Editorial Policy
MIJBR will publish both theoretical and empirical papers having potential to make a significant contribution to the Management practices. All the papers submitted to MIJBR for editorial consideration will be scrutinized through double blind peer review so as to ensure standard, quality and originality. MIJBR will endeavour to complete the review process within 2 weeks of the receipt of articles. Originality of all the selected articles will be ensured through appropriate software and an undertaking before publication
MITS Journal provides exclusive service to Journal Managers, Editors, Section Editors, Copy Editors, Layout Editors, Proof Readers, Subscription Managers, Reviewers, Readers (Subscribers and Individuals), Authors as well as Editor-In-Chief to get manuscripts scanned for plagiarism before publication. We provide this service to control Plagiarism and to encourage publication of genuine research work. All the papers submitted to MIJBR will be subjected to plagiarism test and the best quality papers only will be published in MIJBR. MIJBR provides one opportunity to the authors to modify the paper and resubmit to fit to the standards of MIJBR.