Mr. Y. Ravi Raju
Qualification : M.Tech., (Ph.D.) (K L University)
Designation : Asst. Professor
Details of Educational Qualification:
Course | Specialization | Group | College Name/University | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | C.S.E | Ph.D | KL University | Pursuing |
M.Tech. | C.S.E | C.S.E | B.V.C Engineering College, Odalarevu, JNT University, Kakinada | 2012 |
B.Tech. | C.S.E | C.S.E | B.V.C.Institute of Technology and Science, Amalapuram, JNT University, Kakinada | 2004 |
List of Publications
S.No | Title of the Paper | Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date |
1 | Data Authentication in Hadoop Using Kerberos Authentication System and transport layer security | The International Journal on Emerging Technologies10(1): 01-03(2019) with ISSN(Print) 0975-8364 and ISSN(online): 2249-3255 |
2 | An Implementation of Effective Storage System in Hadoop Architecture for Dynamic File Selection in Bigdata Analytics | International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE) |
3 | A LITE SVM based semantic search model with security and privacy for complex bigdata analytics | The International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA). |
4 | Logistic Regression Based Map Reduction In Distributed File System Management | International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology |
5 | A real time Hadoop Big data Maintenance Model using a software –defined and U-net deep learning model | communication with Journal of Information Technology Management(JITM) |
6 | Recent Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology | A PAPER ON IMPACT OF BIG DATA ON AWARENESS OF CORONA VIRUS in the Online International Conference ,(ICRCSIT–20) on 17th & 18th June 2020 conducted by St. MARTIN‟S ENGINEERING COLLEGE. |
7 | Building Data Warehouses with Semantic Data | National conference on “SECOND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT COMPUTING (SNCIC2011)” held on 28th and 29th July, 2011 organized by K.S.R.College of Arts and Science, Thiruchengode, Chennai. |
8 | Content Mining Using Semantic Search | National conference on “NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS (NCSCTA2K11)” on 8th and 9th October, 2011 organized by B.V.C.Engineering College, Odalarevu, A.P. |
9 | Frame Work in a Economic Based Grid System Architecture | The international journal GJCAT, Vol 3 (2), 2013, 1249-1251 with ISSN: 2249-1945. |
10 | Website Security for Detection of Phishing Sites | The International journal IJRDT, Vol 7 (3), March 2017, with ISSN: 2349-3585. |
11 | Automatic OMR Answer Sheet Evaluation Using Efficient & Reliable OCR System | The international journal IJARCCE, Vol 6 (3),March 2017, with ISSN: 2278-1021. |
12 | SMART BELL-Smart Home Security System | The International Journal IJRDT, Vol 7 (4), April 2017, with ISSN: 2349-3585. |