base Station and its Greening Issues,” | International Journal of Advanced Electronics and Communication Systems, Vol.3, No.2, pp.1-4, April-May 2014. (CSIR-NISCAIR Approved) |
24 | “Comparative study of capacitance of Nano-Scale and Pico-scale MOSFET,” | International Journal of Computational Engineering Research, Vol.3, No.5, pp.70-74, May 2013. |
25 | “ICI mitigation with Fixed-Number (FN) and Fixed-Region (FRgn) based BS coordination and cooperation in a multi-cell cellular network,” | International Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing – ESIC’20 (SPRINGER), 2020, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, India, pp.731-741. (DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-7031-5_69) |
26 | “ICI Analysis and Mitigation with Dynamic Fixed Region Cooperation in 5G HetCN,” | 2nd International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics and System Engineering – ICAEESE’19 (IEEE), 2019, Gauhati University, India, pp.xx-xx. Presented (DOI: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) |
27 | “Enhancement of Throughput for Cellular Data Network by Small cell Deployment,” | International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering – ICRIEECE’18 (IEEE), 2018, Bhubaneswar, India, 2018, pp.403-408. (DOI:10.1109/ICRIEECE44171.2018.9009311) |
28 | “Design a compact tri-band band pass filter using asymmetric SIRs and DGS,” | International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards Sustainable Growth-ICEPE’15 (IEEE), 2015, NIT Meghalaya, India, pp.1-4. (DOI: 10.1109/EPETSG.2015.7510169) |
29 | “A New Compact Dual Band Microstrip BPF for GSM (1.8 GHz) and WiMAX Using Asymmetric Stepped Impedance Resonators,” | In Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Cognizance in Wireless Communication & Image Processing (SPRINGER), 2014, PIET Jaipur, India, pp. 581-587. (DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-2638-3_65) |
30 | “Bandwidth improvement in BPF using Microstrip coupled lines,” | ICSSP’14 (ELSEVIER), 2014, TKM College of Engineering, Kerala, India, pp.105-109. (DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3254.6881) |
31 | “Effect of Inter-Site Distance on Cellular Network Performance,” | proceedings of NCRT-ECE’20, RGMCET Nandyal, Aug. 2020, pp.63-68. |
Book Chapter
- ICI Analysis and Mitigation with Dynamic Fixed Region Cooperation in 5G HetCN, IGI Global, Accepted