MITS has secured NIRF India Ranking 2024 in the band 201 to 300.
Dr. Dipankar Roy

Qualification : Ph.D. (University of Pisa, Italy)

Designation : Professor & Head

Details of Educational Qualification:

Course Specialization Group College Name/University Year of Passing
Ph.D. Hydraulics Civil Engineering Leonardo Da Vinci School of Engineering,
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
M.Tech. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India 2006
B.Tech. Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Engineering Faculty of Agricultural Engineering,
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal,India.


My Publications

S.No Title of the Paper Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume No,  Page No, Date
1 Spatiotemporal Inter-comparison of WMO’s Gauge Adjusted Satellite Precipitation Product Over India Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (SCI )
2 Analysis of flooding and drying conditions through trend analysis of AMSR-E satellite soil moisture over the Himalayan Gandak river basin Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 25 (2), P 691-697.[Scopus]
3 Impact of Snow Dynamics in the Simulation of Hydrological Processes over the Alpine Himalayan Regions Journal of Mountain Science, Springer. 19(12): 3487-3502. DOI:  [SCI]
4 Development of Intensity–Duration–Frequency (IDF) Curve for Extreme Flood Evaluation for Holeta Town, Ethiopia Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and Surrounding Regions (3rd Edition). Springer Nature Switzerland. P. 701-703 [Scopus]
5 Entropy Weighted- Multi-Criteria Decision Making (E-MCDM) Approach for Erosion Area Prioritization: Case Study Over a Himalayan River basin Tech Approaches for Nutrients and Irrigation Water Management. Tayler & Francis CRC Press. [Scopus]
6 Investigating the potential of waste glass in paver block production using RSM. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 21508. (SCI-4.9)-Q1
7 Recycling glass waste into concrete aggregates: enhancing mechanical properties and sustainability. Asian J Civ Eng. (Scopus)
8 Optimization and prediction of paver block properties with ceramic waste as fine aggregate using response surface methodology. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 23416. (SCI-4.9)-Q1
9 Innovative approaches to sustainable construction: a detailed study of rice husk ash as an eco-friendly substitute in cement production. Discover Appl Sci 6, 597.
10 Evaluating the use of recycled fine aggregates in 3D printing: a systematic review. Discover Appl Sci 6, 630. (ESCI)
11 Enhancing the mechanical properties’ performances coconut fiber and CDW composite in paver block: multiple AI techniques with a Performance analysis. Sci Rep 14, 31886.
12 Thermal distribution of paver block with machine learning optimized design with alternative eco-friendly materials. Innov. Infrastruct. Solut. 10, 24.
13 Evaluation of SCBA-replaced cement for carbon credits and reduction in CO2 emissions. Discov Appl Sci 7, 114.
14 Scour due to crossing jets at fixed vertical angle January 2011, Vol.137(1), P 49-55, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000275, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 138 (4), P 390-391
15 Stilling basin erosion due to vertical crossing jets Journal of Hydraulic Research, 50(3), P 290-297.
16 Scour due to crossing jets at fixed vertical angle Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 137(1) P 49-55.
17 3D plunge pool scour with protection measures Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 4(3), P 225-233
18 Water balance simulation model for optimal sizing of on-farm reservoir in rainfed cropping system Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (Elsevier Science),65 (1), P 114-124.
19 Plunge pool scour with 3D protection structures 34th IAHR World Congress, Brisbane, Australia. June 26- July 1, 2011, P 2546-2553.
20 Analysis of scour characteristics in presence of aerated crossing jets 34th IAHR World Congress, Brisbane, Australia. June 26- July 1, 2011, P 2538-2545.
21 3D plunge pool scour profiles Proceedings of 2nd International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures, Pisa, Italy. August 2008, P 43-48.
22 Pressure distribution on plunge pool scour Proceedings of the 3rd IJREW on Hydraulic Structures, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 2010, P 75-84.
23 Effect of Jet Air Content on 3D Plunge Pool Scour Proceedings of 33rd International Association of Hydraulic Engineering & Research (IAHR) Biennial Congress. Vancouver, British Columbia. August 2009, P 3588-3595.


Design Patent:

  • Arekanti Raju, Dipankar Roy, Nakkeeran G. “ZIP LOCK INTERLOCKING BRICK” Patent No. 437599-001.- 17/11/2024.
  • Nakkeeran G., Dipankar Roy., “INTERLOCKED HEXAGONAL HOLLOW BLOCK” Patent No. 428578-001.- 13/12/2024.
  • K. Anitha., Nakkeeran G., Dipankar Roy., .Vyshnavi A. “GRIP-TITE INTERLOCKING BRICKS” Patent No. 428580-001.- 09/12/2024.
  • Golla Uday Kiran., Nakkeeran G., Dipankar Roy., Govardhan Naik B., “C-SHAPE INTERLOCKING PAVER BLOCK” Patent No. 427507-001.- 20/08/2024.
  • Indumathi M., Nakkeeran G., Dipankar Roy., “H-SHAPED INTERLOCKING PAVER BLOCK” Patent No. 429097-001.- 02/09/2024.
  • Govardhan Naik B., Nakkeeran G., Dipankar Roy., Golla Uday Kiran., “HEAD-FOOT INTERLOCKING PAVER BLOCK” Patent No. 427544-001.- 20/08/2024.