Registration Fee

Registration fee for the conference includes:


1. Registrations and conference program preparation.


2. Seminar kit and Conference Proceeding with ISBN No. (presenters only)


3. Authors are allowed to submit more than one paper with full payment for the first paper and additional 50% fee per each     additional paper, subject to the acceptance of the paper by the Board of reviewers.


4. Registered authors and other conference participants will receive the ICIMS-2014 proof of participation.


5. Lunch for two days for conference participants.


6. Tea and snacks during session breaks.


7. All other expenses of the conference such as accommodation, travel expenses, pick-up and drop, breakfast and dinner,     assistance for accommodation, post- conference tour are not covered in the  conference fees and  will be borne by the     authors or paper presenters and other participants.


8. Conference fee is non-refundable.




Fee Details :

All the participants of the conference have to pay a registration fee as per the following


MITS, INDIA                                                                          UNDER MITS  RESEARCH CENTRE           

Publishing Partners

Registration Fee

Per Participant

On or Before

7th February 2014


7th February 2014

Academicians  / Research Scholars

  Rs. 3000  

Rs. 4000

Corporate participants  

Rs. 5000

 Rs. 6000

Students  / Alumni / Listeners

Rs. 2000

 Rs. 3000

Overseas Participants  

$150 USD (Rs. 9300)

$ 200 USD (Rs. 12400)

Additional  Paper

Additional  50% of the registration fee per Paper

International Conference  on Innovative Management Strategies
Home Committee Call for Papers Registration Publication Date & Venue Visa Contact Us

7 - 8 March, 2014