Dr. S. Rajasekaran
Qualification : Ph.D. (Anna University, Chennai)
Designation : Professor & Head
Details of Educational Qualification:
Course | Specialization | Group | College Name/University | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | Information and Communication Engineering | Information and Communication Engineering | Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai, India. | 2014 |
M.E. | Applied Electronics | Information and Communication Engineering | Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai | 2007 |
B.E. | Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering | Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering | Jayaram College of Engg. & Tech.,Bharathidasan University, Trichy. | 2003 |
List of Publications
S.No | Title of the Paper | Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date |
1 | Adaptive hybrid intelligent MPPT controller to approximate effectual wind speed and optimal rotor speed of variable speed wind turbine | ISA Transactions, Volume 96, Pages 479-489, January 2020 |
2 | Moving object localization in video sequences under static and dynamic background conditions | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems,12(2):145-155, 2019 |
3 | Quality and complexity measurement of 2D-DCT archietecture using loeffler algorithm along with CSD and CSE | Communications in Computer and Information Science,CCIS, volume 968, 2018 |
4 | "Energy Conservation for heat exchangers based on predictive controllers" | Journal of pollution Research, Vol. 33, No.1, pp 1-4, 2014. |
5 | “An improved PID controller design based on model predictive control for a shell and tube heat exchanger” | Australian journal of basic and applied sciences, Vol.7, No.7, pp 679-685, 2013. |
6 | “Comparative Study of Intelligent Controllers in Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger” | The Journal of chemical sciences, Vol.4, No.1, pp.181-186, 2013. |
7 | “Swarm Optimization based Controller for Temperature Control of a Heat Exchanger” | International journal of computer applications, Vol.38, No.4, pp.6-11, 2012. |
8 | “Optimization of shell and tube heat exchanger using modified genetic algorithm” | International journal of control and automation, Vol.3, No.4, pp.1-10, 2010. (Indexed in Scopus) |
9 | “A simplified predictive control for a shell and tube heat exchanger” | International journal of engineering science and technology, Vol.2, No.12, pp.7245-7251, 2010. |
10 | "An optimum PID controller design for temperature control of Shell and Tube heat exchanger" | International conference on emerging technologies (ICET-2011), 28-31st March 2011, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur. |
11 | "An intelligent PID controller based on model predictive control for temperature control of shell and tube heat exchanger" | International conferences on recent advances in Chemical engineering(RACET-2011), 10-12th March 2011, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Cochin regional centre & Cochin University of science and Technology, Cochin. |
12 | "Self tuning fuzzy PID controller for shell and tube heat exchanger" | International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering and Technology" (RACET-2011), 10-12th March 2011, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Cochin Regional Centre and Cochin University of science and Technology, Cochin. |
13 | “An optimum PID controller design based on repulsive particle swarm optimization” | International conference on Information, communication and embedded systems (ICICES-2011), 23-25th February 2011, S.A. College of engineering, Chennai. |
14 | “An optimum PID controller design based on repulsive particle swarm optimization” | National Conference Paper in SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore, (NCAES 2011). |
15 | “Development of Control logic for Anti-log Braking Systems (ABS) using Microcontroller for Automotive Application Employing CAN Bus” | National Conference on Intelligent Systems and Automation (NISA 2007), April 2007, BSA Crescent Engineering College, Chennai. |
List of Patents
S.No | Name of the Applicant | Name of the Inventors | Department | Title of the Patent | App. No./Ref No. | Date of Filing | Date of Publishing | Status |
1 | Dr. Rajasekaran subramaniam, Dr. Narayanan swaminathan, Dr. Sathees kumar natraj, Dr. Karthikeyan madurakavi, Dr. Sitharthan ramachandran, Sujatha krishnamoorthy, Parthasarathy thirumanickam | Dr. Rajasekaran subramaniam, Dr. Narayanan swaminathan, Dr. Sathees kumar natraj, Dr. Karthikeyan madurakavi, Dr. Sitharthan ramachandran, Sujatha krishnamoorthy, Parthasarathy thirumanickam | ECE | A Hygienic Feeding Bottle with Controlled Cleanliness Parameters Enabled by Automatic Means and A Method For Achieving the same | 201841030664 | 16-08-2018 | 24-08-2018 | filed and published |