Mrs. G. B. Renuka
Qualification : M.Tech., (Ph.D) (SRM University)
Designation : Asst. Professor
Details of Educational Qualification:
Course | Specialization | Group | College Name/University | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | CSE | CSE | SRM University | Pursuing |
M.Tech. | CSE | CSE | Dr. K. V. Subba Reddy College of Engineering for Women Dupadu (V), Kurnool | 2017 |
B.Tech. | CSE | CSE | G.Pullareddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Kurnool | 2015 |
List of Publications
S.No | Title of the Paper | Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date |
1 | “Optimising Energy Efficiency In Cloudbased Big Data Environment Using Lstm-Dwn Reinforcement Learning” | Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 25(5) (2024) Pages: 1594 – 1603 (2024). (Scopus) |
2 | Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm for Stellar Classification | |
3 | Chatbot Based on Emotions using Deep Learning | IEEE Xplore, Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-2804-2, Scopus, DOI / Online link : 10.1109/ICOTL59758.2023.10435188 |
4 | Gesture Controlled Virtual Mouse using Media Pipe | IEEE Xplore, ISBN:979-8-3503-2805-9, Scopus, DOI / Online link : 10.1109/ICOTL59758.2023.10435281 |
List of Patents
S.No | Patent Application No | Title of the invention | Date of filing | Publication Date |
1 | 202441032522 | Harnessing the power of XceptionNet and MobileNet for Colon Cancer Detection | 24/04/2024 | 03/05/2024 |
2 | 202341010314 | Security in the Cloud with a Token based Authentication and Key- Agreement Protocol | 16/02/2022 | 19/05/2022 |
Book Publication
- Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computing and Intelligent Information Systems (ICCIIS 2024), Bangalore, India, 19-20th April, 2024 Volume 1.
- Title Earthquake forecasting with ML: A comprehensive approach By G.B. Renuka, C. Lokesh, P. Tharaknath, M. Muresh Kumar, M. Sai Charan Reddy Edition1st Edition First Published2024 eBook Published20 December 2024 Pub. Locatio nLondon Imprint CRC Press DOI eBook ISBN9781032711157 SubjectsComputer Science, Mathematics & Statistic.
Workshops and FDPs attended
- Participated one week online FDP on “Amazon web services” organized by CSE Dept, GMR college in association with Brain O vision, CSI & AICTE from August 22 2022 to 27 August 2022.
- Participated 5 Days Faculty Development Program on theme “Inculcating UHV in Technical education” Organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 19th September to 23rd September 2022.
- Participated 30 Days course on “Data science 2.0” Master class Organized by Skill AP(APSSDC) from 20th September to 21st October 2022.
- Attended 12 week FDP on Programming in Java organised by the NPTEL-AICTE, IIT Madras.
- Participated 5 Days National level Faculty Development Program on Empirical data science and its implications, SRIT, Ananthapuramu from 3rd to 7th January 2023.
- Attended 8 week FDP on Cloud computing and Distributed systems organised by the NPTEL-AICTE,IIT Madras.
- Attended 12 week FDP on Cloud Computing organised by the NPTEL-AICTE,IIT Madras.
- Attended 12 week FDP on Joy of Computing using Python organised by the NPTEL-AICTE,IIT Madras.
- Attended 12 week FDP on Internet Of Things organised by the NPTEL-AICTE,IIT Madras.
- Attended 12 week FDP on Data Structures and algorithms using Java organised by the NPTEL-AICTE,IIT Madras.
- Attended 8 week FDP on Data Base Management System organised by the NPTEL-AICTE,IIT Madras.
- Participated 6 Days Faculty Development Program on “UHV-II” Organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 27th May to 01st June 2024.
- Participated 5 Days Professional Development Program on “Block Chain Technologies” Organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chennai from 3rd June to 7tt June 2024.
- Participated in 2 week National level workshop on Advanced Research Technology SRM, Chennai from 3rd July to 18tt July 2023.
- Participated in 5 Day Faculty Development Program on Emerging Technologies Dr MGR, Chennai from 7th August to 11th August 2023.
- Participated in 5 Day National level workshop on SPSS in Research Technology SRM, Chennai from 3rd July to 18tt July 2023.